With the nerf to Ryu's normals, Mika's nerf it's official Chun Li's top top tier..
Who doesnt have a 300+ CC punish though? Especially when VT is active
With the nerf to Ryu's normals, Mika's nerf it's official Chun Li's top top tier..
What more can we say about the dead?
Irish whip they appear to fall faster. 2x dash EX peach no longer works, 1x dash EX peach works
Who doesnt have a 300+ CC punish though? Especially when VT is active
- st. LP is 4f (was 3f) and +4 oH (was +3)
- st. MP is +8 oH (was +7). links into st. MK
- cr. LP still 3f
- cr. HP is -6 oB (was -4)
- cr. MK is +3 oH (was +2). links into cr. LP
- TC pushback severely reduced. Very easy to punish now
- f+MP is 0 on hit and -8 oB (was +2/-2)
btw even with the Irish whip not bouncing midscreen I found some stuff:
passion press > M airplane = you can do a meaty cr. LP after that
passion press > EX airplane = meaty st./cr. MP works.
passion press > H airplane = you're negative but you land right in the opponent's face.
passion press > L airplane = you can whiff punish lights with st. HK
So basically you can still put the opponent into a mixup after passion press mid screen.
About her throw advantage:
forward throw = +3, no pressure after that
back throw = +12
forward throw on crouchers = still a huge advantage, you can dash and do a meaty f+HP after that
brimstone = still +2 after dash, can't do it twice in a row but you can go into typhoon after that
EX brimstone = +15, you can do EX brimstone > dash > L brimstone
typhoon = +11, in the corner you can do meaty f+HP after that
Some previously unmentioned changes nerfs courtesy of HDJammerz (i.e. someone from the UK who's actually had time with some recent-ish version of the game:
- V-Skill damage boost reduced -_-
- You know the situation where you try to anti-air with cr.MP but get hit and air reset but recover before your opponent and hit them first? Yeah, that's gone.
Advantage after throws (so it's settled once and for all):
forward throw: +3
forward throw on crouchers: +22
back throw: +11
Typhoon: +26
EX Typhoon: +15
Brimstone: +20
EX Brimstone: +20
Airplane: +19
EX Airplane: +19
So yes, you're still +2 after dash on Brimstone.
And yes, her command grabs are still better than Laura's.
And finally I think I misstimed myself, you can still do L Brimstone loops.
Evo top 8 wishlist:
One juri
One urien
One zangief
One Alex
One ibuki
One balrog
2 of the newcomers.
Infiltration suddenly gets P.T.S.DEvo Top 8 for me
All of one Season 2 character
The one season 2 character is Elena
40$? Did you mistype?no info on the new chars right?
capcom... I kinda qanna know what im getting into by spending 40$ on your season pass...
do we even get akuma's stage by buying the season pass?
I've been saying this for a while that even with the nerfs, she's still a solid character. She just has to play more honest to get her vortex game going.
And the v-skill nerf has to be some sort of running gag at the Capcom balance team or something.
I've been saying this for a while that even with the nerfs, she's still a solid character. She just has to play more honest to get her vortex game going.
40$? Did you mistype?
Also no, no stage. Just 5 of the assassins from F.A.N.G's former Guild.
check my edit.i should have precised that its 40 CADfuck our economy
Also what? I missed the former guild thing... You got more info?or are you just trolling you FANG loving weirdo
check my edit.
Well with names like these im buying dat season pass
thx capcom
tbh the only reason im buying it is for akuma's nostalgia costume because his new one looks like shit lol
The Nostalgia costume is separate. Though we don't know if it's a premium costume or can be purchased with FM.Each 2017 character comes with a Premium Battle costume with colors 3-10 unlocked. Additionally, Street Fighter® V 2017 Character Pass holders will receive an exclusive PS4 theme and default costume colors 3-10 for all Season 2 characters!
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm not sure how to tell you this.
I don't think the Nostalgia costume is actually part of the season pass.
jesus christ
good thing I asked before buying it... LOL
Then what's akuma premium costume? I thought it was the nostalgia one?
Is it the one where his eye has a mark? I thought that was the story one
Or I guess we still don't know because capcom doesnt like giving out info. Smh
It has the "fixed" face from the nostalgia costume and the lion's mane from the default. I love it.that battle outfit is worse than the story outfit.
Can't you do this with literally every character with a hcf command throw?Mika is still annoying until they nerf this
It has the "fixed" face from the nostalgia costume and the lion's mane from the default. I love it.
But as a costume that can only be acquired by paying, it's a bit shit tbh. Especially compared to his dope story outfit.
thanks luce for all the info
cant wait until I finish my finals on the 21th and start actually searching and knowing wtf is going on with s2 and sfv llol
Oh hey, that reminds me. I have a final in 12 and a half hours.
Fuck me.
Dang, that's rough. Just stay strong, and know that the SATSUI NO HADO will be waiting for you.I had 2 finals 2 weeks ago
3 finals last week
and i got 3 finals this week
Life is rough rn... Akuma will be there for me the 21th tho
Actually, I'm not that confident that she's still a solid character. cr.HP as a good approach tool is gone. Passion press as a viable footsie tool (one of her only good ones) is gone. Throws got nerfed all-around.
She's more honest now, but that is fundamentally counter to the way she was designed before. I think the fact that she's lost her strong mid-screen options means that she most certainly has gone down the tier list quite a bit compared to what we've been hearing about the rest of the cast.
Matchmaking has been a lot worse for me in the past week or two
It's quite slow for me atm yeah.Matchmaking has been a lot worse for me in the past week or two
Have to buy the Akuma nostalgia costume. Just don't feel the design on any of the others.
I had 2 finals 2 weeks ago
3 finals last week
and i got 3 finals this week
Life is rough rn... Akuma will be there for me the 21th tho
I had 2 finals 2 weeks ago
3 finals last week
and i got 3 finals this week
Life is rough rn... Akuma will be there for me the 21th tho
It uhhh..... the series had it's ups and downs.Only thing I remember about Bloody Roar is Uranus crouching throw is her humping you and moaning...
Wow lol, the Guile train has never been better.Another Guile change: Knee Bazooka is -3 point blank now (from -6 in S1).
Only thing I remember about Bloody Roar is Uranus crouching throw is her humping you and moaning...
8 finals? I don't understand. Seems excessive.
just finished mine
Unless you're specifically referring to the charged st.hk xx st.lp xx command throw? Cause that is just an integral part of the character.