Agree with you guys. Leaks can certainly create some hype on their own but a good ol' fashioned reveal is always preferred.
Agree with you guys. Leaks can certainly create some hype on their own but a good ol' fashioned reveal is always preferred.
Bamboe starts to activate the lag switch every time he's in a dizzy state. And after loosing he refuses to do a rematch when he accepted them after he wins.
Yeah leaks can spoil the fun sometimes, Akuma was such a nice surprise.
I wanna pop off when OUTTA NOWHERE Dan gets revealed lol
Why don't Presidents fight the war, why do they always send the poor?Last night, all I did during the election results was just play ranked (poorly btw) while blaring my edgy childhood Spotify playlist, full of System of a Down and The Offspring lol
Ahhhh Salt.Its called SALT
And after loosing he refuses to do a rematch when he accepted them after he wins.
Its called SALT
But.... if you are improving then you'll be able to rank up even further.I only run with the points if I get promoted to a new league after winning the first match of a set, and only because I want to be able to practice with people in higher leagues via Casual Match rather than being stuck on the edge of two ranks and never improving.
But.... if you are improving then you'll be able to rank up even further.
Honestly, you all care about points way too much IMO. Unless the connection was poo-poo, I never deny anyone a runback. It just seems rude, plus I feel like it's more fun when you both have gotten an idea of each other's idiosyncrasies and playstyle and so the match feels more "even" than it was before.
they could just be trying to think of what happened throughout the last match lolI also don't like it when the opponent is clearly paying attention on the other end but lets the timer go down to 0 while I'm waiting on another match. I don't know if they think they're making me feel salty or what, but stop wasting both my time and yours. If you don't want to play another match, just end the battle.
I wanna pop off when OUTTA NOWHERE Dan gets revealed lol
they could just be trying to think of what happened throughout the last match lol
There's that for when they let the timer count down to 2 or something before accepting the rematch, but for it to go all the way? Be courteous and end it and then think about whatever when you don't have someone else waiting on you.
But.... if you are improving then you'll be able to rank up even further.
Honestly, you all care about points way too much IMO. Unless the connection was poo-poo, I never deny anyone a runback. It just seems rude, plus I feel like it's more fun when you both have gotten an idea of each other's idiosyncrasies and playstyle and so the match feels more "even" than it was before.
But.... if you are improving then you'll be able to rank up even further.
Honestly, you all care about points way too much IMO. Unless the connection was poo-poo, I never deny anyone a runback. It just seems rude, plus I feel like it's more fun when you both have gotten an idea of each other's idiosyncrasies and playstyle and so the match feels more "even" than it was before.
I don't care about points (heck, I lost almost 2000 points while learning Alex and didn't bat an eye) but I want to get matched up with better players in Casual (where I do most of my fighting) and unfortunately that necessitates being in higher leagues. I've only ever ran with the points twice; once after reaching Ultra Silver vs. a known ragequitter and once after reaching Gold cuz it was 3AM and I knew I'd choke if I kept playing P:
I haven't played in 2 months, and of course I get matched up against Flux. :/
They revealed that silhouette picture and gave all the names before putting up the season pass for sale so I wouldn't expect anything different this time.They need to reveal Season 2 roster to sell Season pass right? I mean they cant just say. "Akuma,Sagat and 5 more characters" or something?
They need to reveal Season 2 roster to sell Season pass right? I mean they cant just say. "Akuma,Sagat and 5 more characters" or something?
Yep. Wasn't really very good to begin with; taking a 2-month break didn't help any with my execution.Ha, were you Sieffre? GGs.
anyone recall when the season 1 stuff was announced compared to released?
anyone recall when the season 1 stuff was announced compared to released?
We're gonna get that Ed kid for sure.
Thx for joining to #RedBullBattleGrounds @redbullesports ! I had awesome time! Somehow Blanka's pocket has something remains. ;P See u at CC
They make him another shoto.
Then they announce Sagat, Sakura, Dan and Sean for S2.
He has pyscho power... so I would probably see him having more Bison moves or maybe even Rose.
I just hope they don't try to use his story mode character model... looks terrible compared to how Bengus actually drew him.
I'm really looking forward to another top tier shoto next season. And yes, do bring in 5 more of them please.
Nice leak Kappa
This is probably old news, but Eisbahn and the Secret Delta are from Otoren, the same Capcom mobile game that Zangiefs battle outfit is from.
Hes not a secret original newcomer after all.
I'm really looking forward to another top tier shoto next season. And yes, do bring in 5 more of them please.
It's not a real magazine, just a fake comic book cover.Aha
Is it possible to read this magazine nowadays?
Can't win anything suddenly. What I noticed in Platinum right now is that the meta game is to always just walk back. Beats any normal pressure and walks you out of throw range. And almost no character has good long range low hitting blockstrings.
And since jumping isn't too hard you just try to not get into the corner and let your opponent hang himself. It feels brutal sometimes.
Man, it people doing that in lower ranks too. It's such a weak fighting style to fight against.
This is a fighting game. Stop running and scrap!