Yeah. This game really is perhaps the most pad friendly fighting game out there.have you done all the other characters too? that's crazy. i use the sticks on the ds4 too, but i don't have the patience to master all those combos.
I may be wrong here but from experience against Bison, I felt like only the EX version tracked and the rest just tracked my position when they leave the ground so I could move in front or backwards and have it not land.Bison's headstomp feels like it does not track as well. Opponent does not move and I land in front of them.
I did all 10 of them on a ds4. Using the analog stick
I guess it's just me then. I can't get the air fireballs or the jump consistently.
I did them all with x360 dpad...have you done all the other characters too? that's crazy. i use the sticks on the ds4 too, but i don't have the patience to master all those combos.
I guess it's just me then. I can't get the air fireballs or the jump consistently.
Yeah it is kinda shocking, I'll get used to it too, but he's so slow though.
I was hoping they would fix this.
Basically, Ken's sHK hits low enough to bypass Gief's armor during his sHP which leads to a CC. For comparison, his cLP gets absorbed. Karin is also still capable of this. Necalli's USED to do this as well in S1, but it no longer does since they specifically nerfed the hitbox for his sHK in S2. Laura is another character that has a sHK that hits about "waist-high" but it never bypassed Gief's armor like that even in S1. This is SO annoying in those MUs and it's disappointing they didn't change Ken's and Karin's sHK hitbox so that it doesn't hit so low resulting in this fuckery.
have you done all the other characters too? that's crazy. i use the sticks on the ds4 too, but i don't have the patience to master all those combos.
Yo, there are actual character stats on the new CFN site:
Nerf Bison!
Do the fireball motion(236) but end in upforward(2369), then press punch as soon as you see the jumping animation start.are you doing it while jumping forward? or if you activated your v-trigger, while jumping forward or backward?
what i do is jump and then do a hadouken motion in the air, it seems easy to me. release the stick in between jumping and the fireball input.
I use a stick, but did everybody's trials on a pad just to see if I could. Haven't tried Akuma yet.
Gief was hardest for me on a pad.
For the air fireballs, try doing the shortcut for those types of moves.
Do a DP motion while on the ground, then forward+up then press the punch buttons. The fireball should come out as soon as possible.
It's pretty much what Chun players and Dhalsim Players do too for the IAL and air teleport respectively.
are you doing it while jumping forward? or if you activated your v-trigger, while jumping forward or backward?
what i do is jump and then do a hadouken motion in the air, it seems easy to me. release the stick in between jumping and the fireball input.
Are the servers steady enough atm to do FM related stuff?
Can't remember the trial exactly, but the neutral jump might be the issue. In normal conditions, Akuma can only throw air fireballs while forward jumping.I'm doing neutral jump, and there's no v trigger in the 7th trial.
I'm on dpad btw
I'm assuming rage quitting will be down drastically?
I'm assuming rage quitting will be down drastically?
Doesn't say but by the way it looks I would think it takes every match into account, from Rookie to Master. V-League has two for top 100 and top 10,000 and they look pretty different:
Looked into getting all the outfits for my main, but it's $12 total. Why, Capcom, why? At least they're not stuck behind loot boxes, I guess.
Yeah he's seriously considering Guile and Urien. I hope he goes back to Guile.
Reclaim your Guile emperor throne Daigo.
I know the top 100 one sucks, but that wasn't your question lolI def would not trust the top 100 one, cause it has several weird cases due to some matchups having very few samples. and some cases having no matches at all! (at a glance, Juri-Vega and Ken-Laura which is odd for two popular launch characters)
hell it has a 10-0 (Urien-Balrog) cause it only has 3 matches and Urien won them all (which in top 10000 is a 5.6)
top 10000 looks more reasonable
At least there are 3 of them.
Do they at least come with all of colors?
Why is Juri considered to be bad?
Make said armor function with the same rules as standing blocking if it loses to lows.I don't know how fixable is this without building a special exception list for Zangief's HP
cause Ken and Karin need their kicks to hit low enough and Zangief needs to be hittable low enough
disclaimer: I main Zangief
Yup. All premium costume purchases come with colours 1-10 unlocked and all characters purchased come with colours 1-10 unlocked for their default costume.
Makes sense to me based on what I already know about her. Thanks!The way I see it is the fact she needs to essentially charge her moves. In 4 she had a strong mix of defensive and offensive moves to use. You could play a Juri that could be always in your face or backdash away and zone you out with her normal and anti-air fireballs.
But now she has to take it a little slower and has to give the opponent time to breathe in order to recharge her moves if she wants a bigger damage output. Her zoning has also been weakened since her fireball only hits low and needs to be charged first.
I don't play Juri, those thoughts are just from my experience in 4 and playing with and against her in 5.
Her zoning has also been weakened since her fireball only hits low and needs to be charged first.
Akuma's F.HP can OTG.
Wait what. I just finished downloading the 9.7GB patch on Steam, and now it's doing another 5.5GB update. Are you having a laugh?
hope Daigo switches to Urien
I need me some robotic crazy combos with Urien in competitions
Daigo Illumihara
The 5.5 GB update is for the Story DLC. I believe if you just uncheck it, the download will go away. Though you won't be able to play general story mode without it.
Akuma's F.HP can OTG.
Video detailing some of the Juri changes and how this affects her gameplay
For the 2 juri players in existence who might see this
Yeah, it's some weird thing where it's downloading the entire modified file. If you don't need it anymore then you can just uncheck the story mode dlc from steam and not download it.I've already downloaded and played through the story mode though.
Are R. Mika's holiday costume colors floating around anywhere? I want to see if it is worth it (especially if there is an alt version that has the hat removed or something)
He really is.I just want to go home and play akuma lol
He's such a puzzle