The shit Bison can do after EX Blast to Psycho Axe is craaaazy. Off a CC a combo ending with that does like 540 stun, and he can easily keep the pressure afterwards.
Broke through 800 points last night! I know that's super low but after struggling to get into Bronze it feels like a real achievement. There are so many super aggressive players at this level and it can be really frustrating but I'm finding that patience and sticking to fundamentals in the face of some dude spamming combos at me is working. Hoping to rank up again this weekend.
With the DP changes you may want to switch, yeah.Is there any point to me learning Cammy? She's probably my favorite SF character overall and was the first character I ever mained in a fighting game (ST/HDR). Thing is, hit-confirms are not a strength of mine and I play too much ground defense to use a dive kick character properly. I'm better at getting you to jump at me than I am at making a good offensive jump read myself, if that makes sense.
Is there any point to me learning Cammy? She's probably my favorite SF character overall and was the first character I ever mained in a fighting game (ST/HDR). Thing is, hit-confirms are not a strength of mine and I play too much ground defense to use a dive kick character properly. I'm better at getting you to jump at me than I am at making a good offensive jump read myself, if that makes sense.
I am feasting on the flood of Akuma, but still don't know how to fight the grapplers + Cammy with him.
I am starting to V-Skill Cammy's divekick, that seems to be huge.
I need it.
It probably wasn't nearly ready but they showed off the art for this and the nostalgia costumes because at big tournaments and conventions Capcom is expected to show off something for SFV and they probably didn't have anything ready.
Also, they are probably releasing things piecemeal so people have a reason to jump back into SFV every month.
DoA 5 has had like 4-5 $92 season passes based on costumes alone with a sprinkle of new characters and stages here and there.
there should be a larger variety of costumes with more price tiers. sell color palettes like crazy with FM/RM. accessories, all that crap. People love that shit, me included. I have a feeling they are working towards accessories with all this being able to take off clothing pieces and such.
We can have scuba diver akumer in SFV one day.
Are you trying Casual? I'm guessing most people are still there testing out their characters.
Or the game is dead. Who knows.
The neatest tech I've seen was Cool Kid's safe stun gun headbutts in the corner, but this is wild looking. I didn't know that the opponent is still in a backwards state even if he blocks the HP chop. Unfortunately it looks terribly unsafe to do when you consider the frame data.
Yep:On steam, the game has had a significant boost in players since the patch. More than it's seen in months.
DOA is a game for a specific audience, though.
That's all fighting games. I think it would be folly to call fighting games something for the general population.
Nice boost.
Low stamina character can have issues against heavy hitters. Understand how to approach him. Akuma has the tools.
Is Mika the only character in this game who can't punish blocked mid-distance sweeps without meter?
I would have bought the Halloween alt for Alex if they'd just removed the wings in the button press variant. I'm not a fan of how they flop around constantly.there should be a larger variety of costumes with more price tiers. sell color palettes like crazy with FM/RM. accessories, all that crap. People love that shit, me included. I have a feeling they are working towards accessories with all this being able to take off clothing pieces and such.
We can have scuba diver akumer in SFV one day.
Ah coolOn steam, the game has had a significant boost in players since the patch. More peak concurrent users than it's seen in months.
Actually, backdrop in SF5 has nothing to do with a "back state". If you cancel HP chop or Sledgehammer with HCB+P, it will always be backdrop if it grabs them. Even if they're facing you.
It's not like SF3 where you could jump behind someone, do a powerbomb, and it becomes backdrop.
You're right, Mika is trash.
Wow Balrog is a scary match up for Akuma.
Don't get hit.
Lol yeah, I had a rog absolutely roll over me this morning. Wasn't fun.Wow Balrog is a scary match up for Akuma.
Don't get hit.
Guessing this is probably something weird w/ Rashid's hurtbox they need to fix.So, this happened with Akumer at the tournament today, in grand final of all places:
So, this happened with Akumer at the tournament today, in grand final of all places:
Is Mika the only character in this game who can't punish blocked mid-distance sweeps without meter?
They nerfed the slide?
What else could she do in S1?No, the slide has always been too slow to punish any blocked sweep. Mika's only answer for those situations is EX Peach now.
No, the slide has always been too slow to punish any blocked sweep. Mika's only answer for those situations is EX Peach now.
Walk forward a tiny bit and clap/mkWhat else could she do in S1?
Speaking of stages, was there ever a mod to completely remove all the NPC models from the stages? They would all look a million times better without character models.
There was but one of the recent updates broke it. Don't know if the mod was updated.
Yeah that first clip is all kinds of wtf lol. 2nd always happens to me also with EX dp in the corner.first clip is weird
last clip happens to almost every character when you try to EX dp in the corner for some reason
Oh! So she went from the best sweep punish in the game to the worst?!Walk forward a tiny bit and clap/mk
What else could she do in S1?
I would have thought it worked for at least mid distance
So, this happened with Akumer at the tournament today, in grand final of all places:
What do you mean by punish? Urien gets sMK or crMK at best against longer sweeps.Is Mika the only character in this game who can't punish blocked mid-distance sweeps without meter?
What do you mean by punish? Urien gets sMK or crMK at best against longer sweeps.
Her sMK is that short?That's a punish.