Why does the game basically become unresponsive after a couple of minutes (PC version) after getting the S2 pass?
It's getting like 0fps like 75% of the time, wtf
Have you tried to disable it in the list of DLC for SFV?
Why does the game basically become unresponsive after a couple of minutes (PC version) after getting the S2 pass?
It's getting like 0fps like 75% of the time, wtf
Yeah that's the way I like to to see it to, but having an option would be nice from when I'm not feeling it lolOnline without character select is basically a training tool to see if you can solve a hard matchup or counter someone trying their answer.
Pocket Sagat and Ryu.This is what I've been trying to say but you said it far more eloquently.
Did people have counterpicks lined up in SF4? Pretty sure people did in Super, and while it matters more in those games, it's still an edge in this one.
Pocket Sagat and Ryu.
I really don't understand the nerf to charge moves.
They halved the input window for doing the last motion+button for charge specials so urien f+mp xx tackle feels impossibleWhat is the nerf exactly? Saw something mentioned in the patch notes but I didnt really understand.
Ucchedavāda;227131375 said:Have you tried to disable it in the list of DLC for SFV?
It might feel like this, but it usually the other way around, like, the characters people complained about the most for getting nerfed through the beta were Ryu, Ken, Nash and Cammy. There were even some complaints about Mika and Nically losing some stuff! Capcom sure lucked out when they ignored the complaints and went through with the nerfs...I'm still convinced Capcom has no idea how to actually balance, and everything they got right in season 1 was a happy accident.
They halved the input window for doing the last motion+button for charge specials so urien f+mp xx tackle feels impossible
Seriously, FANG and Rashid need a half-decent costume ASAP.All right, I've put 4$ into my wallet which is exclusively for 1 premium costume.
Now all Capcom needs to do is a make a good female character in S2 that I like and release a great premium costume for her, or release a dope costume for F.A.N.G
Whichever comes first.
Back, HP.
Back, HP.
Yeah. It use to 12f to finish it, now it's 6f. It's noticeable trying to do tackle resets with Urien.Maybe it's because I just woke up, but I'm still a little confused. So pretty much there's less time to input the charge special before it loses it's charge?
I didn't really notice anything in training with Guile last night. Also I see they made Guile's s.lk special cancelable but I don't see how that's possible.
I think Capcom throws darts at the wall to decide buffs and nerfs
They halved the input window for doing the last motion+button for charge specials so urien f+mp xx tackle feels impossible
You can get 13 levels per character for doing basic stuff (watch tutorial vid, do story mode + easy survival) right off the bat.I just started playing last night, I was wondering what the deal was with players who are level 200+ but are still in Rookie or Bronze?
Also, any tips for improving lag on PC aside from raising the bars matched with to 5? I keep getting throwaway matches because people just teleport all over the place.
I'm on stick, I can get LK tackle but Headbutt is way easier. It sucks I lost fMP xx EX tackle.I think they just use a random frame data generator.
You can get it to combo consistently by sliding your hand really fast from mp to kick of your choice. It's as fast as a regular double tap input. So you can either drum your fingers or slide across whichever is more comfortable. It's not too bad once you get the timing. I just don't get the change in general. No one asked for it, no one wanted it, it makes no sense, so of course they did it.
Your ranking and league is based off of your LP which is gained/reduced by playing ranked mode.I just started playing last night, I was wondering what the deal was with players who are level 200+ but are still in Rookie or Bronze?
Also, any tips for improving lag on PC aside from raising the bars matched with to 5? I keep getting throwaway matches because people just teleport all over the place.
Speaking of Akuma clicking, he is now for me too. I can hit this combo in a real match, the nerves are gone.
Haha, yup.That FADC tho, lol.
Xian wants season 1 FANG back lol: https://twitter.com/XianMSG/status/812550977731473409
Didn't know it was that bad.
Some characters suffer too hard in specific matchups while excelling in others. Du for example had Mika and Guile, he used Guile vs specific characters and players.
Trying to make 1 character work vs the entire roster is trying to use a hammer when every match isn't a nail.
What are Cammy's bad match-ups?
I'm thinking Birdie, Alex, Dictator?any one else?
I'm on stick, I can get LK tackle but Headbutt is way easier. It sucks I lost fMP xx EX tackle.
Charge change probably due to input overlaps with mixed characters or something.
Birdie, Gief and Alex imo
I can agree with these.Dictator?
Anyone else frequently getting disconnected from the server?
The servers are ass right now. Have been since Season 2 dropped, IMO.
You're not wrong.The servers are ass right now. Have been since Season 2 dropped, IMO.
Speaking of Akuma clicking, he is now for me too. I can hit this combo in a real match, the nerves are gone.
And then there was this last night, but sadly not enough life left for the DP into CA!!! was heartbroken lol
See, these are the types of combos I wouldn't even think of doing. Good shit.
The servers are ass right now. Have been since Season 2 dropped, IMO.
It can, I just messed up the timing for the launcher kick. Lucky for me his was mashing MPThe second one didn't even combo though.