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Street Fighter V |OTVI| The More I Know, The Worse I Play

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It's getting more an more pathetic though, the complaints are nonsensical and from people who clearly were never or will never be interested.

Yup i deduced it down to people with agendas wanting a super SFV so Capcom can try to bring it over to Xbox One since its not the original SFV and try to jump over a contract hurdle. Same people in every thread its easy just to get a ps4 or pc that simple.


Got this for Christmas what is a good character to start with?


Play through story mode or character stories to get a feel for each character. You will probably find a few that are to your liking and then we can help you to get better with said character.

If you play another fighting game, tell us your mains and we might be able to tell you who's similar to your play style.


Play through story mode or character stories to get a feel for each character. You will probably find a few that are to your liking and then we can help you to get better with said character.

If you play another fighting game, tell us your mains and we might be able to tell you who's similar to your play style.

i forgot story mode even existed definitely play story as it goes through the majority of characters


I've been getting my ass handed to me a lot as Akuma, still don't know what the heck his gameplan is. Chuck fireballs? RTSD? Mix-ups? He really can't play footsies with his stubby ass normals, so what?

Make them afraid to anti air with air fireballs, then alternate between air fireball jumps and regular ones, and maybe divekick.

Don't jump constantly however bc they can just dash under your jump in or air frieball and punish fully when you land. Play neutral with largely fireballs, baits, and st. mk buffered into light tatsu. Use your other buttons like st. hk sweep, crm. mk, or st. hp occasionally to check them at other ranges/heights however.

When you knock them down or get them to block, pressure with cr. mp (+3 on block), cr. hp (+3 on block, basically akuma's version of nash's cr hp), throws, fwd hp (+1 on block, +4 on hit, goes into cr. lp and hopes lows and throws), and lows like cr. mk or cr lk occasionally when they start walking back. Use st. mk when you hit confirm so you can link into lk tatsu safely into damage. Sometimes you can get away with a demon flip reset, in which case you should be very careful with his dive kick out of it (if hits above at least waist level it's probably not safe) and mix it up between your options.

Anti-air with back hp into fireball/red fireball/parry kick xx Demon flip palm (leads to the best oki out of all of these), DP, cr. hp, or jab if you want to relive season 1. Make them afraid to jump in and go back to neutral atferwards.
Updated the OP with the all the current pricing.
There seems to be a big difference between UK/EU and US psn prices, the current deluxe edition is basically 60$ in EU/UK, while being 80$ in the US.

Also steam prices seem to be on par with US psn except for the 2016 character pass price which is cheaper on steam.
I don't think I've seen a single other Mika online since the patch dropped. Loooooooots of Akuma (of course), Ryu and Bison though.

I've run into surprisingly few Uriens as well. Figured I'd fight a few more considering he got buffs out the wazoo.


Unconfirmed Member
Urien got better but I don't think he's gonna be insane in S2. The S1 top tiers like Chun, Ryu, and Cammy might still be at the top lol
I don't know man. He kinda has it all now. Movement speed, damage, good amount of health, pressure, zoning, range, more combos now and great comeback potential every single round.
He's is pretty damn good.

And cr.mk being +2 now is the funniest change.

I don't think I've seen a single other Mika online since the patch dropped. Loooooooots of Akuma (of course), Ryu and Bison though.

I've run into surprisingly few Uriens as well. Figured I'd fight a few more considering he got buffs out the wazoo.
Yeah, Mika is pretty much dead. I think I see more Bisons, Dhalsims and Balrogs now. Akuma has already died down a bit.


Unconfirmed Member
Javits post so much good stuff, it's almost a little wasted on Twitter.

I've copied it together:
A lot of people are having trouble fighting Laura because they don't understand how her mixup routes work. I'll give some tips to help out:

Command grab: it was 6 frames in Season 1 and now it's 5F, deals more damage, and builds more meter. It's her riskiest option and ends mixup
It ends the mixup because she's +13 on the knockdown and if she follows up with a meaty, she loses her turn on block. She's -4 if she dashes
Your best options if you get command thrown are to block for up to 4 frames & walk away, backdash, or jumpaway. She can't go for throw again
If Laura throws or command throws you again after a command throw, you have to accept that you made the wrong decision of blocking too long.
They buffed her EX command throw/any command throw in VT (including EX) to be +15.

She's still -2 if she dashes but gains a +1 meaty elbow.
After EX command throw (or VT command grabs) it's still best to block for a few frames THEN jump or backdash. Take the +1 then jump+throw OS
After Ex command throw, she can also Ex command throw again because it beats wake up 3F jabs but she needs meter for that and it's high risk
So I would say for post-command throw defense, you should jump + throw OS 70% of the time and just hold up the other 30%. Make her afraid!
Tomorrow I'll resume explaining how to defend vs Laura. Right now I'm enjoying myself at a Christmas party :)
OK I'm resuming with the tips on how to defend vs Laura. Yesterday I covered command throws, today I will cover defense after normal throws.
Laura's forward throw knockdown frame advantage (+17) & knockdown distance didn't change but they lowered the damage, stun and meter build.
She has a 17F dash so if she dashes in to throw, she's 0 at best. Wake up light attacks from any character (including 4F) will beat throws.
Her EX command throw was changed from 19F startup to 18F. Due to this change, she can no longer forward throw & immediately ex command throw
In order to ex command throw successfully after a forward throw, she has to manually delay it by 1 frame. It is hard to do this consistently
Her step elbow (toward+HP) changed to 17F startup (was 18F) so now it hits on 2nd active frame making it -1 on block +5 on hit after f.throw
These changes mean her meaty attack after f. throw became better but her throw option became worse. I suggest you block more and take the -1
If she dashes up to stand LP after f. throw, nothing has changed about this. You can still trade with your own 3F or air reset with backdash
She only has 2 normal attacks that keep in her throw range.
stand LK: +3 on block/+4 on hit
crouch LK +1 on block (was -2)/+2 on hit
Her command throw is now 5F (was 6F). Some setups changed & important to note that if she hits you st.LK, her command throw will whiff now.
Now on to her backthrow:
Damage, stun, meter build, and frame advantage were all reduced. She was +19 and is now +16 (-1 if she dashes in).
With her backthrow, she lost the ability to dash up and be at +1 frame advantage but she gained ability to instant ex command throw or f+HP.
Ex command throw immediately after backthrow will beat wake up 3F jabs and f+HP also but it's -2 on block
Defend backthrow like S1 F. throw

Moving on to Bolt charges:
LP Bolt has 4 active frames (had 3)
MP Bolt follow ups are +18 (K ender was +17 & P ender +9)
HP Bolt = same
After HP Bolt, Laura is +17 so defend it exactly the way you would vs her forward throw. She doesn't get any special setups from HP Bolt.
LP Bolt's new active frame gave her the ability to be +1 on block/+5 on hit/+7 on counter hit after EX command throw or any VT command throw
The combination of extra active frame on LP Bolt and the +15 advantage on EX command throw/any VT command throw is one of her biggest buffs.
After EX / any VT command throw, I suggest block more often & occasionally invincible reversal since they're likely going for meaty LP bolt.
It's good to mixup quick rising with no recovery option so that you force the Laura player to adjust their mixups. Try to stay unpredictable
MP Bolt charge: Previously Laura players mostly used the K ender because it was +17 and did not switch sides while P ender was +9 & switched
Now Laura is +18 on both MP Bolt follow ups so treat it like Season 1 back throw. She will most likely dash up because she will be at +1
After MP Bolt follow ups, she cant instantly Ex command throw or meaty HP elbow anymore. She has to manually delay EX command throw 2 frames
I meant to say f+HP not HP elbow (Bolt Charge) in the previous tweet. She has to manually delay that also by 1 frame after MP Bolt Charge.

Having to manually delay auto pilot setups makes them much more inconsistent.
Post MP Bolt Charge mixups are much more difficult now.
After MP Bolt Charge, Laura is now most likely going to always attempt dash up stand LP because it beats backdash and wake up jab. Know this
When she dashes in after MP Bolt+K ender, she is not point blank range but still in throw range
If you block jab, you're out of throw range
MP Bolt +P follow up (the side switch one) leaves her closer so if she dashes in, she's also +1 but at point blank range. She CAN tick throw
Overall, her MP Bolt+P ender is better for setups now and the only downside is the side switch. She can do this now: https://twitter.com/jav1ts/status/811792846118420480
That's it for anti Laura tips today. I covered normal throws and Bolt Charges.
I'll end with a general rule that applies to all her mixups.
General rule vs ALL Laura mixups:
Jump + throw OS forces her to command grab more or leave gaps in her frame traps to catch prejump frames
If you feel you've conditioned her to start attempting command throws, you should risk raw neutral jumps & get a big combo. Make her scared!
If you feel you've conditioned her to open up the gaps in her blockstrings to catch your jump + throw OS, go for reversal light attacks.
In fighting games, conditioning opponents is not one sided.
As the defender, you can condition your opponent to go for certain options too.

Give that man a follow.
I wish you could send GGs to people you've played.
Just met (and ranked up) a Birdie in ranked, who ended the final round by command-throwing me 3 times in a row, and then a meaty into CA when I tried to get out the fourth time. I felt pretty stupid after that.

Also, have the rage-quit icons been removed for anyone else? I suddenly don't see them any more, neither for myself nor for my opponents, and I haven't had any disconnects since I played earlier today.


I still play Mika. :< I'm too used to the rhythm of her combos and mixups. Playing with her for so long has ruined my already meager SF skills unfortunately.. I'm having occasional trouble pulling a simple DP from Akuma lol. Or it might be the dpad on my DS3...


The fact that they said they'd deal with AA jabs and then proceeded to just keep them in the game is starting to completely sour me on season 2. -_-
The fact that they said they'd deal with AA jabs and then proceeded to just keep them in the game is starting to completely sour me on season 2. -_-

The only light normals that are still legitimately good AAs and not just situational are F.A.N.G's st.lp and Chun's st.lk. And even they can be stuffed easily.

All others aren't as good anymore. They were never going to remove them completely, just make it so that a jab doesn't always win out against a jump in and get you a mixup for practically nothing.


The only light normals that are still legitimately good AAs and not just situational are F.A.N.G's st.lp and Chun's st.lk. And even they can be stuffed easily.

All others aren't as good anymore. They were never going to remove them completely, just make it so that a jab doesn't always win out against a jump in and get you a mixup for practically nothing.

Nah, I'm not seeing it. Tons of characters still have AA jabs that are their most consistent AA option.
The Alex tech is just stuff I saw from James retweeting it. Dunno if it matters or not :/

As for Urien, his buttons are good but he's still slow as fuck. And you can bait out his setups real easy like. Most people have issue with his VT stuff, but if you know the ranges of the most common ones and don't get trapped in a corner that's a big tool swapped away from him.

He's still great, probably top ten easy, but some of my friends think he's unbeatable because I'm plus after an EX shoulder tackle so I jab them, but it's 4f so anyone with a 3f normal can beat me iirc.

Nah, I'm not seeing it. Tons of characters still have AA jabs that are their most consistent AA option.

What characters?

And that's probably not a character's best AA option because it doesn't lead into any damage. Nowadays characters can juggle you and punish you hard for that shit, which is why those work better as an AA option over just jabbing - it's free damage and they have to stop hopping or start eating it more.
If that happened to me, I would honestly just be sitting there like this for about half an hour.



Most Kens I'm fighting online have transitioned to mashing DP on wakeup to mashing it after block stun. It seems like no matter what you do to DPs, Kens will find a way.


Juri's combos are so fun, long too!

Looks like we are using the same characters, my man. Spill the beans. You are talking combos off charged V Skill? Off that new f&FP juggle launcher? The cancel off first of MK? Tell me!! I was in the lab with her and Akuma legit all day after my kids opened their presents at 7am.
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