Thanks again man, was fun playing. Gotta learn her some more. I've got so much work to do with her.
She's alot of work. but man is she enjoyable to play, even more so with the S2 changes.
Here's some small stuff you can try out:
- If you finish any combo with the Light version Raida, you can dash forward once and get a meaty if they quick rise, don't remember exact frame advantage. MK and MP are perfect here.
- If you stun them, this is a nice and damaging combo; J.HP -> Cr.HP -> Release all kunai as a cancel( You charge them just before you jump) -> Ex Raida/super if you have full meter. If you're in the corner, delay the super a little or you will just slide right under them. With V-trigger you can do a lot more fun stuff.
- Frwrd MK, the overhead, gives you +3 frame advantage on-hit if used by itself, but +6 if used in the MP - Frwrd.MK target combo. You saw me doing this alot. It's also just -2 on block.