Anybody on right now that wants to play? Im on West Coast.
Really, though, and just IMO... I think there should be more ways to defend yourself besides MAYBE having a metered reversal (some chars still don't have them... so they didn't really fix anything).
That's what V Reversals are for. Very underrated tool in this game, even still IMO. It's especially good since the white life it causes is super dangerous with the recovery nerf.
I'm down. What's your tag?
I'm happy with how it is. Though I've always had to use meter to get a reversal so now that everyone else has to do the same thing it's fine by me lol.
GGs tragic.
Game started desyncing like crazy towards the end.
Ok I'm calling it, Nash is dead.
Capcom can be so fucking stupid overlooking the overall balance of SFV. "Let's nerf Alex as he wasen't good to begin with" "Oh Hi there Birdie, let's make your EX Bullhorn Safe on block with Armor and abuse it like an idiot"
Yeah, I noticed that. It was super crazy! LOL!
I can't get over how goddamn braindead Ryus are online, and why it always seems to work. Every single knockdown leads to a meaty setup, and all they do is hold forward/jump/dash and go on the offensive with his amazing buttons and throws. Those dashes especially make me think he's just a bit too fast for how good his buttons/damage are.
I just block unless they prove they're willing to go for a throw me like 3 times in a row.
Every Ryu I've fought goes in for the dash grabs immediately once they realize I'm blocking a couple hits, and then back to the offense.
SFV server continues to be shit from Sydney. Cant log on at all.
Because he was good but not great in S1 and other characters got better.
I'm happy with how it is. Though I've always had to use meter to get a reversal so now that everyone else has to do the same thing it's fine by me lol.
Is there any way to know how many ranked wins you have?
Is there any way to know how many ranked wins you have?
Because he was good but not great in S1 and other characters got better.
I've always wanted to play charge characters since third strike but i have absolutely no fucking clue how to play them.
Most of the times i just lose my charge and i panic
The only system-wide balance change I dislike is the white life nerf. Everything else is pretty good and I've almost never played meterless reversal using characters, so waiting my turn seems perfectly natural.Personally speaking, I think it's a bad thing. Then again, I didn't think S1 was a shining example either (only 4 chars with meterless reversals???). I would prefer everyone to have meterless reversals so that offense / lockdown / and setplay aren't the primary thing in the game. It would be nice to have actual options other than "hold that".
DP's were already heavily punishable. They have Crush Counter. You already got wrecked for having your meterless reversal blocked. Now you lose meter AND get CC'ed. It makes no sense. White life nerfed too... what's the end game here? White life nerf should only have happened with EVERYONE getting some meterless reversal. Now you get a huge chunk of white life (which almost never EVER comes back) and you have no way out without meter....
... ok.
It's not an elegant solution. It doesn't even make sense.
Really, though, and just IMO... I think there should be more ways to defend yourself besides MAYBE having a metered reversal (some chars still don't have them... so they didn't really fix anything).
Getting in as Alex requires more meter now imo, but I don't hate how he gets in. If you use it properly (particularly against fireball characters) his EX stomp either puts your opponent in knockdown state or it leaves you right in front of them with positive blockstun. I had a lot of fun using this movement pattern against Guiles just a few days ago. It helps tremendously that he gets projectile invul starting from frame 1 of his EX stomp. It may well be almost as good as an auto-tracking buff.Alex's dash elbow is useless now. Unless spaced absolutely perfectly, it seems like most of the cast can punish it with a combo now. This seriously hurts the way I play him.
Is akuma -5 or -7 on Dp cancel into V-trigger?
oB of course.
Asking again
Also, what are some good Balrog CC combos? xx cr.hp xx heavy upper xx light dash punch seems to be the best option.
There was a design concept for Akuma where hed fight with a baby strapped to his back, limiting his fighting potential as to not disturb the baby. His V-Trigger would put the baby to sleep, allowing him to unleash his true power.
There was a design concept for Akuma where he’d fight with a baby strapped to his back. His V-Trigger would put the baby to sleep, allowing him to unleash his true power.
Do we know who the baby was supposed to be or did it not matter to them?
It's just a random baby, but the designer mentions it possibly growing up as Akuma's protégé in a future installment. I figure Akuma found the baby abandoned on his travels (or maybe he even killed its parents).Do we know who the baby was supposed to be or did it not matter to them?
BabyRageThere was a design concept for Akuma where hed fight with a baby strapped to his back. His V-Trigger would put the baby to sleep, allowing him to unleash his true power.
Hmm. Maybe it's an orphan and he could name it Ryu. Or maybe Evil Ryu?It's just a random baby, but the designer mentions it possibly growing up as Akuma's disciple in a future installment. I figure Akuma found the baby abandoned on his travels (or maybe he even killed its parents).
There was a design concept for Akuma where hed fight with a baby strapped to his back. His V-Trigger would put the baby to sleep, allowing him to unleash his true power.
Agreed. If they really are going for a beastly look then they should have used that one. The bun just looks off in his default costume.I would've liked if they went with this one in the final product, the costume could be the same as it is now but the hair without the bun looks better IMO.
I really really like the third one tbh. Hope that becomes a costume some day.
So glad they didn't make him look like Necalli.