What a way to end it
One million juggle points; that's ridiculous.
What a way to end it
Lol how many times do you have to guess there? Now imagine being Nash, not having an invincble reversal to at least pose "a threat" to the whole mixup sequence...
I meant it exactly in the way the clip above makes it look, it's one thing after another, like vortexes back in SF4. I haven't watched much of 3S Makoto to tell if if she was like that there too, but I do have seen some crazy play from her.
He should have just v-reversal'd. Then he wouldn't have to guess.
You have to guess which side you're on before inputting the V-Reversal. Dem level 2 mixups.
Now that my job is finally back to normal, I can finally play this game again. I'm gonna have a lot of reading to do.
Before I get to it though, what did they change about the charge times for the charge characters? Because that's the first thing I read when I started browsing the last few pages.
Yes. Personality, look, style, etc. are the primary reasons I will choose to main a character when I pick up a fighting game.
Both. She will be forgotten in future SF's worse than Remy. Solely a reason to sell costumes, garbage T&A enclosed in 50/50 nonsense and a wack ass voice.
I think the funniest part about laura is just when you think they can't make another dumb costume they always double down on the next one. I get going for the whole sex appeal thing, nothing wrong with that but Juri is an example of doing it right and laura is just some capcom's employee's fantasy imo.
Not as bad as SF4's bullshittery.
This should be required reading before all Laura matches tbh https://www.evernote.com/shard/s717...7667399fd179/735241d8225a1b2e4092d208d2c30a74
Not as bad as SF4's bullshittery.
This should be required reading before all Laura matches tbh https://www.evernote.com/shard/s717...7667399fd179/735241d8225a1b2e4092d208d2c30a74
Yah no thanks I'm not reading all of that i will just take the L and leave, or if somehow i beat her i will just run with the points lol.
Well considering the requirements for landing it, I'm not surprised. Especially since it's a grab. Granted I just started playing again, so I'm not sure if there's a way to combo into it or whatever.another problem with the Akumas I've seen is that nobody does shungokusatsu. and his other Super is not that good. It doesn't do that much damage in a combo, and outside of a combo is not consistent
Well considering the requirements for landing it, I'm not surprised. Especially since it's a grab. Granted I just started playing again, so I'm not sure if there's a way to combo into it or whatever.
However, I did just land it from the classic overhead shenanigans. Not something I'll be looking to do often though
Well considering the requirements for landing it, I'm not surprised. Especially since it's a grab. Granted I just started playing again, so I'm not sure if there's a way to combo into it or whatever.
However, I did just land it from the classic overhead shenanigans. Not something I'll be looking to do often though
Ok, how do tatsus work in this game? I'm sure I went with a meaty but Akuma's medium (I'm assuming) tatsu beat me clean.
Then it wasn't a meaty. Tatsus aren't invincible on startup.
sounds like you mistimed the meaty.
That first knockdown against a Ryu, Ken, Necalli or Cammy in a game.
You best believe da meaty is coming. Such a good feeling after months of playing them more timidly.
How do the new meterless DPs work though? They're not strike and throw inv on start up?
How do the new meterless DPs work though? They're not strike and throw inv on start up?
Oh come on Mika still has her stupid cr.HP! I thought that'd be one of the first things they'd take away from her. That does nothing for me, that shit is the reason I can't stand the matchup, so basically Mika is still Mika for me.
Changed advantage on guard -4F⇒-6F
Oh come on Mika still has her stupid cr.HP! I thought that'd be one of the first things they'd take away from her. That does nothing for me, that shit is the reason I can't stand the matchup, so basically Mika is still Mika for me.
No reason to be complaining about the cr.HP anymore. You're at an advantage literally anytime you block it, so just press a button. And most of the time you get hit by it, Mika's advantage is 0.
The new system is supposed to punish the RQing player as if they had lost the match, right? Why are people even RQing now?
Pure. Unbridled. Salt.
Lol my Urien is so bad right now it's not even funny, but some people tend not to pick up on their bad habits so I have to exploit them. The RQer was a Ken that kept pressing buttons on wakeup or cancelling EX DP into V-Trigger (after the first hits so I had the advantage apparently) so I just grabbed him after that.
He's now -7 on block if he cancels any hit of any DP into V-Trigger.
Oh, OK I'll dedicate tomorrow to doing some much needed S2 homework as I'm missing a lot of stuff. I played almost all day today, guess it's time to let Nash go.He's now -7 on block if he cancels any hit of any DP into V-Trigger.
I really hate Guile. He's singlehandedly the reason I don't like playing this game. As a Rashid main it feels like the matchup is braindead and it stresses me out. There's nothing reactionary I can do, he can just throw fireballs all day and that will win the game.
If I roll he recovers from sonic boom faster than the roll ends, he can get a full crush counter at worst, a small punish like a flashkick at best. Even if perfectly timed I'm still at a disadvantage and there's absolutely no way you can use Nail Assault without it being blocked and punished. You see this issue in the John Takeuchi vs Daigo match, where John gets crush countered for what seems like a well timed roll.
So with the roll being almost useless here, what options do you have? You can jump, but Guile recovers too quickly to do this up close on reaction, which is fair, most fireballs (aside Rashid's own) recover too quickly to react to them like that. But still, it remains the only way to get in reliably.
You can sit at mid-screen and use vskill xx lk eagle spike or mk whirlwind shot to build meter at roughly the same rate as guile and then use jumping ex eagle spike to get in, but if at any point Guile chooses to jump in on these options he can easily hit you for a full punish since both of these anti-projectile options consume almost a full second.
What do I do? The matchup is even worse than it was in S1.