Sure. All I can find is porn and gigantic tiddies for now.
So apparently, you can cause a lag spike when disconnecting the input device
I was actually gonna say the same thing.a positive sfv thread on the gaming side
I wonder how long it will.last until it turns into a shitfest
So is that why every single game was awful tonight and people leaving after the first game?
What is it like thinking that everybody you lag against is maliciously making the game lag?
I don't think it's just dinput, btw. I think if it reads any USB device while the game is running, it makes it lag. I plugged in an external HDD while the game was running tonight and it made the game rollback.
This image is just not the same in season Mika image, in avatar form. Just made this one lol.
Hint: Tonight
Doesn't RQing break win streaks now?!Timestamp of my set with James Chen. I love how he automatically thought I was a ragequitter lol. I made some really dumb mistakes here too.
Edit: His entire chat was just calling me scrubs till I beat his ass damn. I just forgot how to anti air in that set tbh
This image is just not the same in season 2.![]()
a positive sfv thread on the gaming side
I wonder how long it will.last until it turns into a shitfest
Yeah, because you don't have a history of accusing people of abusing ways to force lag since the game came out.
Why not accept that this game's netcode is shit? Just like other games like Brawl, Battlefield, Mortal Kombat and other multiplayer games that has problems.
Why not accept that this game's netcode is shit? Just like other games like Brawl, Battlefield, Mortal Kombat and other multiplayer games that has problems.
SFV netcode has problems, but if you're comparing it with brawl, then it's clear the issues you're having are from your connection and not the game's netcode.Why not accept that this game's netcode is shit? Just like other games like Brawl, Battlefield, Mortal Kombat and other multiplayer games that has problems.
it's clear the issues you're having are from your connection and not the game's netcode.
GJ dude.Yay my first perfect!Or at least the first one I remembered to upload.
OK you know what. I take back what I said about F.A.N.G.
Yes, it still fucking sucks that is now 7 frames and punishing overheads and the like can get tricky.That being 14 frames feels like I'm controlling a tank sometimes.
But I have just been on a tear with him. I feel like I've finally figured out which range to play against most of the cast. That range where I can AA their jump in, the range where if they get hit by a trap I can still capitalize, that range where I can still just casually walk forward into or overhead or, and that range where xx light sotoja still hits. All of his new additions are really good, especially the +3 on the oB and the V-Reversal buff. That can ACTUALLY work as a throwbait against some opponents, simply by doing st.lp xx, don't even need to walk backwards.
I think the nerfs to a lot of other characters accomplished more for FANG than direct buffs to him. The fact that some matchups don't dish so much damage that one hit = close to death situations, that throw loops are much less real and that oki in general seems to have been nerfed for characters really helps.
Ken vs F.A.N.G, a matchup that could feel really hard to win if he managed to get me into the corner, suddenly feels so much more manageable.
You need to start recording your sessions, because you've been complaining to a ridiculous degree sice this game came out and the problems you're having are just not normal.Why not accept that this game's netcode is shit? Just like other games like Brawl, Battlefield, Mortal Kombat and other multiplayer games that has problems.
Agreed. A lot of people, myself included, were simply not taking the global changes into account when talking about character viability.This is what Ryan Hart was talking about, looking at the whole picture instead of the individual character. We always look at buffs and nerfs in a bubble, or judge things on a singular match. Gotta let that meta ruminate.
As far as I know, Xian seems to be sticking to FANG this season as well, too. So I don't think it's all doom and gloom just yet.
V's netcode isn't perfect but it's not shit. Also I've played an obscene amount of MKX and ever since the overhaul it now runs amazingly well I'd say more smooth than SFV.Why not accept that this game's netcode is shit? Just like other games like Brawl, Battlefield, Mortal Kombat and other multiplayer games that has problems.
cmon thats crazy talk
Why not accept that this game's netcode is shit? Just like other games like Brawl, Battlefield, Mortal Kombat and other multiplayer games that has problems.
I am bronze and I am being matched with ultra silvers. They have like 30-70 match win streaks too, wtf.
Why not accept that this game's netcode is shit? Just like other games like Brawl, Battlefield, Mortal Kombat and other multiplayer games that has problems.
I am bronze and I am being matched with ultra silvers. They have like 30-70 match win streaks too, wtf.
Btw are you still using third party networking software to "fix" this game's matchmaking?Why not accept that this game's netcode is shit? Just like other games like Brawl, Battlefield, Mortal Kombat and other multiplayer games that has problems.
OK you know what. I take back what I said about F.A.N.G.
Yes, it still fucking sucks that is now 7 frames and punishing overheads and the like can get tricky.That being 14 frames feels like I'm controlling a tank sometimes.
But I have just been on a tear with him. I feel like I've finally figured out which range to play against most of the cast. That range where I can AA their jump in, the range where if they get hit by a trap I can still capitalize, that range where I can still just casually walk forward into or overhead or, and that range where xx light sotoja still hits. All of his new additions are really good, especially the +3 on the oB and the V-Reversal buff. That can ACTUALLY work as a throwbait against some opponents, simply by doing st.lp xx, don't even need to walk backwards.
I think the nerfs to a lot of other characters accomplished more for FANG than direct buffs to him. The fact that some matchups don't dish so much damage that one hit = close to death situations, that throw loops are much less real and that oki in general seems to have been nerfed for characters really helps.
Ken vs F.A.N.G, a matchup that could feel really hard to win if he managed to get me into the corner, suddenly feels so much more manageable.
I'll be honest, I literally forgot his vtrigger got a buff. The duration buff for his traps is actually a much bigger deal.Does the new v-trigger open up any new combos or tech?
OK you know what. I take back what I said about F.A.N.G.
Yes, it still fucking sucks that is now 7 frames and punishing overheads and the like can get tricky.That being 14 frames feels like I'm controlling a tank sometimes.
But I have just been on a tear with him. I feel like I've finally figured out which range to play against most of the cast. That range where I can AA their jump in, the range where if they get hit by a trap I can still capitalize, that range where I can still just casually walk forward into or overhead or, and that range where xx light sotoja still hits. All of his new additions are really good, especially the +3 on the oB and the V-Reversal buff. That can ACTUALLY work as a throwbait against some opponents, simply by doing st.lp xx, don't even need to walk backwards.
I think the nerfs to a lot of other characters accomplished more for FANG than direct buffs to him. The fact that some matchups don't dish so much damage that one hit = close to death situations, that throw loops are much less real and that oki in general seems to have been nerfed for characters really helps.
Ken vs F.A.N.G, a matchup that could feel really hard to win if he managed to get me into the corner, suddenly feels so much more manageable.
Are the good guy/rage quit icons still broken?
SFV netcode has problems, but if you're comparing it with brawl, then it's clear the issues you're having are from your connection and not the game's netcode.
And btw, I had plenty of matches that was solid a few days ago but then I play last night and all but one Platinum Ryu player had bad connections.
Apart from a few individuals I do think the majority of the FGC in the SF community are very cool and I don't think we should tar everyone with the same brush due to the actions of one particular person. Valle, LPN, LI Joe, YIPES, K-Brad are all very respectful and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
See, that's not fair. There's a lot of people who put in time and effort into building this community. Xian literally responses to everyone on Twitter, people like Mike Ross and Gootecks strive to keep shit together for even new players, James Chen is constantly retweeting even the smallest of combo videos and events, and people like Yipes and co. are amazing in and out of person.
I mean, they are all human beings. You get some in a group, and a select few are going to be assholes. That's like with literally everything and getting all general diminishes the work of the good ones.
And as for responses, like they probably get hundreds a day. With life and responsibilities, they aren't going to respond to literally every single one of them. I've met up with LI Joe, Ricki, KBrad, and Art, and a few others at PAX. They were nothing but nice. Valle and Xian talk to me on Twitter all the time.
Don't let some well known shitlord ruin it for you. We are all part of the FGC, even the people in NeoGAF. Obviously we aren't shitlords or mean, but we do have a few people who could stand to be less trollish. Does that make NeoGAF garbage then?
It just rubs me the wrong way to see people call the FGC toxic when it has, for the most part, been the opposite. I feel you on getting games from the pros, but you aren't the only one pinging them.
You guys are probably right, rants are always logical lol...I know there are a couple of bad apples in the FGC, but behavior like this isn't any better. You're making sweeping generalizations about a large and varied group of people, and pegging them as being immature and sexually harassing people. You sound awful pissed because some player wouldn't respond to your requests for matches, but you seem to be forgetting that they don't owe you shit. They have no obligation to play a few sets with you. They have no obligation to even acknowledge you exist. Flash is definitely an asshole, as are a few other people in the community, but that says nothing for the community as a whole.
I am bronze and I am being matched with ultra silvers. They have like 30-70 match win streaks too, wtf.
Glad I'm not the only one. This was killing me last night. I got several in a row and was just getting obliterated. I have no idea how to handle these people just stuffing combos in my face all day with perfect timing. Its good you don't lose a lot of points but its just not fun.
Then it matches me up with a total rookie that I steamroll. I had very few balanced matches. I wonder if its just a player base issue at our rank?
I tried Chun out last night in casuals after messing around offline. I like her but was having trouble with anti-air consistency, getting the right spacing and timing using lk and <hk. I'll keep working on that.
Why not accept that this game's netcode is shit? Just like other games like Brawl, Battlefield, Mortal Kombat and other multiplayer games that has problems.
This has probably been asked, but is the lag still one-sided? How do I know my opponent is getting a fair match?
I know it's on their side if I winThis has probably been asked, but is the lag still one-sided? How do I know my opponent is getting a fair match?
you don't
I know it's on their side if I win![]()