God,I can't wait for the Season 2 announcement.
If Sakura/Gouken/E.Honda are in there, I'm gonna lose my shit.
Hoping for Q but that's some lofty fan wish shit
More realistically I would be happy to see Abel, Guy, and Adon
God,I can't wait for the Season 2 announcement.
If Sakura/Gouken/E.Honda are in there, I'm gonna lose my shit.
the next character will be a guest.
We thought it was akuma but actually it's a Mokujin who learned a raging demon
So Akuma's VTrigger has to be him in Shin Akuma type mode right? That is an obvious choice that fits in line with the design philosophy of this game.
God,I can't wait for the Season 2 announcement.
If Sakura/Gouken/E.Honda are in there, I'm gonna lose my shit.
So Akuma's VTrigger has to be him in Shin Akuma type mode right? That is an obvious choice that fits in line with the design philosophy of this game.
Would Asura Warp stay or go in SFV?
I'd say this is 99% likely considering the teaser had him with the Shin Akuma symbol.
So there might indeed be new info/trailer after the Asian qualifiers tomorrow.
Would Asura Warp stay or go in SFV?
Wonder if we'll get a guest character...
I'm not sure how I feel about 'em.
Not a bad choice...How about T7's Kazumi? She canonically has ties to Akuma, is female, is new/popular, has classic Mishima moves, and has two forms (obvious V-Trigger).
Akuma's V-Trigger allows him to hop in addition to jump and gives him a command grab.
Basically make him a KoF character.
Kazumi does have a pretty legit Tiger Uppercut...
the happiest tiger upper
Losing every ranked match now, lost a league on tilt and don't wanna stop.
Down 500 points.
Indeed.gotta just hold the L sometimes.
Losing every ranked match now, lost a league on tilt and don't wanna stop.
Down 500 points.
It happens. Probably best to take a break.
Also is anyone looking to play? CFN: _Hero_
At this point I'm bout to join in on the fun when it comes to criticizing Capcom for not having Arcade mode. Not because it doesn't have enough modes for me to have fun, but it doesn't have enough modes for this goddamn 1,000,000 FM trophy. I don't want to spend my SFV life in survival mode all the time. Got me playing casual matches instead of battle lounge just to scrap up enough pennies to get through the day.
can do a FT5 will invite in a bit.
I seriously doubt arcade mode will award that much more FM than character stories.
You'd play through it once with everyone, make maybe 50k FM and then are right back at going through survival or ranked/casual.
GG's! Thanks for the matches.
Mika is my Demon.
I hate her fucking guts lol
Anyone wanna fight?
Mika is my Demon.
I hate her fucking guts lol
CFN?Anyone wanna fight?
She drains the game of fun. Just a shit character design all around. Her meta is not something I'm interested in playing with or against.
Okay, Mika is about to go stupid on me. I'm in the corner as Urien. What do I do? Should I EX Dive out? EX Headbutt? These long limbs don't help during that corner play!