Hopefully they would do a better job with his voice than they did in KOF14
Yeah, Terry's voice is subdued in the worse way.
Hopefully they would do a better job with his voice than they did in KOF14
Red Bull event live from Japan:
Haitani and Yukadon vs John Takeuchi and Naoman
No I mean the game that had a whole 3 sets of groves that gave a bunch of characters on both sides of the rosters styles that didn't traditionally have. And while it isn't 4 buttons, it is a perfect example of Capcom allowing street fighter characters to experiment ( along with its predecessor as you mentioned) in ways that don't usually do particularly when other characters are involved. its also an example as you mentioned , of how capcom's ideas can change game to game. So what if SFXT gave em 6 buttons, it isn't street fighter 5. And CVS2 doesn't have 4 buttons.. so yeah. They can change, and there is a history of experimentation, that's why I mentioned that game.You mean the game that gave all KoF characters six buttons after people complained about SF cast having only four in its predecessor?
I mean if you want to deny greatness I can't stop you. You have to make that choice.And nah, I think akuma looks stupid. Opinions.
Hopefully they would do a better job with his voice than they did in KOF14
Who thinks Akuma looks cool? He's just dumb edgy Ryu. The kind of school of design that's about as cool as Shadow the Hedgehog
Who thinks Akuma looks cool? He's just dumb edgy Ryu. The kind of school of design that's about as cool as Shadow the Hedgehog
Both of those characters are extremely popular. So... A lot of people think those characters look cool?
You can't use the whole "who thinks this character looks cool" when their continued existence is almost soley reliant on that point. Not the best example
Okay, who with a college education thinks either look cool?
Okay, who with a college education thinks either look cool?
Okay, who with a college education thinks either look cool?
the same people who think Red Hood is cool
tryhard "edgy" "badass" characters dressed in red and black who don't play by society's rules!
i didn't realize there was such anti Akuma people in here.
the same people who think Red Hood is cool
tryhard "edgy" "badass" characters dressed in red and black who don't play by society's rules!
the same people who think Red Hood is cool
tryhard "edgy" "badass" characters dressed in red and black who don't play by society's rules!
Okay, who with a college education thinks either look cool?
I'm about to be a college graduate likes both of those characters
My friend who is a college graduate mains akuma.
I watched college educated people play akuma on stream.
You on some squidward shit my dude.
I've been suspecting Heihachi for a while, but this "4 button character" news really solidifies my suspicions.
Guest characters do really well in fighting games, and Street Fighter V needs all the help it can get. Capcom knows this. Heihachi is probably the least offensive guest character I can think of -- he's already crossed over with the Street Fighter cast in SFxTK, and now Street Fighter and Tekken canonically share a universe with Akuma's appearance in Tekken 7.
Heihachi and Akuma are the main promotional characters of Tekken 7, and with Akuma already confirmed for SFV, it makes sense for Heihachi to show up next.
Still waiting on:
Still waiting on:
Isn't the point of Red Hood that he's a little bitch tho
Playing akuma means you think he looks cool?
Still waiting on:
Still waiting on:
Too dark and screen flashes. BANNED
I didn't see mention of this Famitsu interview with Ono posted about 12 hours ago: http://www.famitsu.com/news/201611/22121269.html
Though I can't understand Japanese, I can certainly understand this:
One of the responses also seemingly states that they have their current SFV roadmap determined until around 2020. Talks about PS4 Pro support, too. Seems the answer is "no rush to implement support for it yet, but there are several elements running in the background that an update could be made to, with proper timing."
I'm into it.I'd pay good money for a Masters Beach stage with Super Joe and Rad Spencer re-enacting the volleyball scene from Top Gun.
I don't feel as strongly as you do about this, but I also think he's a boring, edgy design. He's probably my least favourite shoto.Who thinks Akuma looks cool? He's just dumb edgy Ryu. The kind of school of design that's about as cool as Shadow the Hedgehog
Batman fanboys vote Donald Trump, I agree
the stage would probably be ban cause the grass is too high
deadendthrills <3
I don't feel as strongly as you do about this, but I also think he's a boring, edgy design. He's probably my least favourite shoto.
Ryu looks alright. I don't know why anyone thinks having a college education means they're too good for Ryu.
Edit: I would like some examples of characters who are cool at a college level.
teenage boys or people with the mentality of a teenage boy..
I don't really have a strong feeling about him really. I just think he screams of design to appeal to teenage boys or people with the mentality of a teenage boy. He doesn't visually offend me or anything, I just think it's a dumb/lazy design.
Because they're doing things for both sets of players the way everybody always says they should.
Good to hear (again) they're in this for the long haul. 3 more years of content and Pro support should keep the haters quiet for a bit.
Let me throw a wild idea at you.
What if a lot of the designs that came out of SF2 era were meant to appeal to teenagers and children.
Just a wild idea. Here me out here I know its crazy.
I don't get how they're mutually exclusive. Are you suggesting that over the top stages are an attempt at bringing in or appealing to the single player audience?