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Street Fighter V |OTVI| The More I Know, The Worse I Play

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You guys don't get that SFV is a bad game and people want to move on to something better as quickly as possible?

You don't get that people will play whatever all their friends are playing, and it's annoying / upsetting to them that everyone is playing SFV despite the fact that a large chunk of those people think it's garbo?

Except most people don't think its garbage, at least not really. Thats just hyperbole. Are there problems with SFV, even in its gameplay? Yes. But they aren't unfixable problems. You take 1 more frame off the input delay and lower the priority of AA Jab? Shit, that fixes almost 90% of the complaints in one fell swoop. And they very well could announce both those things next weekend. But NOPE, throw everything out just because YOU don't like it right here, right now, even though the gameplay system on offer in SFV is both one of the best baseline gameplay systems the series has offered, as well has having one of the best initial launch lineup in series history.

SFV is a service game. Its not a boxed game that just gets a sequel in 2 years. This series has NEVER been that. It was a service series before the god damn term even existed. It'll continue to get supported and grow its scene, both casual and competitive, because this is the first time Capcom has actively given a shit about the base around the game. This is the first time they've looked at this game and series as being more than a boxed product they sell to people and then work on the next one. Its a platform; they know that & understand that finally. And whats better is that, outside of KI, this is the only fighting game that is getting this level of support on an ongoing basis, which is needed for a competitive/esports platform.

So heres the thing - if you truly, TRULY want to kill SFV, just stop playing it. Tell your friends "I am no longer playing this, and if you really want something else, you shouldn't either". Don't watch the streams - even streaming audiences help the game continue to grow. Pay zero attention to it & encourage your friends to do the same. Stand your ground man. Its not like SF is the only fighting game out there, heck it hasn't even been the most popular, historically, since the 90s - that is a mantle that Mortal Kombat has owned in terms of sales for over 2 decades and it isn't stopping. You're saying that you play it cause its the only fighting game that people play, but that is BLATANTLY not true. Smash Bros. gets nearly as many players at a competitive level and sells way more copies. Mortal Kombat sales have eclipsed SF historically, MKX is no exception, and they still have a pro scene for MKX. Sure, it sucks that Netherrealm drops support once every 2 years because they move onto their next fighting game, but at least you're getting something new if don't like what they just delivered. Several other 2D fighters (KOF14, GG, BB) all have scenes that are small but still active. And KI is out there doing its thing, getting played by tons of players. You have options. You have TONS of options. Yet here you are, shitting on a game that tons of people are enjoying.

You know how many 3rd Strike players refused to play 4 cause they thought it & its systems were garbage? Tons. But a new scene grew around 4 to replace that. Street Fighter is a series that reinvents itself in major ways with every iteration. Thats part of the reason why each series gets such a long period of competitive play. That isn't changing here. I personally thought SF4 & its systems were awful relative to my tastes. I loved watching the game be played, I loved watching the competition. I even enjoyed playing the game whenever I could, but it wasn't what I personally wanted. I hated spamming jab/light into combos. I hated convoluted FADC combos. I hated that so many of the cast members were basically destroyed on any competitive level until Ultra came out, and even then character balance was still pretty garbage. But I didn't want SF4 to die, never did. I wanted the game to do well and grow, cause this is one of my favorite series and the base gameplay of any Street Fighter is one of the most enjoyable to me.
I know thisnis off topic dudes but holy shit I just got a double perfect on a Gold ranked player lol. I haven't done anything like that since MKX launched.

So hyped right now, I had a TERRIBLE day with Ken and Ryu... switched back to my guy Alex and boom. Can now beat people. So he is def my main.
I had a similar situation with Birdie a few months ago lol. Really solidified my love for that Punk Glutton.
I'm not going to respond to everyone in this thread cause thats a lot.

Lots of people didn't like third strike, lots of people didn't like SF4. You didn't see discussions constantly about "HOW CAN WE FIX THIS GAME" when those games came out.

Yes you did. SF3 had problems with Chun and other higher tier characters and the parry system. SF4 had LOTS of discussions on the FADC stuff. The only reason you didn't see how people were talking about fixes for SF3 is because patching didn't exist, but you sure as shit saw people complaining about it.
Theres a number of reasons for that. They want the game fixed because if you're a tournament player, and you like street fighter games, you want to play a good game, not one you're being forced to play because thats where the money and competition is.

But, like, what needs to be fixed beyond some smaller things?

And most people aren't playing for money. Most players, even in the hardcore, won't even reach that area. So what other reason are they playing for? Competition? People don't hop into things solely for the competition aspect if they don't enjoy what they are competing in. If that held true, people would just jump ship to a moba since those games are much bigger.

Street fighter has always had the most players. It always will. If you want to play a game a fighting game that has the greatest chances of you being able to find other people who are able to play the game, you play street fighter. Ideally you'd be playing a good version of street fighter. Not this trash.

Actually, Smash has more players. And I think Tekken does per captia world wide. You are right that people want to find the most people to play a fighting game with, SF is that game. However, nothing is stopping you from hosing a local Garou or SNK focused tournament if your group doesn't want to play SFV. Nothing is stopping you from creating a scene. It's just weak excuses given by people who hate SF but don't want to play much else. Japan makes that shit work - you still see Darkstalkers/SF3/Gundam/kusoge games being played. If you want to play something else, using the wealth of the internet and having a decently sized group, you have no excuse.

And to the people saying stop playing it, I already said earlier in the thread, I more or less have. If you go to your local fighting game gatherings, you'll notice a general consensus. People don't enjoy SF5. People are playing it because everyone else is playing it. Everyone else is playing it because it's Street Fighter.

The problem with cute anecdotal evidence is that it's usually drowned out by an overwhelming amount of counter anecdotal evidence. Monthly tournaments in Chicago have never had bigger turnouts since SFV. People don't even win that much, and it's usually the same top dudes winning anyway. Guess what? They all love the game.

I have a friend who went to a bunch of CPT events. Guess what? They all love SFV. ANd it's not just "oh everyone else is playing it" because that would have, at this point, created a nice little implosion of nobody playing it because nobody likes it. People like the game.

It actually makes me really sad that I don't enjoy SF5, because I love love love Street Fighter.

What's sad is that you've created this narrative in your head and probably attend r/kappa for that confirmation bias. I suggest using that energy and creating a scene out of games you like. Or you can give up and shitpost here. Whatever you wanna do fam.


A quick question guys, I bought the Deluxe edition for $30 which includes the season pass, it's currently still downloading but I'm able to play some matches. The 6 dlc characters are still unavailable is it cuz the game still downloading or I need to progress in the game to unlock them??
A quick question guys, I bought the Deluxe edition for $30 which includes the season pass, it's currently still downloading but I'm able to play some matches. The 6 dlc characters are still unavailable is it cuz the game still downloading or I need to progress in the game to unlock them??
Wait for it to download. Once you log in once, the game will automatically unlock the characters and they'll be available both online and offline.

Btw if you're downloading through PSN then the game will still need to download another update only it'll be done in-game instead of through PSN. The game has it's own patching system.


I'm not going to respond to everyone in this thread cause thats a lot.

Lots of people didn't like third strike, lots of people didn't like SF4. You didn't see discussions constantly about "HOW CAN WE FIX THIS GAME" when those games came out.

Theres a number of reasons for that. They want the game fixed because if you're a tournament player, and you like street fighter games, you want to play a good game, not one you're being forced to play because thats where the money and competition is.

Street fighter has always had the most players. It always will. If you want to play a game a fighting game that has the greatest chances of you being able to find other people who are able to play the game, you play street fighter. Ideally you'd be playing a good version of street fighter. Not this trash.

And to the people saying stop playing it, I already said earlier in the thread, I more or less have. If you go to your local fighting game gatherings, you'll notice a general consensus. People don't enjoy SF5. People are playing it because everyone else is playing it. Everyone else is playing it because it's Street Fighter.

It actually makes me really sad that I don't enjoy SF5, because I love love love Street Fighter.

Bull. Shit. When SF4 first came out, people were going "not muh SF" and wanted "fixes" even after the game went through various updates. Still do to this day.

The rest of your post kinda screams of rationalizations on why you don't enjoy SFV. Hey, that's your right and you should play something you enjoy.
A quick question guys, I bought the Deluxe edition for $30 which includes the season pass, it's currently still downloading but I'm able to play some matches. The 6 dlc characters are still unavailable is it cuz the game still downloading or I need to progress in the game to unlock them??

Yup! Just wait it out and they'll unlock after the download.
A quick question guys, I bought the Deluxe edition for $30 which includes the season pass, it's currently still downloading but I'm able to play some matches. The 6 dlc characters are still unavailable is it cuz the game still downloading or I need to progress in the game to unlock them??

Most likely, it's either because the game is still downloading, or you might have to manually download the season pass.


I will say that the complaints surrounding SFV isnt even close to comparable to the amount of people that complained about the gameplay of SF4. I swear every page of FG weekly was complaining about how so many of the systems in SF4 were complete shit. Most of the discussions complaining about SF5 center around content, not the gameplay itself. Not to say the gameplay is perfect or anything,(because like I said in the previous page, I dont think SF5 is the best current gen fighter out now, while I did think that for USF4 and the 360/PS3 era) but just as a relative comparison. I really do believe that in terms of vanilla releases SF5 is easily better than SF4 or SF3.


I will say that the complaints surrounding SFV isnt even close to comparable to the amount of people that complained about the gameplay of SF4. I swear every page of FG weekly was complaining about how so many of the systems in SF4 were complete shit. Most of the discussions complaining about SF5 center around content, not the gameplay itself. Not to say the gameplay is perfect or anything,(because like I said in the previous page, I dont think SF5 is the best current gen fighter out now, while I did think that for USF4 and the 360/PS3 era) but just as a relative comparison. I really do believe that in terms of vanilla releases SF5 is easily better than SF4 or SF3.

Yeah, people openly despised SF4 until probably around USF4 when they realized it's stupid to continue dumping on a game that everyone has been playing for half a decade. There was a legitimate concern that players were just going to go back to CvS2 or 3S because of how poorly 4 was initially received by the FGC.


It's very odd that the narrative of Street Fighter V on GAF is that the game is dead and it won't make it past season 2 but when a thread pops up about Ono saying their current roadmap extends to the end of 2020 it changes to "Capcom is stupid for continuing to support this game and they need to kill it so they can immediately start working on SFVI."

It's very ironic and hilarious at the same time.
"Nobody complained about SF4"

Yeah nobody complained about Sagat at all.

Not one person.


I will say that the complaints surrounding SFV isnt even close to comparable to the amount of people that complained about the gameplay of SF4. I swear every page of FG weekly was complaining about how so many of the systems in SF4 were complete shit. Most of the discussions complaining about SF5 center around content, not the gameplay itself. Not to say the gameplay is perfect or anything,(because like I said in the previous page, I dont think SF5 is the best current gen fighter out now, while I did think that for USF4 and the 360/PS3 era) but just as a relative comparison. I really do believe that in terms of vanilla releases SF5 is easily better than SF4 or SF3.

God, thank you for this post. I felt like I was taking crazy pills and was the only one who remembered how much SF4 was loathed by the community until about the time USF4 came out.

I do agree that USF4 was the best 'version' of SF4, and was the king of fighting games for the PS3/360. And I totally feel SFV can overcome the few gameplay shortcomings I do feel it currently has.


I will say that the complaints surrounding SFV isnt even close to comparable to the amount of people that complained about the gameplay of SF4. I swear every page of FG weekly was complaining about how so many of the systems in SF4 were complete shit. Most of the discussions complaining about SF5 center around content, not the gameplay itself. Not to say the gameplay is perfect or anything,(because like I said in the previous page, I dont think SF5 is the best current gen fighter out now, while I did think that for USF4 and the 360/PS3 era) but just as a relative comparison. I really do believe that in terms of vanilla releases SF5 is easily better than SF4 or SF3.

Yep. I was around when SF4 first came out (mainly around GameFaqs) and people were openly bashing the game before and after it came out. Shouting that "SF is ruined!" and all that jazz.


Yep. I was around when SF4 first came out (mainly around GameFaqs) and people were openly bashing the game before and after it came out. Shouting that "SF is ruined!" and all that jazz.

I mean...people were mad that it was polygons if nothing else, lol.

I always hated SF4. Stopped playing it after vanilla release and didn't come back until AE. Still think it's the worst SF since 2.

Steam says I have 52 hours played of USF4 and 202 hours of SF5 (I have tons more since I also play on PS4, and that's where most of my local play is done).


Now to actually talk about playing Street Fighter V.

I did the weekly challenges which gave me enough FM to buy Rashid's stage, leaving me something like 2000 FM. It would be great if PSX announced a bunch of new content to be released in December but it'll also sting that I'd be too FM poor to afford it.


Neo Member
It's true that everyone has gameplay quibbles about games in their first year. Especially now since people are used to other games getting "fixes" so quickly (Overwatch, CSGO, Dota/League, et al).

But frankly, SFV's gameplay problems pale in comparison to the QOL/usability issues of the game and its interface. If you try to play online, unless you join Battle Lounges, you are waiting and loading in more than you're playing. I am staring at screens more than I'm playing. It feels sluggish and not worth it at all. I understand the waits for a proper match, but then I have to load in, then I have to sit at the win/loss screen, then I have to wait for the rematch screen. It's unacceptable. These problems should have been addressed IMMEDIATELY, and they're still lingering making the game feel like an inferior, janky experience.

I have no doubt gameplay concerns will be addressed in some way eventually, but that's not what's stopping me from playing all the time. I don't play because I can play other games that scratch that same competitive itch and I can keep playing without interruptions for lengthy periods of time. I could do that in SF4. I can do that in Xrd. I can do that in MKX and KI. Address it, Capcom!


Junior Member
Now to actually talk about playing Street Fighter V.

I did the weekly challenges which gave me enough FM to buy Rashid's stage, leaving me something like 2000 FM. It would be great if PSX announced a bunch of new content to be released in December but it'll also sting that I'd be too FM poor to afford it.

i have to imagine when the big patch comes out next year they will of course add arcade and extra battle which will be sources of FM but also they would make new trials with the new balance changes and reset survival mode progress for everyone.


Wait for it to download. Once you log in once, the game will automatically unlock the characters and they'll be available both online and offline.

Btw if you're downloading through PSN then the game will still need to download another update only it'll be done in-game instead of through PSN. The game has it's own patching system.

Yup! Just wait it out and they'll unlock after the download.

Most likely, it's either because the game is still downloading, or you might have to manually download the season pass.

Thank you all
Vanilla Sagat was how you knew your friend was a scumbag.

Everyone just had a pocket Sagat.

"Oh shit I'm losing this best to 3? Let's go Sagat VS Sagat matchup!'

When they add arcade mode, I wonder whether it'll give FM for doing them with different characters?

It won't be a lot but it'll be some.

I'm still confused as to when exactly we'll get information next week. My heart can't take it.


Just trying to remember the shit people complained about constantly in SF4 before USF4 finally released:

- Safe DP's(FADC)
- Mixup DP's(FADC again)
- diminished footsie game(Focus Attacks)
- 'Randomness' that would allow players worse than you to 'steal' rounds(Mainly through the Ultra mechanic that rewarded you for taking damage, thus rewarding the player that played worse rather than the one that was on point)
- Vortex/Setup Fighter(Akuma, Ibuki etc.)
- Over reliance on OS(crouch tech, plinking, etc.)
- Slower pace vs other SF titles
- Balance (vanilla sagat, vanilla akuma, vanilla Seth, AE Yun, etc.)

Pretty much all of SF4's systems were routinely criticized as hurting the core tenants of what makes SF, SF. It took Capcom 4 revisions(Super, AE, AE 2012, Ultra) for people to finally settle with what we got
It won't be a lot but it'll be some.

I'm still confused as to when exactly we'll get information next week. My heart can't take it.
I believe last year the announcements for SF5 came at the Sony press conference at PSX so I'd imagine it'll be a similar situation this year.


I mean...people were mad that it was polygons if nothing else, lol.

I always hated SF4. Stopped playing it after vanilla release and didn't come back until AE. Still think it's the worst SF since 2.

Steam says I have 52 hours played of USF4 and 202 hours of SF5 (I have tons more since I also play on PS4, and that's where most of my local play is done).

Oh trust me, I didn't enjoy SF4 and gave up after AE as well. Hell, I was playing SFxT more than I did for SF4. I was just kinda baffled at the revisionist history some people have that SF4 never got much scrutiny.


I wish I could find this SF4 vanilla video that involved a Sagat vs Vega, where the Sagat was almost dead while the Vega had 70% of his health. The Sagat did a wakeup SRK into FADC f.roundhouse into a max level Ultra into death, the Vega dying on the last hit of the ultra. I think Vega's mask fell off on the roundhouse, which just made it even worse. It was seriously 50 seconds of Vega domination, taking only 1-2 wayward hits + chip damage, just to be turned around all in one combo.

When I remember that video, anti-air jabs don't seem so bad anymore.


This will be your cover for the SFV Ultra and you will like it


This makes me think, like blizzard I think it would be cool if capcom themed their costume packs a bit more and provided a bit of fun story and challenge. Like if during the holloween thing they had their own event.

Or like this capcom protour the menu changes and the background is the last champions character wearing a belt or something and all the other character coming for him.

I feel like, while these aren't substantial gameplay changes ( although hypothetically making a mode where all the Halloween themed characters for this year beat up zombino's would be cool ) It would make street fighter feel a bit more invovled


Junior Member
I believe last year the announcements for SF5 came at the Sony press conference at PSX so I'd imagine it'll be a similar situation this year.
It's more of a question of if they'll do the SFV Season 2 reveals at PSX or the Capcom Cup & what they'll announce at the other event if one has Season 2 info.

For example, if Capcom reveals SFV Season 2 info at PSX, what would they have left for Capcom Cup? Do they have another fighting game waiting to be unleashed? That said, it would make sense, since SFV needs the general PSX exposure, while the news of a new game would spread regardless.


Junior Member
It's more of a question of if they'll do the SFV Season 2 reveals at PSX or the Capcom Cup & what they'll announce at the other event if one has Season 2 info.

For example, if Capcom reveals SFV Season 2 info at PSX, what would they have left for Capcom Cup? Do they have another fighting game waiting to be unleashed? That said, it would make sense, since SFV needs the general PSX exposure, while the news of a new game would spread regardless.

I think more general news like arcade will be announced at psx while a new character trailer will be at Capcom cup.


It's more of a question of if they'll do the SFV Season 2 reveals at PSX or the Capcom Cup & what they'll announce at the other event if one has Season 2 info.

For example, if Capcom reveals SFV Season 2 info at PSX, what would they have left for Capcom Cup? Do they have another fighting game waiting to be unleashed? That said, it would make sense, since SFV needs the general PSX exposure, while the news of a new game would spread regardless.

I think it's fine if we get trailer stuff at PSX and actual gameplay demos at Capcom Cup.


Junior Member
I think it's fine if we get trailer stuff at PSX and actual gameplay demos at Capcom Cup.
This would also make sense, but Ono's wording was that we'd get some big news at the Capcom Cup. But how would they have big news without either leaving nothing for PSX or hold off on the character reveals until Capcom Cup like JayEH suggested?


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