I dont feel like im using him effectively i guess
Any tips on things i should definitely be doing or trying to do?
Im throwing my head against the "training and random online matches wall" atm
Ggs grifter
You were always one step ahead
I didn't feel like I was too outclassed when I was in neutral or committing to offense but I lost all the time on defense whenever you got started
GGs... that's always felt like a hard match for me and I was glad to try a few new ideas there and get a better feel for DPs in mid-exchange
Yeah. Just putting out the Blade then going into either the Cross or a Flash Kick is enough of a mixup, but then if your jump timing is even slightly off, Guile can hit you with a Flash Kick anyway after a Cross. The window where you can actually get a jump in on him is very very small if the charge is buffered right.
Oh yeah, there was one time where I was doing a somersault while you were in the air, and you actually air threw me out of it. I thought that was messed up.
I wouldn't call it risky. A lot of people play without sound.Actually having fun in Ranked with my Cammy... I muted my TV so there's no sound... anybody else play like that? I know it's risky though.
Oh, that's the reason why I successfully baited more dps than I have in like a 100 matches lol
I thought I was just getting better at reading XD
Never fought a platinum before, just gotta rise to that level through grinding eventually
If you play the game enough, your mind will auto play the sound effects. I actually like turning off the sound for a bit and just honing in on visual reads.Actually having fun in Ranked with my Cammy... I muted my TV so there's no sound... anybody else play like that? I know it's risky though.
Urien has to be the least fun character to fight against in the game. He's the embodiment of "do random shit." Reminds me of AE Yun.
Actually that's Ken
Necalli too
Actually that's Ken
Necalli too
None of those are nearly as bad as headbutt, headbutt, headbutt, headbutt, RANDOM EX SHOULDER. Buttons, buttons, buttons. Oh I hit you? V Trigger.Rashid
None of those are nearly as bad as headbutt, headbutt, headbutt, headbutt, RANDOM EX SHOULDER. Buttons, buttons, buttons. Oh I hit you? V Trigger.
Can someone hop into a Battle Lounge to help me beat the two Daily Challenges?
What's your CFN?SURE!![]()
What's your CFN?
SentMediking! Hahah just like my name on GAF, man!
Haha, a Platinum Mika player named SHAZBOi was teabagging me every chance he got during a match, and I turned the tables in the last round and won it. Of course he dropped. I think he was 6 years old or something.
Too bad loser, I'm uploading the replay to Youtube now.
Let me get 10 Critical Art KOs on you.Quick! What do you need me to do? Just take the hits or actually fight?
Let me get 10 Critical Arts on you.
Rashid: Jump back jump back, oh you moved forward? full screen kick in the face for 10% damage, jump back jump back, tornado tornado ????? random V trigger, random EX moves and special moves ?!&@)!&@ ...Critical art.
Go ahead & complete your Daily Challenges on me, Mediking.
GGs, Mediking. Your Cammy is coming along quite nicely. Thanks for helping me with the Daily Challenges.
I looked at your class. You had the general ideas down in terms of what to use, but you need to be less afraid to go in. Also, punish my shit harder if I miss.Hahaha my Cammy is coming along nicely??? Lol oh come on. I tried to hang with you but you outclassed me. You deal out crazy hard combos. Me? I play frantic and wild.
I looked at your class. You had the general ideas down in terms of what to use, but you need to be less afraid to go in. Also, punish my shit harder if I miss.
We should definitely play again sometime so we can both improve.
You have the same problem now that I had when I started playing Karin. I had some of the general spacing & combos, but I lacked the resolve to go in. When it comes to characters like Cammy & Karin, you must have the courage to look your fear in the eye and know it has no dominion over you. Fear scatters your mind & your combos. When you toss your fears into the dust, mix-ups are the sword that's ever at your hip. Remember that & you'll never yearn for health. Bravery is your birthright, Mediking.It's kinda hard to go in when you don't have a fireball and you're not Mika. Lol I'm kinda forced to jump all over the place. BUT!!!! You're right. More expert Cammy players do not play like me at all. They're more finesse and snappy. It took me a while to even block your drop kick thingie.
You have the same problem now that I had when I started playing Karin. I had some of the general spacing & combos, but I lacked the resolve to go in. When it comes to characters like Cammy & Karin, you must have the courage to look your fear in the eye and know it has no dominion over you. Mix-ups are the sword that's ever at your hip. Remember that & you'll never yearn for health. Bravery is your birthright, Mediking.
I was referencing JoJo. But yeah, don't be afraid to go in.Hmmmmmm..... wow.... Thanks, man. *bows humbly*
I was referencing JoJo. But yeah, don't be afraid to go in.
Ryu's in Smash 4, so give him a try there. But yeah, Ryu's the one you'd go to in SFV if you're just starting.So my friend might buy this game...
I play Lucario in Pokkén (and a little in Smash) hould I just play Ryu?
It's fine, it happens to the best of us.Lol this man dropped a JoJo reference on me and I didn't catch it. Embarrassing...
Your Urien is good, too. You know what you are doing with him.
And easy fix for this would be the game letting you save progress for survival mode at any stage, and asking you to save progress in the event of a server disconnect, letting you resume from where you left off later if you wanted to when you get back online. I don't think they'll ever implement something like this though, considering that it's been months and Player 2 still can't choose to go back to char select screen.I dont think I'm ever playing survival again.
Second time I've disconnected from server after level 39.
Go fuck yourself.
I was referencing JoJo. But yeah, don't be afraid to go in.
Nah, but I have the music turned off.Actually having fun in Ranked with my Cammy... I muted my TV so there's no sound... anybody else play like that? I know it's risky though.
K-Brad just made it into the Capcom Cup. His first match will be against Daigo.
lol. Presumably due to Capcoms garbage servers and the disconnections they bring, Ive been banned for 24 hours. My internet stays connected when SFV disconnects me and I've been playing at two different houses/physical locations, so I dont think the problem is at my end. This sucks.