Someone buy Capcom now...MS/Sony/Nintendo/Amazon any body..
Man these muscle mods never cease to get achubbiechuckle out of me.
Ehh it's not so bad, I doubt this "decline in profits" is any worse than what they had in 2013.
The wording is also weird, "despite resident evil" is very misleading because all the RE in 2016 was just a bunch of rereleases. All 2016 really had were 4 exclusive titles...(monhun, phoenix wright, sf5, dr4).
They revived Resident Evil. SFV is in bad shape, but fixable with effort (they have the support of fans). Monster Hunter on the Switch could be huge. Infinite could be real big if the Marvel crowd buys into it (which could be a big crowd because of the films).
Revived? The series was selling just fine, even a (low budget) spin off like Revelations 2 sold over 2 million.
Roco from Mega64 put this in a great way. He said that they could have made a gangbuster RE6 styled game and sold millions but tarnished the series forever, or went back to some roots like stuff with RE7 and sold less but kept the brand more viable. REV2 was a great game, but it didn't do much for the brand's quality. People were looking to see if RE7 was going to be a good game, since spinoffs are whatever in comparison. So I doubt RE would continue to sell fine if they hadn't done right by 7.
Roco from Mega64 put this in a great way. He said that they could have made a gangbuster RE6 styled game and sold millions but tarnished the series forever, or went back to some roots like stuff with RE7 and sold less but kept the brand more viable. REV2 was a great game, but it didn't do much for the brand's quality. People were looking to see if RE7 was going to be a good game, since spinoffs are whatever in comparison. So I doubt RE would continue to sell fine if they hadn't done right by 7.
I think they abandoned the RE4/5/6 route cause the cost of making an even more over the top action game were raising too much
Maybe marginally so, but then it very well could've been "just another shooter" at a time when a lot of high profile sequels in the genre dipped well below expectations.
I think they read the tea leaves right on this one if they want to preserve RE's flagship franchise status and keep bringing in new audiences. And it fits nicely with what is now a solidified tradition of re-booting the gameplay entirely every three games. SFV, on the other hand...
All i can say is F*** laura, she is so cheap I'm starting to think she is actually worse than S1 mika.
slow down on the sodium intake until the March patch lands imo
Question: if I use my SFV disc on someone else's PS4, will I be able to log in with my CFN account and gain Fight Money as usual? I'm going away for a few weeks and don't want to miss out on the weekly challenges.
Thanks!You will need to sign onto your PSN account (since CFN account is tied to it), but you should be able to.
All i can say is F*** laura, she is so cheap I'm starting to think she is actually worse than S1 mika.
maybe mainline SF should take a page from the -arcade- SF: The Movie: The Game game, and include counter throws, counter throw reversals and slammasters
it'd be so lit
Lol seriously the moment i see Laura in the versus screen i know I'm losing (unless somehow the player is really bad) she got the range and almost all her buttons can lead to a huge damage combo.
Can someone explain to me how Ken's tatsu works? I always seem to get hit by it when I'm going for pokes or when they wake up.
It's actually really good. Beats throws, lows and is fast. But it is also very punishable.Can someone explain to me how Ken's tatsu works? I always seem to get hit by it when I'm going for pokes or when they wake up.
Faced Idom and won the first game. But then I get no points so that Match didn't happen
Than a game 2 he starts playing Laura AKA Laura "I'm just going to press S.MP Until Something Happens" Matsuda
maybe mainline SF should take a page from the -arcade- SF: The Movie: The Game game, and include counter throws, counter throw reversals and slammasters
it'd be so lit
Oh my god, can the online in this fucking game work flawlessly at least for one day? It's been 3 fucking matches now that it'll try to connect to and drop. Fucking hell just let me play.
The past few days have been perfect.Today I got a drop and failed to send points error.
Capcom keeps teasing me.
It's just art from the CFN blog.So Kolin was supposed to be in the base roster, but was pushed back due to other characters.
There's more Kolin concept art on Street Fighter's Instagram account. I'd post them here, but I'm on my phone.
After hearing Gundam Versus has no splitscreen nothing SFV does can make me as upset as I am right now.
Fuck this earth.
Went back and played Super Turbo and SFIII with some friends at the local barcade, I forgot what fun was.
Also I'm too embarrassed to say but I broke another controller in a rage fit, I don't usually care when I lose even badly but when I have the game won on several occasions and a miss an input or fail to activate V-Trigger to continue a combo it really gets to me...Cammy is very to easy to win with, but she's also such a glass cannon that some characters like Balrog and Gief feel like they can do fifty percent with like one gauge of meter.
It's stupid screens are getting bigger which is ideal for split screen yet you barely find any games that supports split screen multiplayer. also i hate how bandai handled split screen in the older games where the HUD takes most of the screen.
Went back and played Super Turbo and SFIII with some friends at the local barcade, I forgot what fun was.
Also I'm too embarrassed to say but I broke another controller in a rage fit, I don't usually care when I lose even badly but when I have the game won on several occasions and a miss an input or fail to activate V-Trigger to continue a combo it really gets to me...Cammy is very to easy to win with, but she's also such a glass cannon that some characters like Balrog and Gief feel like they can do fifty percent with like one gauge of meter.
Gold rank finally.
I'd like to thank my parents for beliveing in me. I'd like to thank myco666 for the kind words of encouragement, and most of all, Capcom for making Laura the most fraudulent character in the game.
So Kolin was supposed to be in the base roster, but was pushed back due to other characters.
There's more Kolin concept art on Street Fighter's Instagram account. I'd post them here, but I'm on my phone.
I find it interesting that she was going to be in the main game. I wonder which character specifically pushed her out, and why out of Season 1 altogether?
I'm guessing Dhalsim, because no one likes Dhalsim.
Guessing Gief/Sim weren't in the initial plans but got added back in.I find it interesting that she was going to be in the main game. I wonder which character specifically pushed her out, and why out of Season 1 altogether?
I'm guessing Dhalsim, because no one likes Dhalsim.