Smush Parker and Kwame Brown would bop all of us free in basketball, but it doesn't stop me from saying they suck because we're comparing them to the top players of the game.
Would you bet on those guys getting out of the group stage?
Infl, Tokido, Wong, Du, Fuudo, Xiao, GB, MOV, Daigo, Phenom, Momo, FChamp, Luffy, Eita, Xian, K-Brad, Ortiz, Ryan, Rog, LI Joe, Punk, Wolf, Marn, and Smug are great players that have caught real results (although I actually don't know if Ryan played a lot last year, but he's definitely a good player).
That leaves Broly (who I don't know enough about to call), GILLty, Gootecks, Valle, LPN, and Snake Eyez (who's gotten a lot better since he's got pocket characters).
I'd argue Juilo being good, and Chris T could do some damage too.
So that's, what, 8 people if you do count the partial trinity? And half those bad players aren't all that bad, they just don't have the consistency of the top people save GILLty and Valle.
Edit: It's not about them getting out of top 16 or top 8. It's about the original assessment of half the players being throwaways, which really isn't the case.