Ohhhh shit Punk versus Ike now.
God I love rivalries.
God I love rivalries.
lol people were saying the same thing when they saw Mika grace the screen.
Is the new patch rootkit-free btw?
Surely you don't mean in S2, or else those people have no idea what they're talking about.
No one's uploaded Kolin's story mode yet?
Hypothetically, if one of you fine folks won Capcom Cup, what kind of costume would you design and for which character?
S1 goes without saying, though. Especially since I was a Mika main, I was more aware of it than anyone else (and how it made me doubt my own victories, concerning whether the character was just carrying me or not).
That era's (unfortunately) over, though. That's fine, it's been too long to care. But what matters now is Urien and Laura, and I am so strongly anticipating what happens to them.
I should note, I'm talking about those two in particular while ignoring Balrog, Guile and even Cammy. I hate those two so damn much.
Downplaying his main around patch time.
Classic strat.
Servers are up.
That's how competitions work though.
I think its time for a new joke, sixteen
You misunderstood what I said. I'm talking about the extra money from the dlc package. I think it sucked that they largely only gave it to the 1st place winner when the winner was already getting $120k which already towered over every other player's prize money. It should have been spread out more evenly to the rest of the top 32. This would have ensured everyone get money because it costs a lot of money to travel for the whole year, yet 1st place winner would still probably get like $140-150k.
Man, Liam O'Brien is the perfect voice for Gill.
After trying out Juri, I like how I can store her qcf lk, mk, and hk without holding a button. I finished her trial last night, and went to training mode to practice with her. Any advice on combos or match ups?
Amen to that. It'd be a damn shame if Gill himself wasn't playable at some point.Man, Liam O'Brien is the perfect voice for Gill.
Spoil me on Colons story. I won't have her until later tonight.
Amen to that. It'd be a damn shame if Gill himself wasn't playable at some point.
Only one fight (Guile) and she meets gill
like nothing happens
Oh, so when Kolin "freezes" an opponent instead of them being stunned, their health drains in that state. I didn't know about that.
Spoil me on Colons story. I won't have her until later tonight.
Yo, i don't know what people were complaining about, kolin's face looks unique and dope.
It takes place before the main story. In a flashback, Kolin narrates about how war took everything from her, her home, and she had lost all hope. Flash forward, Guile runs into her while looking for Charlie, and they get into a fight. Afterwards, another flashback happens. Just as she gives up completely, Gill appears before her in angelic light, promising that she can help build a new country to call home; a country of God. Flash forward again, and Charlie awakens.
Wow, that's cool. Not sure how practical it is since you can still do your own combo, but that's nifty.
How long is the Bengus was rushed excuse valid? I don't see any reason for rushing him with the DLC characters. The Kolin one can be as she was considered part of the original cast, but I'm talking about future DLC characters. How long until it's fair to say Bengus sucks now?
The Struggle is real, the damage is shit, she does very little damage with meh buttons..
Well the only excuse I can think of is that they're also having him draw art for MvC:I at the same time as having to draw art for this, which would to some extent justify it.How long is the Bengus was rushed excuse valid? I don't see any reason for rushing him with the DLC characters. The Kolin one can be as she was considered part of the original cast, but I'm talking about future DLC characters. How long until it's fair to say Bengus sucks now?
It really would be. I'm not too worried about it, though. I wouldn't be surprised if he does end up playable by the end of this game's life.Amen to that. It'd be a damn shame if Gill himself wasn't playable at some point.