Some initial thoughts on various character changes.
S2.0 Top Tier:
Guile gets lots of partial revert nerfs. S1 Guile was mid-high tier, so he'll be better than that.
Urien gets off easy. c.MK nerfed on block. The
Floechart Urien is still in effect. V-trigger unchanged -- THANK YOU.
Cammy buffed again. LOL. That said, the non-SRK buffs are probably useless.
Laura, Balrog, Necalli and Ibuki pretty much unchanged.
Mid Tier:
Zangief has a worse Lariat and THREE NEW MOVES. Will need to be road-tested.
Chun didn't get anything.
She needed a little more.
Low Tier:
Vega gets huge buffs to his claw c.HP, a crush counter move -- could be another Urien s.HP. Claw dive is much better too, and it was decent to start with.
Nash got partial S1 revert buffs. He was mid-tier in S1, so this probably isn't enough.
Juri gets SRK improvements but otherwise nerfed. RIP
Ryu is back in the game. c.MK hitbox revert is what he needed. Hurtbox still the bad S2 version.
Fang got move speed reverts. Needed more in my opinion. Poison effects still suck.