Only to be snatched away when the beta is over. The patch isn't coming till the end of the month,I thought.
I want to see Zangief's new moves. Glad I can wait just another week to see them.
Only to be snatched away when the beta is over. The patch isn't coming till the end of the month,I thought.
Only to be snatched away when the beta is over. The patch isn't coming till the end of the month,I thought.
Kolin still has a GOAT theme though.
One bad fireball and DP and that's it. After that Crush Counter, might as well get up and make a sandwich.
in SF4 you needed 3 hits from Cody to dizzy a low health character. Here it's just two hits.
I can't help finding it weird that they'd release this beta including the S2.5 changes without clearly telling us whether or not the changes are final. Under these circumstances it'd be totally normal for people to get their hopes up, but we just don't know.Only to be snatched away when the beta is over. The patch isn't coming till the end of the month,I thought.
Probably because stun game in this is closer to SF3, not SF4. Go look at Akuma's stun in that game and come back.
Makoto has 100% combos against only Akuma because of his stun meter in that game.
I can't help finding it weird that they'd release this beta including the S2.5 changes without clearly telling us whether or not the changes are final. Under these circumstances it'd be totally normal for people to get their hopes up, but we just don't know.
Like the one Karin lost coming into S2 because it was too bullshit, but apparently, someone else on the balance team managed to sneak it in again, and on grapple this time. ¯\_(ツWhat? Do you understand what I'm saying when I'm talking about a 4f startup light normal with 3 active frames that is +3 on block?
They were really good about the Urien nerfs. If they can give Laura, Cammy and Balrog lighter touches it would really help the game a lot. That said, I'd be happier with them staying as is if Capcom buffs the bottom 5-7 moderately again (except Vega who is gonna beast now). They can go farther with Nash and Alex in particular. Dudes are still incomplete.I would be so sad if they end up nerfing Laura hard after the PTR period
Light spinning mixer is not safe on block if i don't throw throw or Ex spinning mixer after it, i always end up eating some jabs.It really sucks against Rashid because stopping his spinning mixer is crucial when facing him with any character. I'm just gonna start mashing st.LP for my life anytime I see I'm blocking it.
Wait... wut.Light spooning mixer is not safe on block if i don't throw throw or Ex spinning mixer after it, i always end up eating some jabs.
Light spooning mixer is not safe on block if i don't throw throw or Ex spinning mixer after it, i always end up eating some jabs.
I can't help finding it weird that they'd release this beta including the S2.5 changes without clearly telling us whether or not the changes are final. Under these circumstances it'd be totally normal for people to get their hopes up, but we just don't know.
😂 AutocorrectWait... wut.
Haha, damn, that damage.3rd Strike also had a 25% (IIRC) damage bonus if you hit your opponent crouching. Combine that with a damaging character with a super that keeps your opponent crouched upon every hit, and you get stuff like this:
I wanted to call this video "K to the 0" to reflect how his health went to the K of Akuma's name down to 0 health, but I couldn't ... because his health was actually at the M of his name!
I just learned that Laura's st.LK is +3 on block.
Screw this character, man.
How we gonna talk about high damage and not mention my boy SF2?
What? Do you understand what I'm saying when I'm talking about a 4f startup light normal with 3 active frames that is +3 on block?
Yup, that it leaves you plus enough and close enough to threaten a command throw or another button, without getting jabbed out of either.
I also know you know this is a fairly common situation for a grappler.
It says a lot about how shit most normals are in SFV that tick throw setups aren't more common.
The issue lies in the fact that she is +3, not that it's a button that can be used for tic throws. Birdie has a 4f st.LK that is +3, but he isn't Laura.
You think everyone should have 4f light attacks that leave them +3? What makes Laura special? Especially when she's a grappler, which inherently means her tic throw setups are more dangerous?
Would you be okay with Necalli's st.LK being +3? How about Mika's?
The same thing that made Makoto 'special', short range normals and bad walkspeed.
To answer the other question, Necalli and Mika already have more than enough good short range buttons that they don't need it.
It was +3 in S1 probably because her command grab used to be 6f iirc. But now in S2 it's 5f yet her is still +3 for reasons. But Capcom knows better than us I guess!
What? Do you understand what I'm saying when I'm talking about a 4f startup light normal with 3 active frames that is +3 on block?
3 active frames eh? you could probably get some nasty meaty advantage off of it too
Expect a rocky start, servers migration is not easy and i doubt capcom got what it takes for a smooth one lolWe will see how that turns out next weekend. Anything is better than what they have in terms of load.
Expect a rocky start, servers migration is not easy and i doubt capcom got what it takes for a smooth one lol
I just wanna change my CFN..there's no chance of that happening.
Capcom just wiping the slate clean.The most Capcpom thing would be if all the data is accidentally lost during the server migration and we all have to make new CFNs.
That'd work out for some. A few people are still waiting on name changesThe most Capcpom thing would be if all the data is accidentally lost during the server migration and we all have to make new CFNs.
The most Capcpom thing would be if all the data is accidentally lost during the server migration and we all have to make new CFNs.
I regret my name. Top character specific when I used to think Rog would come more honest than he was in SF4.
Where is your FANG Avatar!????
Where is your FANG Avatar!????
The moment I stop caring about this game is if I change my avatar to something Non-SF related.
Changed to my new main in my new "main" fighting game. Really excited for Poison Ivy in IJ2, she looks awesome.
The good part is that your avatar is now pleasing to look at.Changed to my new main in my new "main" fighting game. Really excited for Poison Ivy in IJ2, she looks awesome.
ELeague.what tournaments are happening this weekend?
Because Mika and Necalli have "long range" normals compared to Laura? What are these "good short range buttons" that Mika has that Laura doesn't?
And bad walk speed is meaningless. Laura has a 17f dash, her V-Skill and a fireball which is mainly used for pressure instead of zoning. Her walk speed isn't even that bad.