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Street Fighter V |OTVII| New Generation - Connection To Haters Was Lost

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there is always Karin
She's a wonderful character, and arguably the most honest one in the game but the V-Trigger rekkas is something I can just never get used too :(

I don't understand why they didn't up poison damage of Fang in V-Trigger. Seeing how they went ham with Yamazaki super poison damage in KoFXIV without it being broken, it's depressing seeing Fang's fate in SFV.
For all the talk Capcom has given of wanting characters to play different and players being able to "express their playstyle", Capcom has also put in a staggering amount of changes to ensure characters play exactly the same.

They've added such a unique character in the form of FANG for Street Fighter. Both in terms of visual design and in terms of playstyle.

But then they buff his mixups and his frametraps and even add the ability to cancel into specials without charge in V-Trigger. Just so to make him better at this mixups and setups. For a game where half the cast already has potent sideswitch shenanigans, resets and setups, FANG honestly didn't need to be one of them.

To be fair, maybe that was the direction they envisioned for the character from the start and now they're going all the way. But it just makes those of us who play characters because we enjoy a particular way of playing them seem left out.

What's the point of playing FANG anymore if you like playing defensively when you have Guile who does everything better, and Dhalsim who can also accomplish the same goal.
Ricki should switch to Sim. He has long range pokes, a slide that can be V-trigger cancelled, gale is just like air legs in S1, a jab AA and a throw loop.
Are jump-ins too strong or not strong enough?

Honestly guys, you all should try out FANG's AAs.

  • If it's a cross-up attempt/jump in straight above you? Use cr.hp. In S1, people were crying and crying about Ryu's j.lk and I was anti airing that shit with (almost) no issues.
  • If it's a jump in with a move like Cammy's drill or a move with a decently placed hitbox? Use cr.mk. It's amazing.
  • If it's a jump in with a character that doesn't have great air normals? use st.mk.
  • If it's a jump in and they're gonna do a late jumping normal or gonna try and do a empty jump? use st.lp.
The great thing about cr.hp is that you can cancel the second hit into trap and it'll be + oB or into a light dash and potentially switch sides. I say potentially because it doesn't ALWAYS switch sides depending on the jump arc.

It's what makes me so disappointed about the character. He has ALL THE TOOLS to play defensive but since Capcom want him to be more of a "get-in and do setups" character instead of a "get a hit in and back off" character, I just see no reason to willingly play defensive since my damage output will be CONSIDERABLY lower.
Some characters really do have some great tools, but they're just really imbalanced in a sense so they end up being pretty low tier. Fang can deceptively cross you up, can AA super reliably and is surprisingly strong up close against mid level players and below, but he still doesn't get much use. Nash is pretty garbo, but his AA game is on point and those smart enough to know how to use his normals make him look like the SF equivalent of Apollo Creed, but his v-reversal and air normals put him down at the bottom. Some others have similar issues. Capcom just has their own internal idea of how they want certain characters to play and players are forced to accept it or use someone else.

Pick Cammy already
But in SF5, went with Bison at first but switched to FANG and now play Birdie. I thought Kolin would finally be the female character I enjoy playing with but nope.
I'm never going to drop Karin, but I've been looking for a second since the very start of this game. So far I've gone through Alex, Guile and Ibuki, but I might just end up going with Balrog's semi busted ass lol. Now I just gotta get that 100K FM.


I don't fucking understand why people neutral jump for no fucking reason.

normal --> normal --> fireball/special --> neutral jump lol

You dash in > you get bopped by the jump

You use a forward moving attack > you get bopped by the jump

You throw a fireball > it misses and you don't get meter

You use a v-skill > it misses and you don't get meter

You do nothing > you can't punish it most of the time

You use a normal from far range > you miss and don't chip their grey life

no reason not to


It's not losing that bothers me, it's that I'd like more ways to lose.

This is the truth. If someone beats me with a good read, or fools with a mixup I've never seen before, or straight outplays me, I'm not upset. I usually give props. It's when someone has some weak strategy that they do over and over again that you can't figure out, or does something so fucking stupid that you don't see it coming. That's when the rage comes.


To be fair, maybe that was the direction they envisioned for the character from the start and now they're going all the way. But it just makes those of us who play characters because we enjoy a particular way of playing them seem left out..

That's typical Capcom now. You either play the way they want you to or you lose. No room for diverse play styles or strategies. Every player must play the same way.


That's typical Capcom now. You either play the way they want you to or you lose. No room for diverse play styles or strategies. Every player must play the same way.

Tell that to Luffy and KnuckleDu who both play Mika differently. Same with Tokido and Snake Eyez with Akuma. I could go on.


Tell that to Luffy and KnuckleDu who both play Mika differently. Same with Tokido and Snake Eyez with Akuma. I could go on.

Squeezing blood from a stone doesn't mean it's not a stone, especially if the designer has said he wants it to be a stone.

You forgot fuudo tho
Any nostalgia I have for SF4 is entirely due to it's roster and not it's gameplay.
I only miss Cody and the benchmark tool SF4 has.
I do miss Ibuki.
I miss Cody
I believe its almost been 9 months since the Alex and Ibuki nolstagic costumes was revealed at evo. Still no sign of them.
At this point we might have to fool Capcom into thinking we want Chun to have a 3S Ibuki alt. Then we can use mods on PC to let Ibuki use her nostalgia costume that way.



I like this mika mod an alt take on her story costume

Any nostalgia I have for SF4 is entirely due to it's roster and not it's gameplay.

I miss good upercuts and I liked focus attack

Thinks about Sagats uppercut

Wooo that was a good upercut

I do miss the roster, I miss makoto, cody, viper, hugo, t hawk, and a bunch of others. OH

I miss old cool ibuki, and not shit juri
Capcom's a middle tier Company always on the verge of rising out of their own mediocrity, only to shoot themselves in the foot, they will never be a juggernaut, as long as the current regime at Capcom hold the same dumb ass views they will never see beyond their own shadow...
Watching Fuudo play Mika almost makes me wanna pick her up.

But I'm so bad with grapplers.

I haven't paid attention to this game or played it for close to two weeks now. Did I miss anything important? Did Laura get deleted from the game yet?

That's what people were saying when Mika was reigning supreme in Season 2.


I haven't paid attention to this game or played it for close to two weeks now. Did I miss anything important? Did Laura get deleted from the game yet?
Alpha 2 best game.
Actually alpha 3 is the be....

The gospel truth right here.

Give me Alpha 2 gameplay with alpha 3 roster and I would literally never need another SF game, ever.
Well shit, this is entirely true.
Fam, are you really trying to tell me people didn't want Mika deleted from the game in Season 1?
I think you accidentally said Season 2 instead of Season 1 in your post earlier.

Mika hasn't dominated anything except the trash dump in Season 2.
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