I thought that Ken had the same face in both of those just with way better lighting in the story mode.
It does look way better though.
He does, that's literally what the picture says.
This would take 10 seconds to fix. Why doesn't Capcom care?
That looks much better. Is there a clip of it in motion?
ahh, I didnt read the fine print
Ken might be taking the hit for everyone else. What if they changed the lighting and everyone else looked terrible
Are you implying that it's a hard fix?
I'm saying it's not an easylol10secondslazycacpcom fix.
Just changing the lighting alone means everyone else will be lit differently as well.
I'm saying it's not an easylol10secondslazycacpcom fix.
Just changing the lighting alone means everyone else will be lit differently as well.
That makes him look like a legit corpse.
I'm confident that the next character is going to be revealed this week and released on the 25th along with everything else. We haven't gotten a content drop this big since the July update with story mode, Ibuki, and Balrog.
This update feels more significant to me with the completely overhauled CFN, old characters getting new moves, and updates to existing stages.what about the Season 2 patch with Akumer?
It was still a fun set regardless and he gets viewers hyped up.alex is bad
I bet they could just use facial pose from the cutscene and not touch the lighting and it would still be an improvement. That open-mouth grin or whatever it's supposed to be is the biggest mistake.
I also wouldn't be surprised to hear that each character had its own lighting on the select screen. Wouldn't it be way more work to choose a single illumination setting and then get every character to look good under those conditions?
All over my Twitter people are freaking out about the update not coming this month.
Even though it says in the blogpost at the end that more info on the April content is coming soon.
That's the sort of click-bait, impatient, feed-me-hold-me culture I despise. They need to learn how to read as it says it directly in the text. Even the BestOfVShow today annoyed me with thier lack of research and they are meant to be the pros lol.
Even David and James are no different. I've seen them mention stuff and I'm like "yo, it's in the text fam". I get skepticism, because as a consumer, they have to earn your trust back, but ignoring them straight up saying "more stuff is coming in April" is so dumb.
What baffles me are the people who say their rants come from a place of love. Maybe, to some extent, they do. But I'm pretty passionate about Capcom, and I have a lot of criticisms, and because of that, I try to keep things tethered to reality. Like, be honest, if you are coming from a place of love and want the game to be better, the very least you can do is acknowledge the good when it finally arises. Otherwise they are going to stop giving a shit because it'll be impossible to please the consumer.
I have some problems and issues with community, and it's not all on Capcom. Like, that Javits dude will post tech, and then twenty tweets of "oh this game is busted" and "oh here comes the defender" are the response. That dude is trying to help people learn and the thanks he gets is a bunch of shitposts. It's so grating.
Like, I'm not asking for people to suck Capcom off and lord knows they've done a lot of dumb shit to warrant some snark. But continuously being belittling and not giving back to a product you supposedly want to make better is silly. And by giving back, I mean at most taking the time to read a blog post in full.
Whoops, that turned into a rant.
Nah I feel you. It's one thing to want content, communication and patches or whatnot but it's another when some consumers still whine and cry when they do actually get them. It stars to get counter-productive and leads to this kind of fatigue that no matter what they do it won't be "enough". Which is clearly not the case. Not saying Capcom are perfect by any means, however I think some credit should be given where it's due.
I think Capcom have done very well this year in terms of communicating and has giving us updates about content or characters every month but I think what they really do need is a CORE community manager (possibly someone very well known in the FGC) for SFV to relay tidbits of information back to the audience - and in order to do that, that they need to sever some ties at Capcom Japan.
How could someone leave before a win?How many of you guys absolutely have to go out on a win while playing online?
How many of you guys absolutely have to go out on a win while playing online?
Nah I feel you. It's one thing to want content, communication and patches or whatnot but it's another when some consumers still whine and cry when they do actually get them. I
The most mature level-headed community is this one right here.
On the list of priorities though, getting CFN stable & fixed was no.1, and a lot of work from certain teams went into this April update for that specific reason. That isn't the entirety of what is being worked on there. It sucks that we have big community leaders, like Ultra/Chen, proceed to just dump on them and not bother reading the blog post, but it just goes to show you that even when Capcom does try to do the dripfeed thing (like what is happening these next 2 weeks), the fans just get impatient & want all the things known now or they just proceed to shit all over Capcom.
-25 healthI don't need all these Alex buffs or returning S1 properties
Just return season 1 cr.MP
I'll keep the boosted health tho
How could someone leave before a win?
That leads to a bigger tilt factor for me.
Out of curiousity, is Eleague actually a CPT event?
Kolin Was such a disappointment I need the new people quick
It better not be some random background character
That dude in the hoodie in the story is also whack
Damage wouldn't be so bad if there were more defensive options. You can have an explosive game but you need more ways to deal with shit.
Anti air normals should be doing 50% more to airborne opponents instead of scaling down.
Kolin is indeed dope.Ok one
Kolin is dope
Two Ed is also Dope shut your dumb mouth
What character do you play in Tekken?Kolin Was such a disappointment I need the new people quick
It better not be some random background character
That dude in the hoodie in the story is also whack
Unless you're Birdie then a bullhorn comes out instead of a cr.mp and you're fucked.25th! Can't wait for fixed lobbies!
I learned something mindblowing today.
Wait for it.
If you have your finger on the button you use for an anti-air
It makes it faster to anti-air people
I think I need some sleep.