Fuck this shit. I have to go back to Urien. I need to be able to play like a nut this weekend and I can't do that as well with Bison.
Nut is a state of mind my friend
Fuck this shit. I have to go back to Urien. I need to be able to play like a nut this weekend and I can't do that as well with Bison.
Seriously considering switching back to PS4 for T7 and Rev2... But I really don't want to.
I haven't played fighters for long but I know fighters on PC have good few months and then it drops. Drops harder if netcode is crap.
Which tournament?
Nut is a state of mind my friend
Dude, what happened? lol
They randomly added characters all the time in the betas. Now we need 8 hours of maintenance to add some outfits and a stage.
Ucchedavāda;235502284 said:That was probably back when that one guy who developed the server infrastructure still worked with Capcom.
Good games earlier this morning, Vulva. I don't know what direction you plan to go in, but Cammy seems like your best bet going forward. I could tell it was still early, but I think your Cammy shows a lot of promise. Her spin knuckle is really hard to deal with at first. It wasn't even on my radar up until now. That right there feels like a good v-skill. The backdashing game during those sets was also hilarious. Strangest wakeup game I've experienced in any fighter lol.
Wasn't it some mobile company though?
"one guy" didn't develop what capcom uses for CFN, it's something they licensed from another company, the "one guy" just implemented it, which is normal, you don't need an army of 50 programmers to implement middleware.
that might've just been you because in the first couple days I was playing fine with no issues at all. fake news tbhWhen SF5 launched, literally all you could do was training, survival mode, and those shitty prologues that you can finish in like 45 minutes (and local multiplayer, if you're lucky to have friends who play SF at your level). No arcade mode, no training mode (yet), no story mode (yet), matchmaking didn't work, battle lounge didn't work, servers completely failed. I took two days off for SF5's launch and I barely even got to play the damned thing.
They had FOUR BETAS, FOUR! And online was still fucking broken at launch. FOUR BETAS!
Redbull is hosting some tournament regional thing this weekend. I assume they do this all over the place. It's no big deal, because I didn't expect to place, but I do want to do decent at some casual matches.
True, but to be nut, you gotta find the right character to let you be a nut. Like, you can definitely be a nut with Necalli, but for whatever reason I can't just do shit and not worry like I do with Urien. Bison's even worse, because I can't keep pressure up.
But drop an input with Urien? No worries, I can translate that into something where I pretend like I meant to do it. Wakeup EX headbutt catches them the first time, and the second time they expect it, so I just grab them.
Ucchedavāda;235505041 said:One guy claims to have been solely responsible for "Design/ architect/ program/ operate SFV server section", "Covering full vertical. HW, Network, and SW", and more. See the link above. But I am not critiquing the number of people involved, but rather suggesting that the loss of know-how when he left could have negatively impacted the operation and maintenance of whatever stack he built.
It won't.
Norcal Rivals? I might go there this weekend to try and redeem myself after going 0-2 in the first one.
Though tbh I haven't really been feeling the game as much lately, so who knows.
This literally changes nothing about what I said.
This literally changes nothing about what I said.
that might've just been you because in the first couple days I was playing fine with no issues at all. fake news tbh
Ucchedavāda;235508968 said:Then I am afraid that I don't see your point.
Is there a blonde Bipson? Don't think I've seen one.Does every character in the game have a color that makes them a blonde?
Is there a blonde Bipson? Don't think I've seen one.
My point was made the first time, one guy didn't develop the server infrastructure, it's already developed, that's what middleware is, he implemented it.
Does every character in the game have a color that makes them a blonde?
not kolin
How long does it take to learn Mika
I want to see Chris G cry.
But I don't want to see Balrog win.
Who do I pick.
y u meen to krisg
Truly a Sophie's choice.I want to see Chris G cry.
But I don't want to see Balrog win.
Who do I pick.
What happened? I just found out that I'm blocked from his twitter.
It has to be from the time he called a black dude a monkey and I said something about it. That's the one and only time I've ever seen his page.
Truly a Sophie's choice.
That's funny because I remember Yuck Mouth saying he wouldn't say anything about Punk's teeth due to his own grill being mauled and crazy looking like a great white shark.Spab tried to set up a fight between LTG and Punk. Punk said he'd have to get paid to face someone irrelevant like that. LTG called him piano teeth, and Punk put him in his place reminding him that he works at Goodwill and doesn't win tournaments.
LTG then goes on a seven Tweet rant about Punk forgetting that LTG himself drinks piss.
Alchemist stahp.
That's funny because I remember Yuck Mouth saying he wouldn't say anything about Punk's teeth due to his own grill being mauled and crazy looking like a great white shark.
Is there a blonde Bipson? Don't think I've seen one.
I picked this up the other day and for the first time have tried to properly learn how to play a fighting game (Despite owning quite a few, they're mainly for when friends are over).
Been playing Cammy, things seem to be going pretty well (Attempted one ranked and won woooo) but was looking to see if there were any battle lounges people here host to practice? I seem to get such a wild variation in skill in my matchups and connection stability, so I figured I'd check out here.
cr.mk xx HK arrow seems to fuck with a lot of people on casual, I rely on it way too much.