I was expecting to see a Urien mashing stHP. Or Balrog TAP combo leading to death.
I can see this ruining someone's day though.
If you aren't ruining someone's day in SFV you aren't playing right.
I was expecting to see a Urien mashing stHP. Or Balrog TAP combo leading to death.
I can see this ruining someone's day though.
I might have given up on this franchise if this happened to me.
I might have given up on this franchise if this happened to me.
The problem here is the damage scaling. One jump in combo and a meaty CC into heavy SPD is 70% damage and a stun. No meter.
The problem here is the damage scaling. One jump in combo and a meaty CC into heavy SPD is 70% damage and a stun. No meter.
The problem is not anti airing and mashing on wakeup.The problem here is the damage scaling. One jump in combo and a meaty CC into heavy SPD is 70% damage and a stun. No meter.
Maybe we'll see Ed one day.
The problem is not anti airing and mashing on wakeup.
Did you keep loosing to Elena and complain that you couldn't do anything?
Maybe we'll see Ed one day.
I was really hoping for an Ed trailer today. Dammit, Capcom.
akuma is supposed to be a glass canon
Probably next tuesday so they can build up a little hype for the beta next weekend
But the day isn't over yet
Once SF6 comes out people will admit V is balanced.
We should just keep guessing dates, if everyone does it we should have most covered and someone will be right.
Ucchedavāda;235716481 said:We need TheSpoiler to put eating ass on the line. That has a surprisingly high rate of success.
We should just keep guessing dates, if everyone does it we should have most covered and someone will be right.
If I put down this whole plate.
You gotta put down that trailer Capcom.
November 30th
I wonder if it's because of Golden Week that Capcom (JP) doesn't want to push anything out.
No, 31st.
Btw you opened up a real can of worms on gaming side with that NRS animation video lol. It's been a good and informative discussion (mostly) so thanks.
akuma is supposed to be a glass water gun
Fixed. Many characters in SFV do much more damage and got much more health... Perhaps Akuma is paying some super vagina tax and we don't know it (yet).
SFV is relatively balanced. Even with all my complaining about Ken, I've stated multiple times they just switched around the tiers and now even more characters are viable. My issue is, we had relative balance even in S1, where the top of the heap just needed small adjustments to moves and abilities that were being abused.Once SF6 comes out people will admit V is balanced.
This.I think Akuma works okay. A health buff was the lazy way to buff him though.
akuma has low health because he has a shitton of options.
Fireball, multiple hit fireball without ex, air fireball, demon flip, 2 overheads, parry, +3ob cc that also hits crouching and crumples, bHp aa, invincible reversal ex, invincible reversal in vtrigger, 2 ultras.
If he gets 900, cammy and karin should honestly get more hp too
Replace it with Linux and install the Linux version of the gameI installed the Windows 10 Creator update today (why the fuck did i do that?) and now SFV runs in slow motion. Anyone know a solution other than rolling back to previous Windows?
akuma has low health because he has a shitton of options.
Fireball, multiple hit fireball without ex, air fireball, demon flip, 2 overheads, parry, +3ob cc that also hits crouching and crumples, bHp aa, invincible reversal ex, invincible reversal in vtrigger, 2 ultras.
If he gets 900, cammy and karin should honestly get more hp too
oh yeah poor cammy who has no options and no walkspeed either
Replace it with Linux and install the Linux version of the gamethat was supposed to come
make divekick an overhead
Great point. I don't doubt it all. Its obvious that Capcom JP is running the show. I bet (a) Capcom JP employees are taking time off, (b) they feel they won't get enough eyeballs because people in Japan are out shopping, traveling, etc. during Golden Week, or (c) a mixture of a & b.
SFV is relatively balanced. Even with all my complaining about Ken, I've stated multiple times they just switched around the tiers and now even more characters are viable. My issue is, we had relative balance even in S1, where the top of the heap just needed small adjustments to moves and abilities that were being abused.
Always a new character winning in tourney days even with "cheap" Mika. Chun despite being unanimously considered the best, never won tourney's. They settled for half the cast being great and fun and the other have been good, if they would have mostly buffed, I'm pretty sure they could have reached VF5 level balanced where 90% of the cast is great. Along with that, and the sparse updates, and low amount of modes, SFV is a great achievement from Capcom. The base game is lightyears ahead, but in all honesty they are moving at a snail pace to improve upon it, 2 years, it should already have 35 characters, 4-5 modes for casual & online players, and big tie ins to garner hype like a Dante from DMC or characters from Sonys IP.
SF2 was the biggest thing ever because of its gameplay yes, but today, games have expanded so much, you have to offer a lot of content to please a wider user base. By virtue of the competition being so much higher, it's a must. SFV should have launched this year with 25 characters, Arcade, Training, Would-Tour, Survival, Battle Lounge, and MP modes, one new character every month after release, and waaaaaaaaay more costumes than what's available with more customization over them.
If I was at the helm, I would have just delayed the game and sold a $30, digital only beta.
Tokido said if Akuma had a better fireball, that's all he'd need to be complete. I like that idea, but I don't know enough Akuma to call that.