They give you all except 11-15 for the default outfit.So I had bought the season pass and got 10 colors for the standard outfit and the alternate one for Akuma. But I watch Tokido rock the same crimson outfit as me, except his has boss yellow hair. Do season passes not even give you every color option?
So I had bought the season pass and got 10 colors for the standard outfit and the alternate one for Akuma. But I watch Tokido rock the same crimson outfit as me, except his has boss yellow hair. Do season passes not even give you every color option?
So I had bought the season pass and got 10 colors for the standard outfit and the alternate one for Akuma. But I watch Tokido rock the same crimson outfit as me, except his has boss yellow hair. Do season passes not even give you every color option?
The face of a youthful Ibuki filled with hope and optimism.
I was gonna post a picture of Ken's premium costume but you know what, damage has already been done.
Ibuki looks like a squirrel
Hate fighting Birdie tbh.
Like Tampa Bison said:
Tekken 7 was smart. Make people endure a two year long wait while they fix up the game and release an expansion. Though I still hear people call it dumbed down compared to other games in the series and it'll get shit for being a jugglefest but hey fuck you fighting games are fun.
Where the hell is Snake Eyez? I thought this was his full time job, but you barely ever see him, not even at WNF.
When they say dumbed down they mean "Hey this overly complicated part of the meta that I like was toned down."
Kinda sad to see SFV to be in the position its in, but again it still reminds me of how people treated SFIV during its tenure.
Well, it was his second fighting game right after he started with HD Remix (and won EVO...)He takes awhile to get good in a game. I remember in the late Super/Early AE days in IV his Gief wasn't looking too hot.
Re: the top tiers, I kinda feel like the things that make someone top tier in S2 are different than the things that made the top tiers in S1. Like it feels like in S1 you had a good chance of being top tier if you had most of the good tools (3f normal, invincible reversal, good walk speed, good throw range, good corner carry, good damage conversion). There were maybe a few exceptions to this, but I feel like most of the characters that everyone considered the best (Ryu, Ken, Cammy, Karin, Necalli, etc.) had these things in common. In S2 I feel like the measure of top tier is basically how easily the character can put you in a 50/50 and get good damage off of that. I feel like Laura, Balrog and Urien really thrive off of that. Guile is basically a walking fortress who can expand his walls to the point of being oppressive if he feels like it, and Cammy kinda feels like a S1 top tier that snuck in.
Gief is basically a walking 50/50 generator. I'm not convinced the Japanese are wrong when they say this might be his year.
They give you all except 11-15 for the default outfit.
Colours 11 -15
A squirrel costume would fit her.
EDIT: Maybe even a flying squirrel costume. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Well, it was his second fighting game right after he started with HD Remix (and won EVO...)
There is definitely going to be 1, maybe 2 giefs that do absolutely insane but it's not gonna be a S1 chun or Nash situation where there are like million different players getting top 8s with those characters.
Stupendous and Itazan are gonna eat this season.
I was gonna say Snake too but I feel like I haven't seen his Gief in a minute.
Does FANG have safe specials? Does he have a dependable AA game? I'm trying to see if he can fit my play style. He's dumb as hell and his design is awful, but nobody plays him so I'm intrigued. It must be extremely satisfying to win with him, too, knowing that your opponent is probably ripping his hair out in real-life.
Well yeah but... He now has no meter left, and over half his V-Trigger is gone. Just sayin.
Move certainly should be either more punishable oB or have frame 3 armor instead.
I struggle against Bison and played one who I was 100% was about to beat me easily until something happened. Only I have no idea what I or he did differently for me to turn it around.
Anybody see anything I don't or have any tips or suggestions for me (Nash)?
Any rank/skill level is welcome to chime in. I appreciate it.
I'm in love only because it's Samus, otherwise fuck Cammy.Zero Suit Cammus
ST caused a mass exodus in the competitive scene back in the 90s because the Hyper Fighting players hated supers."This isn't street fighter" - everything after ST.
I'm in love only because it's Samus, otherwise fuck Cammy.
You play Urien though.
This is exactly what I needed. Thanks Flux.From what I can tell, there isn't much of anything that really changed between the matches where you lost and the ones where you won. It seemed to be the same game plan; it's just that both of your skill levels are the same, so it turned out that you won some of those matches because that's what happens.
There's a ton for you to improve:
1. Way too much jumping. Anytime you jump, you are at your most vulnerable in this game. You can't just jump aimlessly without a reason to do so. Typically, jumps are done because you've conditioned your opponent to expect pressure/footsies on the ground, and they feel comfortable enough to throw out a strong move with powerful recovery. This is when jumps are their most effective. Cross-up range is good too. But not all the time like you were doing here. The same goes for those moonsaults. If you went against an opponent who could AA consistently, those would basically be the same as jumps.
2. Bad pressure when you get a knock down. You have to learn meaties and plus buttons to pressure them when you knock your opponent down. This is the most important part when it comes to offense, and you're not really doing anything with it a lot except for sometimes neutral jumping to bait a throw, or something.
3. Your ground game mainly consists of backdashing > throwing a fire ball and then dashing/jumping in or doing a moonsault. You'll need to learn proper pokes and simply walking (despite Nash's slow walk speed). When you're playing at this pace, it's also much easier to anti-air, which you were missing a lot of. Also, consider your opponent's longest range pokes. There are "danger ranges" for Bison where you should be keeping in mind at all times if you're going to be at the defensive. The kind of stuff that results in Crush Counter after Crush Counter.
4. Don't always feel like you need to be doing something on wake-up. Blocking is, most often than not, your best option. Opponents who would meaty you consistently wouldn't let you get away with a lot of what you were doing.
Technically Cammy does this too.Urien is cool though, he fucks your shit up,.wearing only a thong
I just fought a Bison who I did good at first but once he realized I couldn't do anything against his scissors and CC fishing from out of punish range he just abused it.
You play Urien though.
Neutral jump.