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Street Fighter V |OTVIIII| New Generation - Fighting Game Is Something So Great

CCs are a gamechanger for me, I love watching sfv for these phat punishes.
When someone whiffs in other games, I immediately expect a CC, but then nothing happens and I get sad.
You should spectate high level Tekken play, whiff punishes galore! *kisses fingertips*


I can understand. Watching football can definitely be more exciting than watching chess.
Wow lol
Usf4 is about out playing the opponent, using every tool you have.

In SFV, once your in the corner it becomes near impossible to get out of because of crap like Jab AA. It's supposed to be nerfed this season but it has done nothing. Ryu still has his, and work on close ups and cross ups and then giving him a set up the same with his axe kick for jump ins. And you can't challenge it either

You have to press two buttons and hit confirm into a VT to turn the tide of a match from small mistakes.

If they opponent does a big mistake they get punished big time in Sf4

USF4 was a game where I could pick Ryu and actually win some matches by just doing cr.mk xx fireball

And I can punish said tactic by doing Medium Sting with Decapre and not forced to blocked after Guile's Cr.jab AA.


benevolent sexism
I don't know if anyone here is up on their Ken minutia (Omni, can you hear me?) but twice now I've lost rounds against Urien because my cross-up j.mk -> c.mp -> target combo -> h.shoryu xx super has whiffed the super because Urien pops up too high. I'm not late canceling and it's on the first hit of the DP. I think this has happened against Balrog too.

Is it supposed to be the case that this combo doesn't work under certain conditions? Or is it a timing issue and I'm screwing it up (or lag is screwing it up)?

I've done it approximately one million times, so I really don't think it's an execution issue.

edit: i can't replicate in the lab so there may be some quirk of positioning involved...
I've finally beaten someone who teabagged me. Take that you bastard!

GGs though.

I got teabagged by someone several ranks above me the other day. It had the opposite effect from what was intended. It made me feel good that I played skillfully enough to beat, confuse and frustrate someone who I thought I would have no chance against, going into the match. He won the last set (before he ran) but I feel like I got the last laugh.


benevolent sexism
Try removing the h.shoryuken from that sequence.
That would work but I shouldn't have to do it. The combo works virtually all the time. I'm trying to understand why in some rare instances the opponent pops up higher as though different juggle rules have been invoked arbitrarily.

It could just be that I'm a few frames late cancelling the target combo into shoryu, which is the kind of execution error a person might make once in a great while. Or the opponent was lag switching! Yes, that's it.

Better than looking at ken
If Ken was draped from head to toe in Ed Hardy, I would wholeheartedly agree.


I've been messing around with Kolin aaand i actually like her! Not exactly what i'd want from a character but at least she's cooler then most others in the roster. Could someone give me a quick rundown of the most important things i should know about her?


Usf4 is about out playing the opponent, using every tool you have.

In SFV, once your in the corner it becomes near impossible to get out of because of crap like Jab AA. It's supposed to be nerfed this season but it has done nothing. Ryu still has his, and work on close ups and cross ups and then giving him a set up the same with his axe kick for jump ins. And you can't challenge it either

You have to press two buttons and hit confirm into a VT to turn the tide of a match from small mistakes.

If they opponent does a big mistake they get punished big time in Sf4

And I can punish said tactic by doing Medium Sting with Decapre and not forced to blocked after Guile's Cr.jab AA.
Yeah Ryu is the biggest problem with SFV, so OP, such power


I've been messing around with Kolin aaand i actually like her! Not exactly what i'd want from a character but at least she's cooler then most others in the roster. Could someone give me a quick rundown of the most important things i should know about her?
Kolin is kool.

-Her cr mk is real good. Long range, +1. You can use a st hp or mp afterwards to counter attempts to poke at you bc any button that can actually reach at that range will be counterhit most of the time with those buttons and faster buttons won’t reach and you will whiff punish them. They can counter your attempts to do that though. If you’re feeling lucky you can fit in a vskill to counter a slower normal too. Cancels into v trigger and is good on hit and advantaged enough on block for a dash or two in

-use vskill as you like until the opponent shows adequate punishes. Use it as a neutral winner or a ranged anti air. There’s a place where you can use it and it will hit empty or hard jump ins, and a place where it will whiff and you will get punished. Learn where those places are.

-Whiff punishing is important for Kolin. Learn how to do it with st lk buffered into stuff, st no, and st hp.

-cr hk is risky, but useful if you can get the read on the opponent walking around at distance. Always buffer it into something when using

-avoid using snowball in neutral too much, it’s very slow.

-Learn your meaty timings. After every hp hands hits you can dash up and use st mp or st go depending on quick or back rise. Same goes for v skill. After throws she has st hp or back hk depending.

-Don’t abuse her command dash.

-Ex lp dash is strike invincible on frame 1. Safer than counter for escaping but not throw invincible. If you’re smart you can play the mixup between backdash, ex lp dash, wakeup 3 frame jab, and block.

-vtrigger can be used in a few ways. You can hit them with it and try to overwhelm them. Hit them and wait for them to get desperate and then defend appropriately leading to stun. Footsies/anti projectiles usage. Play with it.

-kolins real strength is her stun.m, not her damage. Watch the stun bar as you play.

-at the same time she does her best damage with meter. Learn her ex hands mixups. Learn her conversions with 1, 2, or 3 bars. Rarely do you want to save super.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, Alex is fucking broken. I can't do anything agains't him as Mika, everything he does just wins

I know people will laugh at me because he's seen as weak, I don't care


I've said it before and I'll say it again, Alex is fucking broken. I can't do anything agains't him as Mika, everything he does just wins

I know people will laugh at me because he's seen as weak, I don't care

I feel your pain, except for me it's FANG and Bison. Supposedly are / were low tier, but you can't tell that by my win ratio.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, Alex is fucking broken. I can't do anything agains't him as Mika, everything he does just wins

I know people will laugh at me because he's seen as weak, I don't care
After seeing what Donpachi did to Tokido recently, I’m ready to call Alex a top 5 char tbh

Teh Lurv

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Alex is fucking broken. I can't do anything agains't him as Mika, everything he does just wins

I know people will laugh at me because he's seen as weak, I don't care

Alex players are keeping his OP close to their chests. They saw Chun-Li fly too close to the sun and get hit by the nerf bat.

In the same vein, I have a tough time against Nash as Chun-Li. It seems like everything Nash throws against me is either forced block or pushes him back far enough I can't punish it.
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