akachan ningen
I've been saying this for years. All this "bully re-education" doesn't work. They just ignore it. The only thing you can do is teach your kids to stand up for themselves.
Truth hurts people. No, girls/guys are not into you for your personality; looks matter. No, those bullies aren't going to all be washing your car or answering your phones when you grow up and do well in college. No, being a good guy is not going to make you successful at anything other being a doormat.
It's time to wake up and become the ruthless animals we were meant to be. Climbing the ladder of success on the backs of the weak.
- in Canada."-of those in high school." is what I think the headline left out.
Genetic purge? Start wiping out entire bully families or sterilize 'em. Muahaha...If bullying is genetic, there's not much they can really do change anything.
If my future child came to me to say they were being bullied, I still literally don't know what advice to give.
Telling the teacher never worked. Escalating by fighting back never worked. 90% chance their parents are pieces of work themselves who either can't discipline their child, or just beat the kid mercilessly and it's where the pattern of violence comes from.
I guess I'll just tell them not to be jealous of their future success.
Hmmm. Naturally while still in high school a bully would have confidence and an inflated sense of self.
But one of my best mates is a psychologist who has told me that in most cases the opposite is true.
If my future child came to me to say they were being bullied, I still literally don't know what advice to give.
Telling the teacher never worked. Escalating by fighting back never worked. 90% chance their parents are pieces of work themselves who either can't discipline their child, or just beat the kid mercilessly and it's where the pattern of violence comes from.
I guess I'll just tell them not to be jealous of their future success.
So much for karma, and all those "one day, he'll be working for you!" speeches. I probably should've been an asshole.
Truth hurts people. No, girls/guys are not into you for your personality; looks matter. No, those bullies aren't going to all be washing your car or answering your phones when you grow up and do well in college. No, being a good guy is not going to make you successful at anything other being a doormat.
It's time to wake up and become the ruthless animals we were meant to be. Climbing the ladder of success on the backs of the weak.
People just paraded the "bullies are sad and broken on the inside" to feel better about getting bullied.
this is kind of hilarious, i think at some point people said things like 'bullies are insecure, cowards, etc." to console the bullied and that drum was beat so hard and repeatedly that it became what was believed true.
get fuck'd i guess.
Truth hurts people. No, girls/guys are not into you for your personality; looks matter. No, those bullies aren't going to all be washing your car or answering your phones when you grow up and do well in college. No, being a good guy is not going to make you successful at anything other being a doormat.
It's time to wake up and become the ruthless animals we were meant to be. Climbing the ladder of success on the backs of the weak.
Wong and student Jun-Bin Koh surveyed 135 teenagers from a Vancouver high school.
Honestly, psychoanalysis probably yielded more accurate results.It is always cute to see self-called scientists trying to explain cultural phenomena with evolutionary psychology.
Evolutionary psychology really is this century psychoanalysis. It has an explanation for everything! lol
A just-published Canadian study has added heft to a provocative new theory about bullying: that the behaviour is literally in the genes, an inherited trait that actually helps build social rank and sex appeal..
Humans tend to try to establish a rank hierarchy, says Jennifer Wong, the criminology professor who led the study.
I'm not seeing any evidence that it is genetic, though. How does bullies being happy make it genetic?If bullying is genetic, there's not much they can really do change anything.
It's because it's so easy to attribute things to evolution, because on the service most of it is very logical. But evolution is more complicated than that.
Yes, clearly "This behavior must have a genetic component because I say so" is a holistic perspective and not pseudoscientific fuckery./sIt is certainly far easier to atribute things to "society" or a nebulous "social convention", like most progressives loves to do.
That being said, trying to reduce something as complex as the human nature to just "society" or "biology" is just two faces of the same academic reductionist coin. They're different forms of anti-intellectualism designed in order to defend certain political ideas or prestablished beliefs. I don't like that.
The best discoveries in science tends to be made when combining fields and applying an holistic view into the subject of the study with many different viewpoints involved and an open mind towards the results of the investigation, not by walling knowdegle and wanting to arrive to a certain pre-stablished conclussion.
Yes, clearly "This behavior must have a genetic component because I say so" is a holistic perspective and not pseudoscientific fuckery./s
Evolutionary psychology is fucking terrible. It's rife with baseless speculation, biased sampling and analysis, and poor understanding of genetics and evolution in general. Papers like this piece of shit show just how ridiculous the "science" gets. It's disgraceful when other fields of biology that actually require extensively detailed and supported research are lumped in with the equivalent of a high school student writing fanfic.
Honestly, psychoanalysis probably yielded more accurate results.
What ever happened to all that "bullies are insecure", "covering up for personal failures", etc?