It kinda sounds creepy because all I can picture is something similar to the tank of Reis in Eva.
Man that one guy.
1 Rei? Nah. Take them all.
It kinda sounds creepy because all I can picture is something similar to the tank of Reis in Eva.
Hagure Yuusha 1
Shot through the tit and you're to blame,
You give Brains Base a bad name
Is this Jellohead-kun or are they just getting really uncreative with character design?
Pokemon B/W Rival Densities 19
We got Sklya.
Pokemon B/W Rival Densities 19
We got Sklya.
Rumors out of Fuji TV:
- Psychopass will be directed by Satoshi Nishimura with CG animation from a new studio.
- Takahiro Omori is working on a sequel to a "fairly recent" Brains Base show.
Hate me all you want but I'm watching Eureka Seven: Pocketful of Rainbows for reference! Yeah!
She's not a gym leader in this? Does this mean no launching people out of cannons?
Fake edit: Alright, just looked a screencap of Elesa up and she doesn't look so bad. Phew.
No she is, see how he says that the next episode is the gym battle?
Tragic victim of fan death
She's not a gym leader in this? Does this mean no launching people out of cannons?
god what happened to pokemon god damnit.
No she is, see how he says that the next episode is the gym battle?
god what happened to pokemon god damnit.
I thought he meant that Dent was taking Fuuro's place as gym leader just for this one battle.
Also, that screenshot is 100% shopped (pretty poorly too), but I'm sure you know that already.
Black and White's stated purpose was to bring older fans back into the fold!
Also, that screenshot is 100% shopped (pretty poorly too), but I'm sure you know that already.
Oh, I meant Dento was fighting Skyla to prove her type matchup fights were a stupid idea.
Even though, that's basically what's the game is.
I'm ok with that.
You should've been on the Xillia thread. I lost a bet so I have to wear this crappy avatar. I'm suffering through this movie for all of your sakes! ASK ME QUESTIONS TO MAKE THIS WORTH IT! lol. jk. Anyway, I really am watching this for reference sake and I never hated this movie. It wasn't too horrible. I just didn't like the reused scenes.
Guys, I think Gaming side broke kayos90 completely and utterly....![]()
You have all of Pixiv to satisfy you, just let the anime stay (relatively) pure![]()
One thing that I always liked about the anime was that type matchups weren't absolute. Fans always mock things like Pikachu being able to shock a Rhydon by using its horn as a lightning rod, but that kind of unconventional thinking was necessary to make battles interesting in the anime! I was never a fan of Pikachu just Thundershocking enemies until they KO
That's a fucking Pokemon character?!
Google probably wouldn't want me to post that stuff here.
The anime is the closest thing we'll probably ever get to an action filled Pokemon battle despite all those (wrong) people wanting a change to the games.
That's a fucking Pokemon character?!
But her real version isn't that far-removed from Chet's fantasy:
But her real version isn't that far-removed from Chet's fantasy:
Yes, but she normally dresses like this. Though I think she looks better in the new game.That's a fucking Pokemon character?!
Bianca is the best thing about the new Pokeyman anime; way better than her lame game counterpart.
You might as well go for the overdone outfit.
Pokemon really has come a long way. Even the humans have evolved forms now.
Okay, be straight with me, real or fake?
also, shitty tumblr tint strikes again
And, that might be real. But, I can't even name the Pokemon or thing she is touching so I guess my Pokemon-fu is failing.
Okay, be straight with me, real or fake?
also, shitty tumblr tint strikes again
So... how does her shirt work? lolphotoshopz.
But her real version isn't that far-removed from Chet's fantasy:
If Kuroyukihime is sane enough to be a legion master, then Chiyu should be able to handle healbotting or whatever.accel world - 13
Amusingly enough, I didn't know there was a healer shortage/drama in this game as well. Still think the virtual stuff is surprisingly good.
Haru is growing on me.
e: the idea of someone as clingy and obsessive as Chiyu being granted such a demanding role sure sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. I wonder if this is where all the RAGE will come from.
e2: dat feel when I check a spoiler and realize with a horror that is is going to turn into Bleach
edit: amazing wonzo, maybe your magnum opus.
I haven't seen/read Bleach. Without spoiling AW, can you explain what you mean?
So... how does her shirt work? lol
Dame, dame, dame, dame, dame, dame.
That's a bit ominous.It's about the nature of her in-game power. I think only people who are somewhat familiar with Bleach would get this, though:
Oh, of course. Right up until she inevitably murders the rest of Cartman's harem so that no one can get in the way of their love.e: also kuroyuki is a perfectly stable and sane loving waifu
I worry that my loli might not understand what I've tried to be. And if I were to die, Nakama, I would want someone to go to my basement and tell my loli everything everything I did, everything you saw because there's nothing that I detest more than the stench of lies. And if you understand me, Nakama, you will do this for me.
17 points to anyone that can guess the context of this shot
lol, racism
Spoilers: That's basically her entrance for every episode/arc. Every episode/arc. The exact same sequence.
She's awesome.
17 points to anyone that can guess the context of this shot