Sword Art Online 1
I wonder if they'll touch the subject of how the developers had toIt's mentioned in that chapter, but they could fit it among the parts they're actually going to adapt.actually give the avatars their sexual organs because male players would get insanely anxious without them during the Beta test, haha.
Saw an interesting Type-Moon FES announcement:
Hopefully we'll see an anime adaptation, those character designs mustn't go to waste!
Hi Magi fans, it's not Wednesday yet, but here's a lower resolution sneak peak at the key visual for Mor!
Duckroll, are you sure it's even legal to post such an image? It doesn't look like something our google overlords would approve of.
What's wrong with yaoi?
There are of course a lot of Vernacular architecture to be considered in middle-east and North of Africa, but the two main architectural styles are Moorish Architecture and Byzantine architecture.sure, a beatiful and exotic city but it doesn't change the facht that the Turkey (and espencially Istanbul) and the arabian countries are different kind of things.
Good call.
I also was a tad disappointed with how the girl from the other world, that was set in some medieval era, is taking this whole adjustment being brought into this world with cars and shit. Way too well. I can't imagine people from an era with no technology getting their blood drawn and shit without a fight.
But there's lots that pisses me off about this show. Like, this show had more bras and panties in it in 5 minutes than all the shows I've watched this season and even though they were medieval era bras and panties they were expertly crafted by modern standards, you might say indistinguishable from what one would wear today. Grrr. Ah, but the main problem wasn't the quality of the bras and the panties mind you it was the stupid panty removing slight of hand that was the real issue, don't misunderstand me.
But really, everything about the show sucks.
You mean ones like this?
I can deal with making Arthur a female but Jack the Ripper being a scantily-dressed loli is where I jump ship.
Take the best bits of FMA and One Piece, mix them together and add a sprinkle Arabian Nights and you've got Magi. It is incredible.
You shouldn't let nitpicking about elements that don't matter at all dissuade you. 1st episode is good.
You mean ones like this?
I can deal with making Arthur a female but Jack the Ripper being a scantily-dressed loli is where I jump ship.
I've seen it alot in anime too that it inspired me to use it in my drawings (and they're cartoons)! The form factor is just so nice.That's a pretty common face shape in anime, really.
It's really sad cuz it only covers SAO and not ALO
Perhaps it's unwarranted, but after such classics as The Sacred Blacksmith, Tower of Druaga, Tears to Tiara, Legend of the Legendary Heroes and Queen's Blade, I've come to the conclusion that Japan isn't very good at creating high fantasy.
The best lesson learned in Welcome to the NHK.
I was thinking more in the line of Saint George, Siegfried and Karna
And Caster Shakespeare, of course.
Perhaps it's unwarranted, but after such classics as The Sacred Blacksmith, Tower of Druaga, Tears to Tiara, Legend of the Legendary Heroes and Queen's Blade, I've come to the conclusion that Japan isn't very good at creating high fantasy.
Why does all the best parts of Sword Art Online, and by best I mean funniest/trashiest, sound like they're never going to make into the anime? Truly, it is the greatest tragedy of our times.
Kuroko no Basket - 14
The new opening is good, although I did enjoy the first one more. Don't care about the ED.
The episode itself was pretty good, a nice setup for things to come.
There's 11 more episodes, and they still need to beat three more miracle generation players. Is it possible to fit all of that in the remaining episodes, manga readers? How far along is the manga anyway?
Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita 2
I don't want to post any imagine would uh, spoil things, but this was a pretty funny episode. If you enjoyed the absurdities from last week, it only gets more insane here.
I hope you get to play Chase the Dragon at some point.I've definitely been encouraged by all the positive feedback it seems to be getting. The humour looks intact, which is the main thing.
The only minus is the previous cavalcade of absolute shit that has been released with the South Park name on it. But I at least trust Obsidian to have the gameplay elements on lock.
I'll admit that it wasn't pure troll like Welcome to the NHK, but it went out of its way to show that people grow up at the very least. Saki really is the voice of reason in that show, and while she integrates into the club eventually, it's really about how they cope with a transitional period of their lives.Surely you mean 'only celebrated', right? Because Genshiken was realistic about otaku culture, but it was never all-out dismissive of it like you're implying.
Honestly, I think it's hyperbolic whenever anime reviewers talk about shows being destructive to the community, usually in regards to harem shows or whatever, but this show's very premise is just sad. It crosses over into self-indulgence in a way that is both overly cynical on the part of the author and self-destructive to its audience - very much like Twilight or Fifty Shades of Grey.Woah, firehawk12 dropping the hate bombs. I just thought it was really stupid, you seem to be actually offended by it's existence.
I shall listen to Ave Maria whenever I eat chicken from this day forward.
Man I was actually seriously considering watching Sword Art Online I'm glad Duckroll and Jexhius prevented me from making that mistake!![]()
Sword Art Online 1 - Didn't find this to be particularly great, but the NERD factor in this is strong, and thus I might actually watch the rest of the series, because it really feels like it's catering to the inner nerd in me.![]()
I hope they have raid bosses, looking for healers and other classic MMO tropes in it.
The stakes are as serious as it gets!
I guess so. Still prefer this kind of protagonist than the kind like the one from Haiyore! Nyaruko-san.Actually, the dude didn't come across as perverted at all - there was no overt sexual motivation in anything he did. It's more a combination of pragmatism and plain old trolling.
Okay, so what it is with modern anime and mystery genres? Why does every single one in recent memory have a eye-motif with the female lead (I don't care if the female lead disguises as a young boy, it's still a female lead)?
All the face designs look like this:
all trying too hard.
chihaya has the best eyes in anime!
*remembers season 2 has been greenlit*
Saw an interesting Type-Moon FES announcement:
Hopefully we'll see an anime adaptation, those character designs mustn't go to waste!
You've still got Getter Robo Armageddon waiting on you son!
Type-Moon Fes Day 2 just announced details on the Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya anime:
Director: Shin Oonuma
Animation Production: Silver Link
It will be released in 2013.
Lololololololol. Silver Link. LOL.
So, while wondering who the character designer for Magi could be, and looking at the three key visuals again, I've now seen something that can never be unseen.
All the face designs look like this:
Saw an interesting Type-Moon FES announcement:
Hopefully we'll see an anime adaptation, those character designs mustn't go to waste!
Tsunenori Saito has done a new piece of original art to promote Soko*Ani's latest podcast episode which is a Sword of the Stranger special retrospective, I hope his artwork for the upcoming Zetsuen will look as good as this:
Yo Timmy Tom, what's that kid looking at?
I'd make a geometry joke about their chins, but I'm not acute enough to make one.
Oda Nobuna - 1
can you see what's wrong with this picture?