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Summer 2012 Anime |OT| Goddesses, canines, and killer MMOs!

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Dat animation. It's times like these that make you truly appreciate the visceral potential of hand-drawn cels that CG just can't produce. Absolutely gorgeous animation and art direction. The budding relationship was a bit underdeveloped, but I got to see some breasts, so everything's a-okay.

Surprised that one died or at the very least crashed besides Sonoshee. I suppose it's not that kind of movie.

A++ would masturbate again.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to



15 minute OVA version touching on the concepts of Nasu's initial version before it was turned into Fate/Stay Night. It's like watching an extended PV for a show that doesn't exist and its so awesome. Milk Fate to death and expand on this, damn it. Male Saber was the shit.



Maturity, bitches.
Sakamoto is too cool.
Didn't know you were an Other M fan.

did i just read unmarked spoilers for the end of MGX? :mad:

Accel World 11 (and like... half of 10)

Damnit AnimeGAF you broke me. I could've watched something on my backlog or did something worthwhile with my time but nooooooo I just had to see what the fuss was about.
You should just do what I do and make negative assumptions about the show to further aid the non watching of it.

I imagine I'm LTTP, but these look kind of nice:
If you really want a Union Flag I'm sure someone would be willing to send you one form the UK.

The result of 24 years of playing MMO games non stop.

Don't know. First time I've seen an obese male lead in anime. Rather not see it again.
Nothing wrong with a fat MC. HIs problem is that is is a self loather. If he was jolly like the local guy down at the pub he'd be alright.
Saki 22

wow, anti taco. 'no weak teammates' must every anime have one of those?

btw: why is Saki's legs always so shiny? Excessive oil?

Should get that checked.


gary stu online 1

well, while the premise of this show is really fucking dumb at least it's nice to watch thanks to the great visuals and nice animation

I feel like everyone needs to learn to capture a different image from that episode.


Maturity, bitches.
Lets hope JoJo episode one lives up to expectations otherwise it will be cancelled faster than Mitsudomoe Zouryouchuu.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Dude, this doesn't have any yuri, why did you start it? :(

I don't think there's any yuri left for me to watch.

Perhaps, but considering SDBurton doesn't even like true yuri shows like Strawberry Panic, I doubt Accel World will do anything for him. :(

It's not that I don't like Strawberry Panic, but I chose the wrong person to root for. Thus, my heart has scars that will never heal.


I somehow missed this question some days ago. Sorry, Jexhius:

So, in fact, we actually agree on everything, but you just wanted to highlight the dangers of flawed methodology?
In part, yes. As a beginning, from the most ridiculous, upfront or crazy concepts can be developed engaging results with dedication, in my opinion.

Sometimes the possibility of thinking outside-the-box or being sincere about an external requirement to better affront it and work on it (knowing from the beginning what is needed) can be more direct and fresh than trying to transmit your ideas and convey a concept unnecessarily cryptic, or too "baked". Superficial and simple ideas are better expressed as is for your colleagues to catch the drift more easily, equal to a shallow starting point. That is the impression it gives me when certain staff talk about things like rough character drafts.



Nichijou 4

This one was pretty good. Hakase fucking with Sakamoto and the Yuuko/Mai deadpan humor scene on the hillside were hilarious.


I still don't get how they can fuck these movies up. You'd think franchise crossover movies would be the easiest things to write/produce.

They somehow always give the DX movies a really low budget because they know they're going to sell no matter what. Also: this time around nobody other than the Suites and the Smiles did anything relevant before the final 10 minutes of the movie. Fuck the Suites.

I guess that makes sense since they're the most recent. God damn though... even if they're cash in movies, they could at least make them good!

I thought the previous crossover movies had balanced the large cast surprisingly well, especially DX 1 and DX 3... But New Stage basically gives up on that. It's a Suite x Smile movie, with lots of screentime for the movie-only Cure (who's basically a Suite character becoming a 6th Smile, design-wise).

The other Cures appear for the opening sequence, which is a pretty cool battle scene and return for the final battle, which isn't nearly as good. Fresh and Heartcatch characters get to speak, but they still have nearly no screentime and their role is basically as "big" as the one of the mute past Cures. We only get a few seconds of them before they transform... Arguably, Black, White and Luminous managed to do more than them in spite of being mutes.

The main plot isn't bad for a kid's movie, I guess, but it really doesn't do much for an older viewer. Smile tv has done a better mood whiplash in last week's Joker episode, in spite of it still being limited due to being a kid's show aiming at an apparently very low demographic. I also didn't like how competent they made the Cures here in some ways - Miyuki was still clumsy, but they had Happy constantly giving orders without hesitation, like she were a proper leader, and also everyone talking about what it means to be a Cure, something that seems utterly out of place considering their confusion in the tv show. Even Candy was oddly competent and understanding of the situation here, rather than her usual childish self.

Also, regarding Echo,
after all the screen time Echo receives here, she seemingly loses her power at the end, so she's not an official Cure and likely won't even appear as a Cure in future crossovers...


Kou Yoshinari is now working on garbage like Dog Days S2. It truly is the Great Moe Accident. :(
You say that as if it is something new! He obviously has a thing for visual novel adaptations, derivative content and things like that.

It would be cool to see him team-up with his brother more times, though.


Kokoro Connect 2

I was afraid they'd coast on the gimmick for another ep but the mystery is finally beginning to unfold. Maybe in a little too heavyhanded of a manner though. The group is becoming awfully practical about stuff too.


Damn! Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc., has been disposing of every good link I had of the concert scene in the episode 11 from the first season of DOG DAYS. Really protective they are, man:

Dog days(堀江由衣HorieYui)Promised Love~ダイスキx100 ~修正比較

Kō Yoshinari at his finest.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Accel World - 03


Yeah, she's definitely my favorite.


Here's your chance, go in for the kill!

Nice to know that Black Lotus was a badass
when she was a King. Totally expect her to betray the MC when the time comes. I'm hoping for it.
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