Dedication Through Light
Yeah, I'm sure there's an excuse for it all, but it's still annoying.
I think I started getting annoyed when weve now had two episodes back to back with Madoka yelling at it when it just stops working :/
Yeah, I'm sure there's an excuse for it all, but it's still annoying.
DTL is secretly a sixteen-year-old girl.Except that it's all women!
Well, not good != bad.Why is it that everything I want to watch is bad?
there's no reason the opposite sex can't get in on the action!
Don't forget thatIf I didn't have such high expectations for the show, I'd be amused if the plot of the next episode was.Watashi and Y having to act out a chapter in Camphorwood between themselves in order to escape being trapped in the page
Dude is a true white knight. lmao chump indeed.It looks like there are plans to release a Sword Art Online PSP game : Infinity Moment
All I know is, if I get hurt, I'm damn well drinking that healing potion, unlike this chump:
From Up On Poppy Hill
Umi and Shun, our protagonists, go to the same school. They've probably barely spoken to each other, until a publicity stunt is held to demonstrate against demolishing the Quartier Latin, a building that houses all the clubs. As with all Ghibli protagonists (Jexhius may disagree with The Cat Returns), they're strong and likable characters.
The production is solid. That goes without saying. The soundtrack in particular is lovely. It's a mixture of upbeat jazz, soothing piano arrangements and old Japanese pop. Every music track fits exceptionally well with the scene it's used in. One scene in particular, in combination with the music, teared me a little inside.
Ichika's prelim group isn't up for voting until tomorrow.Oh yeah, take that boob alien!
Don't forget thatthe assistant is there too!
Chitose Get You! 3
Yes, I'm sure an adult woman bragging about her bust size to children is a totally normal and mature thing to do.
Who are you, SDBurton?!nonononononono
if it has to happen, I wantand nothing else.pure lilies
if it has to happen, I wantand nothing else.pure lilies
You know, I think I missed something - why did they call her "Mero" in the movie at times? Does she have a nickname that I just didn't notice?
In the Canto-dub at least, they stick to Umi (well, Hoi to be correct) for the entire movie.
Also, the OST got me to look up Sukiyaki and finally find the Japanese version of that song. lol
Chitose Get You! 3
Yes, I'm sure an adult woman bragging about her bust size to children is a totally normal and mature thing to do.
Yeah, there's a Mando, Canto, French, and Korean iirc. I haven't listened to the Mando one, but the French one is surprisingly decent. The Canto one, eh. lolI've been wondering the same thing! Must be something us filthy gaijins can't comprehend.
There's a canto dub for Ghibli films? I suppose they are often targeted towards children. The canto dub scene always consists of the same half dozen or so VAs, so I haven't really explored that option in years.
I see myself posting this again in a couple of months with extreme bitterness when Jinrui barely sells one Fractale.
But it IS pandery though. Not only does it go against the seemingly established rules of the first two episodes, it was a series of nerd references for nerds. If anything, it gives male nerds a reason to laugh at female nerds,Okay, the good now: the "manga" concept around which the episode is centered is not executed in a way that panders to otaku or becomes "reference humor" in any significant way, being a winking nod at best. It requires prior understanding of the concepts ofand recreates a post-apocalyptic version ofyaoi and fujoshi, for which all of these are things disproportionately known about by otaku, however what is done with these themes in the episode is humorous because of the specific ways in which they're implemented, not simply because "LOL REFERENCE". Another form and subject matter of media could have been substituted for what was used and the events of the episode would have played out in largely the same way.comiket
The content of this episode certainly didn't play to the core themes of the show as much as I would have liked, but as an examination of the impact of reintroducing the concepts ofto a society that has lost these things, it worked well enough and felt consistent with how the world has been developed in the show thus far. How the next episode plays out is a complete mystery, and could either make this episode better or worse in retrospect depending on the extent to which it extends the themes introduced in this episode. We'll just have to wait and see.entertainment consumption and "subculture"
But it IS pandery though. Not only does it go against the seemingly established rules of the first two episodes, it was a series of nerd references for nerds. If anything, it gives male nerds a reason to laugh at female nerds,because the dirty secret is that if they were making yuri manga, everyone watching would be ashamed!
I think that the references have a second layer of understanding for nerds, but theoretically if someone with no prior familiarity with anime watched this episode, they wouldn't be lost or confused, unlike if that person was watching, say, Nyaruko. They would simply see a comedic story about a future civilization. There's a fairly wide gulf between something carrying extra meaning to a particular audience and being totally incomprehensible to individuals outside of that audience, and the material in this week's Jinrui is strongly in the former category.rediscovering technology for rapid reproduction of printed documents only to use it for erotica instead of fundamental texts and general information dissemination as was the case with past civilization
In 12, you get the impression that she's a bit of an outcast, but that's about it.Still, I feel like I'm missing something. Did I take a nap during an explanation in one of the most recent episodes? ... I mean, what is going on with Mayaka and that other kid from the Manga Society? Did they touch that subject beforehand? Huh.
Wait SAO is really just 1 volume long? What are the other 20 or so volumes about?
And the more i think about it, the show really does show it's age (of when it was written).
I can't think of any mmo of recent in which if the guy didn't mention it, I wouldn't have noticed they were in a different town.
Also, are there really any mmo these days that you couldn't blast through all the content in a month?
It's The Big Bang Theory vs Community. Hey look, they made a joke about Windows Vista being worse than Windows 7. That's "funny"!
They're still nerd references. Maybe, maybe, someone who doesn't know jack about anime might get that girls like to see boys fuck each other's brains out, but the whole doujinshi market thing? That's asking a bit much. Honestly, I don't think the average American even knows what Comic-con is, so I have to imagine respectable Japanese people have no idea what Comiket is or why people would line up to go to one.
It just seems safe to go to the nerd well so quickly after a couple of episodes that were pretty broad in terms of social commentary/satire.
The first volume is pretty much the entire time that they are in SAO without any fillers and such. There are other volumes and other side stories that they will fill in.
Wait SAO is really just 1 volume long? What are the other 20 or so volumes about?
A few volumes are side stories adding more content to SAO (these are chronologically integrated into the main narrative by the anime), the later volumes focus on different games. If the anime has around 26 episodes like mentioned previously, it should have enough time to finish the entire SAO narrative and also cover the next game.
Keep watching and you'll see?
Do you really want to know? PM me.
This season's OP/ED rankings... Are too easy.
I can't. That doesn't even remotely make sense unless we're talking either parallel worlds or when you finish the game, another one starts. Both of which are insanely stupid scenarios.
Legend of Galactic Heroes: Overture to a New War
What a positively enthralling experience. Amazing film that just had everything working for it from the beginning. I adored the established duality between Yang & Reinhard and their respective governments. Characterization was top notch too with so many wonderful little touches such as some of the best expressive faces I've seen, excellent usage of body language to convey mood, and stuff like unexpected little touches likeorJessica calling out to Yang first when he and Lap were departing..the proposal and subsequent celebration that was shown entirely without dialogue
Yang in particular seemed to have extra attention paid to how he expressed himself. Sad eyes belying the smile in the first image. The body language in the second as he's being sent back into the field emanates this perfect sense of resignation on his behalf.
And my favorite shot from the movie.
Let's keep that LoGH Train going!Legend of Galactic Heroes 1-2
Scrubbed through these as I was curious just how superior the film was to watching them. Jex was very right in that they're skippable. There's a couple interesting bits of lore therein but all that I saw of the story was inferior to the movie and its presentation of those events.
I can't. That doesn't even remotely make sense unless we're talking either parallel worlds or when you finish the game, another one starts. Both of which are insanely stupid scenarios.
It actually makes more sense that you'd think.