The only way to reach that full member status is to post, post post
This is a lie.
Which is not to say you should refrain from posting. Post away!
The only way to reach that full member status is to post, post post
This is a lie.
Which is not to say you should refrain from posting. Post away!
As I've been reading the thread for about a year and a half I feel I know many posters at least a little bit. I noticed when you were gone and Regulus Tera if you're reading I noticed your absence too. I thought it was nice to finally see Izaiyoi again in the thread after what feels like a year or something. I would be lying if I said that AnimeGaf didn't wierd me out with some conversations from time to time though.
Do you have any more shows recommendations? I already knew about Utena and really liked the show but didn't know about Angel's Egg so I managed to give it a watch. It was an interesting piece if for nothing other than it had amazing hair animation at least.
You just need to learn to love poetry!I really wanted to like Utakoi but it's uggo and a bore. ;_;
I really wanted to like Utakoi but it's uggo and a bore. ;_;
The thick black outlines remind me of Stratos 4. What show is that? and how the hell does that resemble rain?
Sword Art Online 02:
Looks like this is the big discussion series of the season, so I need to watch the episodes much sooner if I'm going to actually be able to participate in said discussion.
Anyway, fantastic animation during the, but the actions of the characters are so fucking stupid that I want to shoot the television, Elvis-style. It appears to have been discussed to death already so I won't bore anyone with redundant analysis, but I kind of get the feeling that the person behind the original LNs lacks comprehension of how actual human behavior works. It's bafflingly unrealistic.Floor 1 boss fight
Humans don't behave realistically on the Internet due to anonymity, and MMOs reflect that.
Humans don't behave realistically on the Internet due to anonymity, and MMOs reflect that.
Sora No Woto 2
You have to wonder why a town that in every other way is European has japanese baths and japanese books. Though at least the book led to some nice worldbuilding,so SnW takes place in some sort of post apocalyptic world? But the ruins are still very new... there's definitely a lot more questions to be answered about just what is going on.
This episode was really all about the tsun character becoming dere, but for the most part is was very well done.Their platoon has been tossed to a little, out of the way town that is in no danger, where they've practically been forgotten about and are pretty much considered useless decorations for the army. Their tank is a broken down antique, they have practically no weapons, and barely enough people to qualify as a platoon. So it's not surprising that she's feeling very unhappy.
Anyway, the 2 senior officers seem to be planning something between them, there's hints that they know more than the rest do about why they received Kanata instead of a class they really needed.
The owl is pretty creepy, though.
Well, there's technically no anonymity in SAO, and they're not "on the internet" anymore. That is the world they live in now.
Lol, I will never get banned.
Your avatar says otherwise!
More people need to watch this show, I want a season 2![]()
Talk about tempting fate.
First he claims he's not a tsundere, then he openly pokes the fate bear by saying he will never be banned.
Symphogear 1
Will continue.
God... damn it.
I miss the days where kayos90 was only head-over-heels for Fate/Zero.
God... damn it.
I am head over heels for many things. It just happens that SAO is more relevant this season that F/Z.
being banned is part of the neoGAF experience.
F/Z is relevant all seasons, as a comparison that nothing can ever measure up to!
Poe . . . try? Is that something they sell at McD's?You just need to learn to love poetry!
Love the concept of what they're trying to do but it just feels like an edutainment thing for me. I'm glad others are enjoying it though.I actually really enjoy the stories. They're so bittersweet. And they're like... Love stories from another planet.
F/Z is relevant all seasons, as a comparison that nothing can ever measure up to!
Fate/Prototype believe
I bet Muv Luv is better than SAO!muv luv is going to shock us all and end up the best thing this season!! *believes*
Ultimadrago *knocks* Ultimadrago *knocks* Ultimadrago *knocks* .BAZINGA!
Sora No Woto 2
You have to wonder why a town that in every other way is European has japanese baths and japanese books. Though at least the book led to some nice worldbuilding,so SnW takes place in some sort of post apocalyptic world? But the ruins are still very new... there's definitely a lot more questions to be answered about just what is going on.
This episode was really all about the tsun character becoming dere, but for the most part is was very well done.Their platoon has been tossed to a little, out of the way town that is in no danger, where they've practically been forgotten about and are pretty much considered useless decorations for the army. Their tank is a broken down antique, they have practically no weapons, and barely enough people to qualify as a platoon. So it's not surprising that she's feeling very unhappy.
Anyway, the 2 senior officers seem to be planning something between them, there's hints that they know more than the rest do about why they received Kanata instead of a class they really needed.
The owl is pretty creepy, though.
I thought you were going to say "I read moetry instead".Poe . . . try? Is that something they sell at McD's?
I thought you were going to say "I read moetry instead".![]()
Symphogear 1
Will continue.
Fate/Prototype believe
mo(e)lasses?Sorry, I no longer use the m-word. ;_;
Male Saber is the best Saber.
Fate/Prototype believe
Anyone watched Monster? I'll be investing time in it.
Symphogear 1
Will continue.
Ive watched episode probably about the same number of times as Ive rewatched ep 1 and the final episode of Uta no Prince Sama. The song in the first episode at the concert is so good. Oh and
Anyone watched Monster? I'll be investing time in it.
Fate/Camelot: The story of how Saber gave up her life for the service of her country, and the downfall of Lancelot.
When the sender decided to Return to Sender.When'd you get the new tag, Envelope?