I don't know, dogs are pretty expensive. Some breeds more than others.
Some species of canine require more lavish treatment in order to show the benefits of their love.
I don't know, dogs are pretty expensive. Some breeds more than others.
Some species of canine require more lavish treatment in order to show the benefits of their love.
She needs anti-yuri goggles to gimp her powers so she doesn't bleed out. That's pretty cool in my book.
Hmm... Dunno I'll stick with my current one for now.
This species of canine also requires you to have master expressing yourself as well in order to fully obtain its love.:E
Battle Athletes - 02
Akari pulling out that hidden potential when the time called for it. Still waiting for the yuri to happen.
ave you seen Kannazuki no Miko?
I've heard of it but I've been going back and forth on whether I should bother with it. I don't know why, but I get Yami to Boshi vibes with that show, and I really don't feel like raging if the ending is just as bad as Yami's.
K-ON! The Movie
Okay...I haven't watched it...that song at the beginning is F'ING METAL. POWER METAL! Learning from Sawa-chan, are we? Or Dragonforce?
The show is pretty bad but it has mechas and yuri rape.
Yami is a lot to live up to though. There will never be another Yami and the world is sad for it.
I've heard of it and I've been going back and forth on whether I should bother with it. I don't know why, but I get Yami to Boshi vibes with that show, and I really don't feel like raging if the ending is just as bad as Yami's.
K-ON! The Movie
Okay...I haven't watched it...that song at the beginning is F'ING METAL. POWER METAL! Learning from Sawa-chan, are we? Or Dragonforce?
Just watch Stratos 4 already.
Or Sora no Woto.
The show is pretty bad but it has mechas and yuri rape.
Yami is a lot to live up to though. There will never be another Yami and the world is sad for it.
1st 263 Koromo Amae @ Saki
2nd 190 Yasuna Oribe @ Kill Me Baby
3rd 189 Erica Hartmann @ Strike Witches
4th 177 Nako Oshimizu @ Hanasaku Iroha
5th 176 Eucliwood Hellscythe @ Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka?
6th 141 Subaru Konoe @ Mayo Chiki!
7th 137 Yuno Gasai @ Future Diary
8th 132 Sora Takanashi @ Papa No Iukoto O Kikinasai!
9th 131 Rena Ryuuguu @ Higurashi When They Cry
10th 130 Minami Shimada @ Baka To Test To Shoukanjuu
11th 126 Ayumu Nishizawa @ Hayate The Combat Butler
12th 124 Kanon Nakagawa @ The World God Only Knows
the only place where rape is considered a selling point
The show is pretty bad but it has mechas and yuri rape.
Yami is a lot to live up to though. There will never be another Yami and the world is sad for it.
thats hardly the selling point!
More like better off. I have never been so angry at an ending in my life. Just thinking about it makes me wanna cut someone.
But isn't that why we want to protect Lara and, in turn, purchase the game so we can?
Just watch Stratos 4 already.
Or Sora no Woto.
Yami's ending is like a fine wine. You have to savor it.
You don't like pancakes, do you?
How thick do my yuri goggles have to be for me to enjoy Stratos 4?
Airplane Mugi is watching you masturbate.
One day I'll paint backgrounds this ni- okay I can't finish that with a straight face! ;_;
This is true. She can sing, but staying in character tends to be at odds with that. The movie version of "I am Sailor Moon" has her singing in a more natural voice, though. Oh yeah, Emi Shinohara is no slouch either.
Pretty much the main thing that hurts the Christmas albums is the really cheap production and anime interludes. Not every album can be like R Symphonic Poem disc, I guess.
Haha, I'm more anti-hate than a big fan, really. She gets unfairly dumped on by most everyone and it's sad to see. Especially so when it comes to discussing Supers and usually you hear it "sucks because Chibiusa" when Chibiusa really wasn't what held that series back.
Indeed, it's almost like the inverse of Minako's representation as they ran out of things to do with her.
Minus a regression at the beginning of Supers.
Oh yeah, sometimes when the servers are acting up it'll send some people errors but not others.
K-On the movie:
This was just lovely!I really enjoyed the movie and I'm not going to say much more because if I do I'll become a spoiler spoutin' machine. But it's K-On! And it is glorious!
What I will say that isn't a spoiler is that the production is top notch. The animation is great and the backgrounds are gorgeous.
Love! 10/10!
K-On the movie:
thats hardly the selling point!
It's about all I ever hear about the game, so they must be trying to sell me that.
Is there any of:
in the k-on movie?
Is there any of:
in the k-on movie?[/QUOTE]
And why would you post that again? ;_;
Ah damn it. *adds to list*
Is there any of:
in the k-on movie?
No. There are no dudes in K-ON!
If Ritsu's bro didn't exist the movie wouldn't exist!
SSO 15
Thankfully the pacing of the show between each of these ruins isn't really dragged out and gives ample time for character development. I can't really say all that much for the rather average animation however.
Princess Nine 1-9 - Princess Nine is a great shoujo girls' sports anime that I'd highly recommend. This may not be quite the best in the genre, but it's up there, certainly near the quality of shows such as Taisho Baseball Girls and the original season of Aim for the Ace. Once I've finished it I'll have to think about which one's the best show... but this is definitely a very, very good one. So yes, watch this. It's worth it. It's pretty easy to watch a bunch of episodes in a row, too. Did I also mention that it has a really good OP? Well, it does, it really does. Great soundtrack here!
As for negatives, I can really only think of one. Why do the girls have shorts with their uniforms? That's a softball design, not baseball. Baseball uniforms have pants, and their uniforms should have them too. And one of the most important points in the series is that these girls are going against the grain by playing baseball and not softball. It's kind of stupid that they have softball-like uniforms. Baseball uniforms are so much cooler looking... there's no classier-looking uniform in sports (um, except for maybe polo or something). Heck, early on when the school chairwoman announces to the (all male, skeptical) board that she was adding a girls' baseball team, one jerk guy (vice principal I think?) made comments about how he likes softball uniforms... then of course he was shocked when she said baseball, but um... the uniforms look like that anyway. Of course he and everyone else (apart from the great, and determined, chairwoman) want them to fail anyway, though. I guess the people making the series wanted to show off some of the girls' legs... but those are not baseball uniforms.
Anyway though, apart from that quibble, this show is great. It's got the expected mix of sports, challenge, and drama, and it balances them well. The main character, Ryo, is a genius pitcher who has an 81mph fastball, which apparently is really, really fast for a high school freshman, or at least everyone in the show sure thinks so. Of course though, since she's a baseball player and not softball, she never thought she'd play in school. She's planning on not going to high school at all until ms. chairwoman gives her a scholarship for various plot reasons (). Ryo decides to go for it after a bit of minor drama. She also acquires a love interest, a rich, talented baseball player guy who falls for her as soon as he sees how good she is. However the guy's childhood friend tennis star girl becomes her first rival...her first love is Ryo's now dead father, who was a pro baseball player, and she can pitch like her father did
So, with the star pitcher acquired, and two other girls on scholarships too, the group and their somewhat deadbeat coach () set out to gather more teammates, which they do from episodes 5-7 or so. One of them's a second girl who wasn't planning to go to high school at all. Is that common in Japan, or something? After that, it moves to a showdown between the two rival girls in eps 8-9. It's a tense confrontation, but I won't spoil how it goes. I like how it emphasizes how much work it is to get good at hitting -- hitting a baseball is one of the hardest things people have to regularly do in sports, after all. It takes a lot of work to get good at, and even the best players today will get out 65% of the time.an old teammate of Ryo's father
In conclusion, so far this show is very good. I will definitely be watching more of this, very soon.Also, I've basically been looping the OP while writing this post. It's still good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDo8X4vRLrk
As you can see, there is full yuri in Stratos 4 and Sora no Woto.How thick do my yuri goggles have to be for me to enjoy Stratos 4?
I'm a waffle type.
K-Ops: The Moe. Starring Nolan North as Mio Walker, a Delta Force captain on a mission to find out what happened to K-onrad.They should make the next K-on movie in Dubai![]()