Breaking news: At the Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary event on right now, they announced that there will be a new Sailor Moon anime released in 2013. Momoiro Clover is doing the theme song.
gigatonBreaking news: At the Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary event on right now, they announced that there will be a new Sailor Moon anime released in 2013. Momoiro Clover is doing the theme song.
Breaking news: At the Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary event on right now, they announced that there will be a new Sailor Moon anime released in 2013. Momoiro Clover is doing the theme song.
Breaking news: At the Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary event on right now, they announced that there will be a new Sailor Moon anime released in 2013. Momoiro Clover is doing the theme song.
Breaking news: At the Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary event on right now, they announced that there will be a new Sailor Moon anime released in 2013. Momoiro Clover is doing the theme song.
Breaking news: At the Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary event on right now, they announced that there will be a new Sailor Moon anime released in 2013. Momoiro Clover is doing the theme song.
Something Something Estetica 1
Almost surprisingly little fanservice for an Arms show, especially coming from Queen's Blade Rebellion. Having a main character in such a show who's actually boss right from the start is even more surprising, though.
Breaking news: At the Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary event on right now, they announced that there will be a new Sailor Moon anime released in 2013. Momoiro Clover is doing the theme song.
There will be a new Sailor Moon anime in 2013, and so far Kotono Mitsuishi and Toru Furuya are confirmed to reprise their roles as Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen! And it will also be broadcast to all countries at around the same time.
Breaking news: At the Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary event on right now, they announced that there will be a new Sailor Moon anime released in 2013. Momoiro Clover is doing the theme song.
News about that bad looking new Kyoto Animation show has leaked. It's basically by the KyoAni team which made the adaptation of all those Key games:
Director: Tatsuya Ishihara
Series Composition: Jukki Hanada
Character Design/Chief Animation Director: Kazumi Ikeda
Art Director: Mutsuo Shinohara
Color design: Akiyo Takeda
Need more information.
Also, Rei's anime VA, Michie Tomizawa, is retired.
Breaking news: At the Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary event on right now, they announced that there will be a new Sailor Moon anime released in 2013. Momoiro Clover is doing the theme song.
50~ years old ladies playing teenagers... the idea is pretty hot.
It's not that different than 30-40 years old ladies playing teenagers like what happens now.
It's not that different than 30-40 years old ladies playing teenagers like what happens now.
Thats pretty awesome. Need to get around to watching everything past the original someday though. I'm such a slacker![]()
Poirot is awesome dude, what the fuck?
I won't be hearing a bad word said against Poirot in this thread.
The complete disregard for any sense of the laws of physics stands out prominently, further robbing the series of credibility and making it seem as though everything here is poorly planned out. When such simple things are ignored everything winds up feeling incredibly contrived. Dramatics come only with the absence of any logic. The show feels even more poorly designed when the plan of attack is always the same, which leaves the action scenes in the show feeling increasingly dull and meaningless. Instead the show takes the easy way out and relies on shock value revelations seemingly for people familiar with the original series.
Main character is basically a male version of Medaka, though.Ah I was waiting for impressions of it, guess Ill definitely add it to my list.
My brother, welcome to the fold.RIDING BEAN
Holy fuck, Daryl from AWO wasn't kidding when he called this the perfect OVA. Everything from the fantastic animation to the tightly knit plot and characters blended perfectly together in this 45 minute masterpiece. It was kinda painful watching just how great the HAND DRAWN cars were compared to all the CG shit we get nowadays.
I guess I'll be checking out Gunsmith Cats next.
Eureka Seven Astral Ocean 12
Instead the show takes the easy way out and relies on shock value revelations seemingly for people familiar with the original series.
Moyashimon had some nice sake porn, the perfect show after Kazemakase Tsukikage Ran.
but the season looks pretty good with Moyashimon, Binbo, Jinrui, maybe Joshiraku and one or two other titles.
I won't be hearing a bad word said against Poirot in this thread.
infinite shit 10
You watch dubbed anime?Um... yeah, she was pretty bad but I felt that... that something was still missing so I decided to switch to the Japanese audio track and re-watch some bits and...
Yeah. If it is like the game industry all over again, where many big publisher are afraid of risking on investments for new ideas, I hope that at least more creators turn to make low-scale collaborative projects taking advantage of all these new ways to access distribution.On the other hand the fact that they're going back to the well of works that usedto be popular (and in many cases still are), such as Evangelion, Berserk, Jo Jo's, Sailor Moon etc, suggests that the anime industry may be becoming even more conservative than before. I find that a little troubling but I suppose it's only a problem if interesting, creative and fresh stuff no longer gets made.
Eureka 7 AO ep 12
Trashing waves indeed! I'm fucking speechless, I didn't expect that and that and that!!
So I take it you weren't a fan of the first Tari Tari episode?