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Summer 2012 Anime |OT3| Where All the Waifus Are Made Up and the Points Don't Matter

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so, what's up with the puffy new Hayate designs? I mean, I totally understand why it got the staff change treatment, but it just looks bad now.
Allow me to clarify something, at least with how I judge waifus.
When I join a team it doesn't mean I think that the girl will end up with the mc, because MCs normally prefer the boring girl.
Team/best in my case means "I have deemed this girl to be superior waifu material".
These distinctions are important.

A true harem lead chooses no girl.


Tragic victim of fan death
So how old are the SAO cast?

idolmaster 19

Seriously fuck the baddies. I've seen more interesting baddies in kids show on american tv.

Next eps looks promising, wonder what's up with chihaya.

Kirito is 14 at the beginning of the show. 16 right now. Asuna was
15 and now she's 17.


Poyopoyo 36


I didn't expect sudden
oppai pudding.


Tamayura OVA 1-2

I liked it. The relaxing and laidback tone of the anime is unlike anything else I have ever seen and Potte is really adorable, especially that dance she did between episodes.

Kaoru's design really bothered the entire time cause she kept reminding of another character. Then I realized she is exactly like Erika from Ginga e Kickoff

So how does the TV series related to the OVA? Is it gonna reintroduce the characters again and pretend the OVA never happened or is it a direct sequel?
Allow me to clarify something, at least with how I judge waifus.
When I join a team it doesn't mean I think that the girl will end up with the mc, because MCs normally prefer the boring girl.
Team/best in my case means "I have deemed this girl to be superior waifu material".
These distinctions are important.

I thought that's how it's supposed to go anyway.


I wonder if the nervegear knows how your penis looks like, I doubt it will make male players pat their junk to know how it looks or SAO has a catalogue selection of penises?
Oh Asuna. I'd probably have to watch the show to actually make a case for if she's cute or not.
I wonder if the nervegear knows how your penis looks like, I doubt it will make male players pat their junk to know how it looks or SAO has a catalogue selection of penises?

I assume a one size fits all set up.
I wonder if the nervegear knows how your penis looks like, I doubt it will make male players pat their junk to know how it looks or SAO has a catalogue selection of penises?

Of course it does. You also need to stick a finger up your ass to measure depth. Girls have to do that with their vagina as well.

Realism bro.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I wonder if dicks are pixelated in SAO.


Okay keep dodging the question.

I still haven't heard any fundamental reasons why she sucks (ho ho ho).

One argument was that her character development was lacking, but now she's had that.


Subete no aware
Well I'll be damned!

I guess now I'll re-ask the same question under a different context... Is Tamayura a good watch? Also is Natsuiro no Kiseki a good watch? I feel those two animes just past me by... I'm only even thinking about one of them because of my desire to watch more thing like Kokoro Connect (which when I saw the title originally, I thought would be a sequal to Kokoro Library :p ) but since it's turning out not to be the case, I sure wouldn't mind throwing something(s) different into the hopper.
Tamayura was one of my favourite animes of last year (and the OVAs the year before), so I would certainly say it's worth watching.

It really depends if you're into the idea of watching girls get over little, every day problems... like being too shy or not knowing what to do after high school is over. There are many imitators, but SatoJun is basically the best at it.

The original TV drama had it's share of differences, just as the current one does. Like the anime, the manga was still ongoing at the time. Both drama's had certain, and at times different, elements which were faithful to the manga. I was pleased to see Onizuka's german suplex in the 2012 adaptation which was absent in the 90's drama. Fun fact (maybe fact): The facial expressions for Onizuka in the anime were modelled off Sorimachi Takashi, the actor for Onizuka in the first drama.

When I think back, there was a story with the son of a Yakuza in the manga only it was completely different.
The son was a hikikimori and it was Onizuka's task to bring him back to school.
Hrm, so was that mashed into the story with the girl who was a hikikimori and had a cop father?

Which jdrama adaptation do you like more? The old Onizuka definitely looks much more... idol looking than this one. lol

Tamayura OVA 1-2

I liked it. The relaxing and laidback tone of the anime is unlike anything else I have ever seen and Potte is really adorable, especially that dance she did between episodes.

Kaoru's design really bothered the entire time cause she kept reminding of another character. Then I realized she is exactly like Erika from Ginga e Kickoff

So how does the TV series related to the OVA? Is it gonna reintroduce the characters again and pretend the OVA never happened or is it a direct sequel?

The OVA is a prequel to the TV series. In fact, the TV series moves on to the other girl's stories... although Fu is still the main character.


Tamayura OVA 1-2

I liked it. The relaxing and laidback tone of the anime is unlike anything else I have ever seen and Potte is really adorable, especially that dance she did between episodes.

Kaoru's design really bothered the entire time cause she kept reminding of another character. Then I realized she is exactly like Erika from Ginga e Kickoff

So how does the TV series related to the OVA? Is it gonna reintroduce the characters again and pretend the OVA never happened or is it a direct sequel?
It's mostly a sequel, although the first episode takes place before the OVA.


Hells Angels-

I enjoyed the hell out of this movie. It really is balls to the walls insane for a good chunk of it. The visuals are fantastic and I liked the atmosphere. I especially liked some of the color textures that they used, it seemed like crayons which I got a kick out of. Biggest problem I had with it was pacing near the end as it dragged on way longer than it should have and some of the characters just got sidelined. It seems like the longer the movie goes on, the more muddled it gets. I would have much preferred either a completely cut third act or a vastly shortened one. I did like the religious component of it but it seemed they didn't do much with it as a subtext.

I think I enjoyed this more mainly due to the fact that it keeps the insanity all the way through and has a stronger emotional core. It was like watching Speed Racer mixed with Mario Kart all with a heavy dose of LSD afterwhich cocaine is sprinkled on top of the cake. I loved this much more than the Wachowski's version of Speed Racer as it was much more consistent with the tone and the characters were better developed. When I was a kid, I used to watch Wacky Races/Scooby-Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf and this hit just the spot for a trip down nostalgia lane. I could talk more about the animation but it's something a person needs to see for themselves. It's just constant sakuga. There needs to be more movies like this. It really stands out to me how much better the pacing is in Redline compared to Hells Angel which dragged on in the third act.


Just needs a "¡" before "Bienvenido", but good effort.

That is pretty much right, Nafe! Certainly there is what
our nitpickish good friend
Regulus Tera said:

But as even native Spanish speakers are sadly kind of dropping the use of inverted exclamation marks (also in favor of other 'anglicismos y modismos') this is not an important mistake now.

You know, I could have answered with a '¡bienhallado!' but nowadays not many people I know use this expression, and a simple '¡gracias!' is enough, so... '¡muchas gracias!' (that is more than 'gracias' alone!).

Ah, so close! I'll try to keep an eye on that in the future. I actually looked up inverse exclamation points and question marks to try and get a better idea on their usage. Well ¡gracias! to both of you. :)

She's been tainted.

At least she got to beat him up a little afterwards.

Man, F-Zero GX was so aggravating. I have no idea why I even bothered trying the story mode.

Yeah, I didn't really play it too much on the hardest difficulty. The fifth mission had you going down a tunnel before the doors closed and on the highest difficulty you had about, literally, one second of error room. You pretty much had to play it perfectly and it took me probably about fifty tries before I nailed that second error gap.

I would too, but I suppose the reality is that there is just too much new stuff to watch to take the time to go back and watch old stuff.

I guess that's the one thing about more recent shows, in that many are only twelve episodes so it's not too bad to go back and watch the ones you missed. With earlier shows or some like Precure, where they can be 50+ episodes, I guess you have to pick and choose the ones you really want to see.

Most, if not all, episodes of Sengoku Collection reference specific movies to some degree of blatantness. I can't say I've seen it myself, but I gather this episode pays a number of highly specific homages to this Eastern European version of Alice in Wonderland.


Hmm, interesting, I hadn't heard that about the show before. I'm not watching it so I wonder if anyone has made a list regarding which episodes seems to be based off of which movies.

I probably have one of the slowest computers here. This thing is from like 2007.

It's seem funny to me how normally people wouldn't think 2007 was that long ago but when talking about computers something like 2007 seems a lifetime ago for some things. Especially some products which get yearly updates.

It would be nice if I could read them though...

I still haven't seen this weeks episode yet but it looks like those pictures read...

So in the end, in exchange for my life,
I cause hers to be uncerimoniously dropped?


Hyouka 1-20


"Damn, I can't smile."

You know, all this talk about Hyouka being "boring" has probably got me watching it a more critical eye than one would normally, but I find it to be largely unfounded. In a lot of these lazy shows, where not much happens, a surprising amount does happen, if that makes any sort of sense. Using this show of the example (of course) illustrates this point well, even what are positioned as the most mundane of conversations, are instantly lit by the sheer craft on show. It happens throughout the show, and it’s something which really endears it to me, because they are (mostly) superfluous details, and ones most shows would simply do without, but here it just raises it all a notch above. its just its occurs on the periphery, the flourishes and cut-aways used to emphasize the protagonists inner turmoil in attempting to maintain the status quo, despite his outward facade. Considering the themes explored in the show, I think this stylistic choice helps to emphasize this "secret-word" so to speak.

It’s this attention to detail that generally makes me a fan of the majority of KyoAni's output, they inhabit the seemingly mundane, but by the same token that allows them to inject nuance into the proceedings, and it shows here. I don't whether it was intentional or not, but I noticed that the colour palette gradually became more saturated as the story progressed, matching Houtarou becoming more emboldened. I think the conclusion of the movie mystery (episode 11) cemented it all for me, where all the little strands were brought together, chief among them were Houtarou's own doubts and insecurities coming to the fore. I found it somewhat trite that he came across as a savant, especially when the series seemed to be otherwise savvy to genre conventions, so it was refreshing to see that as soon as he was removed from his comfort-zone, namely the rest of the classics club; he eventually failed in his own expectations.


Ms. MacGuffin enters

The highlight is undoubtedly the Culture Festival, where everyone gets a clear focus, Houtarou's fading indifference, Chitanda's crisis of identity, Satoshi's inferiority complex, and Ibara's dejection, all of which is interwoven with the overarching plot fantastically. Visually it becomes so interesting, with every scene suddenly becoming flooded with a cavalcade of colour and numerous other details. By this point it had become clear that Hyouka shines when it typically enters the larger arcs, and whilst I found the standalone episodes interesting, they don’t offer anything past their mystery of the week format. Which brings me onto what Hyouka actually is, and it’s something I’m still not entirely sure about. Various elements that were introduced early on, such as Houtarou’s various fantasies, his adverse reactions to expending a lot of energy (the instances where his vision appears to be skewed), and of course his sister have seemingly fallen by the wayside. Seeing as this is now the penultimate episode, I don’t expect them to really cover all this, but these seem like details which should have been given more focus, rather than being left to simple conjecture.

I’ve really enjoyed the journey, and although I can understand the criticism from some corners that it’s too much of a slow-burner, if at all, I’m still left with the feeling that there should be more. Maybe this concern is unfounded, though, but surely this leaves the show at an odd juncture? That aside, in terms of its direction, music, and art, it pretty much succeeds for me.


You really should watch an episode of Ebichu just for shiggles though. lol

At one level Ebichu was pretty much one note shock humor, but it was also sardonic commentary from a clear female perspective. Not that it redeems the show, but it's there.

I decided to take a look at the first episode of this and it was really weird not only in general but the fact that the hamster was voiced by Kotono Mitsuishi (Usagi/Sailor Moon) and the office worker lady who beat the heck out of the hamster quite a bit was voiced by Michie Tomizawa (Rei/Sailor Mars), it was just really strange to hear those two in voice roles of that nature. Although Mitsuishi does the voice of Misato in Evangelion and the half of the show that I saw she wasn't really the purest of souls either so maybe it's not that strange.

If everyone hates Ichiko, what the hell is going on with that show!

I don't really hate Ichiko. I enjoy the back and forth between her and Momiji.

I feel that it I don't particularly care for any of the characters in the show (outside the silly waifu conversations here on GAF which makes watching this show with the community here all the more entertaining) but I'm just going with it out of mild interest.

Haha, maybe if I was watching the show I'd find it entertaining too but that's usually when I start just glazing over the thread not really interested in what people are talking about.

Saimoe Round 1 Group F, Day 4 Results

1st 249 Miyako @ Hidamari Sketch
2nd 207 Takane Shijou @ The Idolmaster
3rd 108 Yuuko Kanoe @ Dusk Maiden Of Amnesia

The two Asami Imai characters were in different brackets right? I haven't really checked how these things work but that doesn't seem fair that two Yumi Hara characters have to go against each other. She's only really voiced four characters total.

idolmaster 17
Holy fuck, makoto was adorable this eps. [/QUOTE]

With all the recent talk of [B]Magi[/B], all I can think of is Mor when I see that!

[quote="Chet Rippo, post: 41892587"]hmm...[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I thought [B]SDBurton[/B] had changed names for a second when I first saw that.

[quote="7Th, post: 41893956"]He is getting to sing in the upcoming anime-themed CD![/QUOTE]

Ah, I thought [B]DiGiKerot[/B] had mentioned that before! I was actually just about to ask about this to confirm it.


Subete no aware
I guess that's the one thing about more recent shows, in that many are only twelve episodes so it's not too bad to go back and watch the ones you missed. With earlier shows or some like Precure, where they can be 50+ episodes, I guess you have to pick and choose the ones you really want to see.
Yeah, I suppose new shows being shorter helps, but even then, if I don't watch it when it airs, it becomes backlog fodder. Honestly, I'm still surprised that I managed to catch up with Breaking Bad or Friday Night Lights. I wanted to write them off, but there was just too much love for both that I couldn't do it.

I suppose if Slate or NPR or AV Culture Club or all the other usual places started doing anime podcasts and kept pushing a great show week after week, it'd be something. But thankfully, most Americans ignore anime (outside of the esteemed ANNCast), so other than people here declaring their love for a random Sengoku Collection episode, there's not really any pressure to watch any of this stuff.

Heck, Slam Dunk is still technically a show I want to watch, simply because of its historical significance as an "important anime", but I can't bring myself to do it. I even gave One Piece the good old college try, and I haven't felt the need to go back after that first arc. Or come to think of it, Utena. lol

Hyouka 1-20
I’ve really enjoyed the journey, and although I can understand the criticism from some corners that it’s too much of a slow-burner, if at all, I’m still left with the feeling that there should be more. Maybe this concern is unfounded, though, but surely this leaves the show at an odd juncture? That aside, in terms of its direction, music, and art, it pretty much succeeds for me.
It's because the stakes are relatively low. But I have to imagine that the light novel market is as horrible as the manga and anime market in that if you actually did a Japanese version of House (or any other of a dozen show with a broken and smart protagonist solving mysteries) it would bomb faster than Wario64 could make a thread about it bombing.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
My life is lacking in SAO it feels empty.
I absolutely hated Dead Leaves but ended up enjoying the hell outta Hells Angels.

If you say so. I thought the animation and how over the top everything was was SUPER similar. It really screamed Dead Leaves to me, but I guess not everyone will see it that way.


It's because the stakes are relatively low. But I have to imagine that the light novel market is as horrible as the manga and anime market in that if you actually did a Japanese version of House (or any other of a dozen show with a broken and smart protagonist solving mysteries) it would bomb faster than Wario64 could make a thread about it bombing.

Would Detective Conan count?


Yeah, I suppose new shows being shorter helps, but even then, if I don't watch it when it airs, it becomes backlog fodder. Honestly, I'm still surprised that I managed to catch up with Breaking Bad or Friday Night Lights. I wanted to write them off, but there was just too much love for both that I couldn't do it.

Clear Eyes, Full Heart, Can't Lose...against your backlog!
It's because the stakes are relatively low. But I have to imagine that the light novel market is as horrible as the manga and anime market in that if you actually did a Japanese version of House (or any other of a dozen show with a broken and smart protagonist solving mysteries) it would bomb faster than Wario64 could make a thread about it bombing.

You think there aren't manga with broken and smart protagonists solving mysteries? I'm pretty sure that's an entire sub-genre.


Welp, that's that.

I guess I can still watch it just for the animation.
I absolutely hated Dead Leaves but ended up enjoying the hell outta Hells Angels.

If you say so. I thought the animation and how over the top everything was was SUPER similar. It really screamed Dead Leaves to me, but I guess not everyone will see it that way.
Well, my problem with Dead Leaves wasn't the animation but just how juvenile it was. This movie didn't suffer from that at all.
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