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Summer 2012 Anime |OT3| Where All the Waifus Are Made Up and the Points Don't Matter

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Consumers have no idea that the helmets are of the deadly microwave variety, and even if they had emergency shutdowns then it'd probably still trigger the deadly microwaves. Maybe the failsafes aren't so failsafe and don't actually work. Maybe pulling the helmet off was supposed to be the failsafe.

I don't have the exact answers as I haven't read the novels yet, but the point is that there's nothing inherently inscrutable about the show's premise. Simple, logical assumptions can fill in most of the blanks.

I don't think there's anything simple or logical about putting on an obviously risky device that has apparently been safety-tested by no one, but maybe that's just me.

Ah but I have found an amazing plot hole in the first episode of the anime while investigating Branduil's claim! While the helmet is indeed plugged in, the episode opens with a rather detailed scene of Kirito turning the NerveGear on, and you can clearly see him PLUG THE ETHERNET CABLE IN. So how are they going to move them to hospitals without cutting the connection? What if the ISP suffers an outage? OMG! >_>

4G? 5G?

It does seem like people would die from losing their internet connection though, unless internet providers became way more reliable in the future.


I don't think this was posted so here's the Random Curiosity Fall preview.

I'm surprised by the poll on the site, the show most people are anticipating is Psycho-Pass. What do you know. I know us AnimeGAFfers sort of look forward to it, but I had no idea it was the same way "outside". Oh well...

Anyway, today was supposed to be a day reserved solely for watching anime, but it didn't turn out that way for a bunch of reasons. I ended up watching Superman: Doomsday, but now I'm pretty hyped for some new anime episodes.


Man, Jinrui 12

I'm not really sure how to feel about the last episode


I do feel a deep sense of satisfaction from it.

I'll try to compile my thoughts later.


For that matter, "deadly microwaves" implies a lot of power over a decent amount of time. People are familiar enough with the concept of cooking with microwaves, but your usual oven takes in the ballpark of 1000W to operate and it still takes a long time to cook a large object.

Wattage is a per time unit too. A headset battery that runs electronics for an hour doesn't make sense doing this given how big UPS batteries need to be to provide something even approaching comparable power usage with desktop computing (from wall usage being 200-300W usually).

It doesn't really make any sense that someone forcibly pulling off the helmet would kill them. I mean, if someone pulls the helmet off, how is it going to kill you when it's no longer on your head? Furthermore, how is this helmet magically tamper-proof such that no one is capable of disabling the microwave emitter?

I think Jexhius is right, the premise is so full of holes that you just have to accept it and move on, because it makes zero sense once you spend even 30 seconds thinking about it.


I don't think this was posted so here's the Random Curiosity Fall preview.

I'm surprised by the poll on the site, the show most people are anticipating is Psycho-Pass. What do you know. I know us AnimeGAFfers sort of look forward to it, but I had no idea it was the same way "outside". Oh well...
duckroll is tapped into the beating heart of anime fandom.


I think Jexhius is right, the premise is so full of holes that you just have to accept it and move on, because it makes zero sense once you spend even 30 seconds thinking about it.

I sometimes wonder if that's why the real world part is glossed over as it is.


well, I don't think you should think too much about the technical problems, even without all the questions about the internet connections or power supply, the helmet is already an unrealistic device. It's something you have to accept or not.

It's not like we complain that mecha are normally pretty ineffective combat units.

That's true, although often mecha anime use magical physics to explain things. It's easier to accept a magical reality than one that is supposed to be realistic yet has unrealistic things happen. The premise of SAO would actually be better if they just said "a wizard did it."
I don't think this was posted so here's the Random Curiosity Fall preview.

I'm surprised by the poll on the site, the show most people are anticipating is Psycho-Pass. What do you know. I know us AnimeGAFfers sort of look forward to it, but I had no idea it was the same way "outside". Oh well...

Anyway, today was supposed to be a day reserved solely for watching anime, but it didn't turn out that way for a bunch of reasons. I ended up watching Superman: Doomsday, but now I'm pretty hyped for some new anime episodes.

I think lots of the reborn fans are looking forward to it, I guess outside of animegaf. K also in their top 5, gonna be good.


Why didn't they just ride the eagles into Mordor?

That one actually has a fairly reasonable answer, though.

Not a plot hole, this was answered in the LN .

The SOA creator gave a 2 hour window for every character for them to be moved into the appropriate facilities .. In game , everyone was like in blank room or something for 2 hours before they got back into the game normally .
Of course this thing can be done only once for each nervegear..so you can be cut from the game , but only once.

So what's to stop them from taking off everyone's nervegear while they're disconnected?


No, I only get bothered when people fabricate things for the sake of antagonism, such as what you're doing right now. People have spoken ill and talked to me unkindly before, and usually there's a reason. I try to fix that, and I have with several people (darkside, kayos, Branduil I guess depends on how he feels about me but I don't have an issue with him ._.) and now we're on good terms. It's you who dishes shit out and can never take it, as you continually do with me.

I don't have an issue with you, just with some of your posts occasionally, but that's how the internet works.

I suppose that's better than endless dwelling on it a la Accel World.

Sometimes a writer unwittingly does the right thing.


I sometimes wonder if that's why the real world part is glossed over as it is.

I would have preferred them to spend at least a couple minutes showing what happens in reality.
Just to ground the show.
Accel World spends a lot of time in the real world, but it gives the show some credibility.
It seems like a possible scenario. Its strange because supposedly the two shows are connected.


Hunter x Hunter 47

Awesome hunterpedia and preview.

I guess people kind of overhyped this. Im not one for
one sided matches that end in deaths, ruthless even
so I guess thats why but the match up just didnt have many wow moments. Like my favorite part was just when Kurapika was in the air in front of the moon, which was red and looked cool, as well as just the
Healer Chain move as well as when he revealed he's a specialst and the mindblowing sensation that he is master of all nen types, wow
. Oh well, he'll still, at this point in time be my third favorite of the main crew. I still think Killua is stronger, if they are going against non spider members.

End eps spoils:
Black and white part was nice style, but why so bloody

you're complaining about all the things that make Hunter x Hunter good
lol @ kilua being stronger at this point


I would have preferred them to spend at least a couple minutes showing what happens in reality.
Just to ground the show.

Not sure if I'd prefer that either given the anime viewer, rather than the franchise follower, knows just as much about what is going on outside as the characters.


Hunter x Hunter - 47

Great episode. Some amazing fight animation and an another increase in gore levels. The stuff they pulled to censor the show at the beginning makes even less sense now.

Too bad DTL didn't like the episode, but I'm sure he'll love everything about the Greed Island arc.


sealed with a kiss
There's nothing inherently wrong with examining the premise.

It's hard to deny that the nitpicking SAO has received is quite ridiculous, both in the sheer amount of it and the aspects that are chosen to be nitpicked.

Or more simply,


Because that's really what it is at this point.
sword art online 11

this show is getting so boring. how many episodes are left?

i fully expect yui to die in a heart wrenching manner changing asuna and kirito forever. again.
Rinne no Lagrange 2 ep 11

Pretty good, and I liked that moment and the stuff with swords. Baffling
when they sat to chat and eat lunch while the world is being swalled by Rin-ne
though I liked when the instrumental Try Unite version played as well as the song afterwards which is my favorite on the ost.

Ending moment
all three uniting to tackle dizelmine was really enjoyable and epic when they did it.

I wish we got more scenes of young Dizelmine/Villaguilio.


Adaptations stand on their own or they are worthless.
the point of adaptations is to bring the story and characters to a larger audience who might not be interested in the format the original material is in.
I've seen people make this assertion from time to time, but I can't fully agree.

It's easy to come up with examples of fan-targeted adaptations to other media that are clearly not intended to stand alone (OVAs/ODAs, drama CDs) and you're probably not saying those shouldn't exist, so that means you're selectively targeting either the transmission medium of TV, or maybe shows with episode counts higher than a certain number, and saying they're "supposed" to be completely self-contained, which is just a hope on your part for the sake of your own enjoyment as someone who wants stand-alone animated products, not really a rule that has to be followed if the goal is different.

One goal of these modern late-night novel-based anime like SAO is to get people to buy the novels (much easier than getting them to buy videos), so while it's not good to drive away viewers with a show that's just plain unenjoyable on its own, if one can manage to get them curious to read the novels for what's missing, that's a success. (That perspective is going to be different for foreign anime fans for whom "reading the novel" isn't something that's a common part of their culture.)

As someone who's probably pretty similar to you in mostly watching anime without having read the source material, I agree that fully stand-alone shows are more enjoyable. But I can't really agree with the idea that there's a cosmic law saying all animation on television is required to be like that.
You don't want to wind up sounding like the writer for ANN's The Stream column who said that Oda Nobuna no Yabou "fails as a piece of entertainment" because it requires you to know Japanese history. :p

Earlier this year, a Japanese teenager posted to the AnimeSuki forums,
and amongst other things mentioned what she watches anime for:
Tatsuyama Asuka said:
There are two purposes that I look at anime.

The 1st is for discerning whether he buys it, when the book of comics is published.

That is, anime is seen, and if interesting, I will think that an original will also be read.

2つめは、原作の漫画を既に読んで内容を知っている場合、アニメとなって動き、話す様子を楽しむ ためです。
The 2nd is for enjoying signs that become anime, and it moves and talks, when original comics are already read and the contents are known.

Probably, there are those who have the same idea also in the other Japanese.
For her, anime is for either (a) deciding whether to buy the original work, or (b) for enjoying seeing the characters brought to life if you already like the original work.

Obviously this one person doesn't represent all human beings in Japan, but I think it's noteworthy she didn't even even mention the idea of enjoying anime independently of its source material. (Or the idea of buying videos, heh.)


[Jinrui] - Finale

Oh yeah, I guess I should also have mentioned this finale was pretty great. The last two episodes of this show had a tone unlike the rest of the series, but they were still good. They even managed a little bit of :firehawk in there.


sealed with a kiss
[Jinrui] - Finale

Oh yeah, I guess I should also have mentioned this finale was pretty great. The last two episodes of this show had a tone unlike the rest of the series, but they were still good. They even managed a little bit of :firehawk in there.

So despite the lull in the early middle of the series, you still think it was worth it in the end?


I don't really see Ano Natsu as particularly gratuitous outside of all the requisite scenes that all anime must have at this point.

The show's failing (if you can call it that considering the show is still very good) are the weakness of the leads. You care far more about the three side characters (+Remon) than about Kaito and Ichika.


So despite the lull in the early middle of the series, you still think it was worth it in the end?

Absolutely. It's extremely rare for a show to pick up again after declining (no pun intended) so I can understand why people would be wary about investing time in the show but it's worth it.


Kuroko no Basket - 24

One of the best episodes of the show, without a doubt. Shit was so hype. Kise is the man. Fuck Aomine. Finally some sakuga.

That's all.
Anonatsu isn't anything close to gratuitous fan service, nor is it a typical harem

only thing i really liked about it was the art and animation. i didnt find any of the characters interesting or really likeable. maybe not gratuitous but all i remember are boobs boobs and boobs. i mean for gods sake the intro even has a close up of the rat jiggling ichikas boobs with his head.

I don't really see Ano Natsu as particularly gratuitous outside of all the requisite scenes that all anime must have at this point.

The show's failing (if you can call it that considering the show is still very good) are the weakness of the leads. You care far more about the three side characters (+Remon) than about Kaito and Ichika.

im honestly surprised at how well received it was. i didnt think id be the odd man out. what did you like about it?
So what's to stop them from taking off everyone's nervegear while they're disconnected?

Your mind is still connected . The user is still in a vegetable state and the numerous security preventing nervegear removal are still active.
Going from what is know you won't have much problems if your connexion to SAO is cut accidently ..but a long time without said connexion and pof "fry brain"..

The rest i can't say without going into spoilers


It's hard to deny that the nitpicking SAO has received is quite ridiculous, both in the sheer amount of it and the aspects that are chosen to be nitpicked.

Or more simply,


Because that's really what it is at this point.

Yeah I dont really nitpick much about SAO except for this one detail. Otherwise its pretty enjoyable despite a lack of Silica/Lizbeth.


I've just finished listening to the first Manga UK podcast and I can safely that it contains very little information that anyone in this thread would care about. Rather than being, say, a news or review show it skewers extremely heavily towards information about publishing anime, specifically publishing anime in the UK. This will be of interest to very few people.

Which isn't to say it's was bad or anything (although they could probably trim it quite substantially without losing too much content) but it's not going to matter to most folk. I did find it interesting that the Japanese licence holders for the Fist of the North Star TV series price their show at the same level as Naruto Shippuden, suggesting that they believe their property to be worth the same as Naruto.
More likely the government as I can't see the game company actually existing two years after the fact they took 10k people hostage.

Maybe just an "anonymous" donation from the dude who created the game. I'm sure he's in hiding somewhere, but still has access to money,


The status of the people outside of the SAO world is pretty much meaningless. Yeah a line or two maybe explaining what happened might have worked but why they're still alive isn't particularly important right now.


K-ON!! Episode 5

I really liked this episode, it was a nice dynamic with the prospective new group. It's sometimes hard to know whether a tone of show is intended to permeate through its entire world, at least the one past what we see, what with the bias that invariably comes through the perspective of the protagonists. So it was funny to see that everyone else views the Light-music club as aloof and disorganized as the audience probably does.

With new characters, there is always the fear their inclusion will suddenly be at odds with the rest of the cast, and maybe even be resented, simply by virtue of their artificial nature. This doesn't seem to a problem with the 'new' characters, though. There has enough foresight to have these characters constantly on the periphery, especially in the case of Jun, whose total dialogue thus far had been restricted to little asides. They do feel like actual characters, and I look forward to what, I can only assume, will be an increased presence in the future.

Yes, they all share traits of the main group, but clearly that's by design. Azusa needs to stop being such a downer, nearly everything she does carries a hint of mild irritation. It makes sense in terms of the story being told here, but it's almost been her defining trait at certain points.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I don't think this was posted so here's the Random Curiosity Fall preview.

I'm surprised by the poll on the site, the show most people are anticipating is Psycho-Pass. What do you know. I know us AnimeGAFfers sort of look forward to it, but I had no idea it was the same way "outside". Oh well...

Anyway, today was supposed to be a day reserved solely for watching anime, but it didn't turn out that way for a bunch of reasons. I ended up watching Superman: Doomsday, but now I'm pretty hyped for some new anime episodes.
Jormungand 2
Expectation Level: High
Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai!
Expectation Level: Moderate


Why are people saying that the real world in SAO, the crux of which we hang our belief in the happenings of SAO, is "not important" to SAO.
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