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Summer 2012 Anime |OT3| Where All the Waifus Are Made Up and the Points Don't Matter

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[Gunslinger Girl] - 12/13/Finale

This show....this god damn show.


A near masterpiece.



Today (September, 23) was the last day to enjoy the Proto Anime Cut itinerant exhibition at Madrid's La Casa Encendida (https://www.lacasaencendida.es/page/id-1-1143-0-102075-429598-102096-0.go). I quite like that focus on background work, showing stunning complete cels with overlays included, beautiful to see all the detail up close (Mr. Ogura work continues to impress, even more this way!).

There currently aren't more dates planned, and it is sad because after only two destinations in Europe I wanted more people to see this, and in events of larger duration... anyway, I don't know how it really compares to the real thing (quality and completeness of the edition, mainly) but at least there is a catalog/art-book of the exhibition available for purchase:

Proto Anime Cut (English and Spanish Edition): Stefan Riekeles: 9788461535576: Amazon.com: Books

I hope this Actar Publishers version looks as good as the German one from Kehrer Verlag:

Proto Anime Cut Archive — les jardins des pilotes

That would have been fun to attend had it been closer in proximity to my location... I was lucky enough to attend a similar showcase in Pittsburgh years back, with art and cells
from Akira. It ended up being a little underwhelming since there were only a few pieces on display.

Also, I'm a sucker for art books so the one you linked is going on my Christmas list, thanks!


The Light of El Cantare
Okay, I'm way behind, but from what I'm inferring from that image and a little of the spoilered discussion I've read,
GLOP GLOP lead to some kind of virtual pregnancy with accelerated gestation/maturation and then the child DIED?
Please tell me that this isn't true, because if it is, bahahahahahahah.


Okay, I'm way behind, but from what I'm inferring from that image and a little of the spoilered discussion I've read,
GLOP GLOP lead to some kind of virtual pregnancy with accelerated gestation/maturation and then the child DIED?
Please tell me that this isn't true, because if it is, bahahahahahahah.

It isn't and the reality is even more eyerolling.
Okay, I'm way behind, but from what I'm inferring from that image and a little of the spoilered discussion I've read,
GLOP GLOP lead to some kind of virtual pregnancy with accelerated gestation/maturation and then the child DIED?
Please tell me that this isn't true, because if it is, bahahahahahahah.

That would be amazing, but unfortunately it's something more reasonable.


The Light of El Cantare
Thanks guys. I think I still have that
baby panda death
thread from OT on my mind and that may be coloring the way I'm reading completely unrelated stuff, hahah.
Rinne no Lagrange 2 - 12 (final)

Quite a bit of the episode was just colorful and visually pleasing. The colors used for all of the key moments was good, and then every key moment post resolution had all of the best backgrounds for Kamogawa and other places chosen. I especially liked this one (major plot resolution spoiler) Thank goodness viz/hulu offered it in HD.

For the plot, pretty safe and kind of expected resolution in my opinion. The tone of the show just never led me to think it would do something daring or outright unexpected and
. I think I came away most surprised at
Dizelmine actually being defeated from that move last episode and then him and Yurikano freely leaving Rinne unharmed. Even more shocking is the fact that he got ten or so years shaved off so looks even cooler now. That was nice.

I think there is potential in terms of plot for another season.
Bermuda Triangle and Rinne, no explanation for what happened to Moid, for example.
. Id stick around I guess.

Best moments of the episode for me were all around Array, Izo, Kirius.
Their cooking, and then eventual meeting with Yurikano. I loved when Array ran up to her and was crying like a baby, and then everyone else came and was like dont ever leave them again. They all had my favorite plot moments here. Then when they threw on the jerseys and was teasing Izo's cooking, lol.


Overall this second half of Lagrange was better than the first half. Everything seemed more tense, more characters were able to share in the action (Kirius Izo Array), backstory detailed was pleasing. The plot arc on Dizelmine and Villaguilio was my favorite as was the final three episodes. There were a few down moments though that probably could have been skipped (those yurish moments, the mecha obsessed girl episode) but everything else was largely enjoyable. I still hold the same opinion I had last season, the three female main characters are just not that interesting on their own, maybe just for the fact it doesnt appear they had any sort of actual character change across the episodes or just the other cast members are just more interesting than three high school age girls.

8 / 10.


That reminds me, another reason to avoid the second season of Gunslinger Girl is that
they retcon it so Angelica was only sleeping.

Joe Molotov

Okay, I'm way behind, but from what I'm inferring from that image and a little of the spoilered discussion I've read,
GLOP GLOP lead to some kind of virtual pregnancy with accelerated gestation/maturation and then the child DIED?
Please tell me that this isn't true, because if it is, bahahahahahahah.

It's true


Subete no aware
Okay, I'm way behind, but from what I'm inferring from that image and a little of the spoilered discussion I've read,
GLOP GLOP lead to some kind of virtual pregnancy with accelerated gestation/maturation and then the child DIED?
Please tell me that this isn't true, because if it is, bahahahahahahah.

That would be amazing, but unfortunately it's something more reasonable.

"More reasonable"? lol


Oda Nobuna 12 FIN

Eh, it was ok.
I was glad to see Yoshiharu didn't appear to save her from her rage. Letting his influence do so was much preferable. It would have been cooler if he had died but can't win them all! I have no idea why Nene went to war either.

Are we going to get a second season out of this?


Subete no aware
You think a
mental health program going haywire
is less reasonable than
virtual impregnation
Both are equally dumb. lol

Oda Nobuna 12 FIN

Eh, it was ok.
I was glad to see Yoshiharu didn't appear to save her from her rage. Letting his influence do so was much preferable. It would have been cooler if he had died but can't win them all! I have no idea why Nene went to war either.

Are we going to get a second season out of this?
Except for the fact that Nobuna doesn't have to make the killing blow herself. She wins without having to compromise herself, which is just as cheap if not cheaper.
And I think the sales were average... which knowing Japan, probably means yes. lol


UtaKoi 12
This anime really should be called "Men are Assholes" because holy shit.


Teasing a happy ending just makes it worse. :p


Except for the fact that Nobuna doesn't have to make the killing blow herself. She wins without having to compromise herself, which is just as cheap if not cheaper.
And I think the sales were average... which knowing Japan, probably means yes. lol

I'm probably more accepting of that than I should be as it's not the first time I've seen something like that and was willing to accept it in the past.


Subete no aware
I'm probably more accepting of that than I should be as it's not the first time I've seen something like that and was willing to accept it in the past.
Yep. I mean, I'm not even angry about it in this context because I don't really expect that from an anime like this. Especially when you're trying to make something that's pleasant and sells.
Oda Nobuna 12 FIN

Eh, it was ok.
I was glad to see Yoshiharu didn't appear to save her from her rage. Letting his influence do so was much preferable. It would have been cooler if he had died but can't win them all! I have no idea why Nene went to war either.

Are we going to get a second season out of this?
I hope they continue and adapt the rest
And they finnaly get rid of Mc school clothes


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
A Retrospective of Hyouka Part 2

With the one week anniversary of Hyouka finishing I thought I'd post part 2 of my retrospective thoughts.

Honestly I personally liked Hyouka from the very first episode and as the show carried on it became my favorite of the season and the one I looked forward to each week the most.

Despite remarking that many of the visuals were perhaps more in your face with their presentation I do have to remark and say they were quite eye pleasing. It reminded me of Tsuritama and Yuki quite literally drowning in social anxiety, personally I which more shows would experiment with this, being a visual medium and all. Even episode 6 gave us some memorable visual metaphors such as the chibi angel Chitandas.

It's true they could also be more subtle in presentation as well, such as this quick shot here:

There's the saying that opposites attract and this couldn't be more true for the characters of Chitanda and Oreki, or even others such as Satoshi and Oreki. The dichotomy of the characters really acted as foils to each other and allowed one to play off of the other. It's interesting though that for as many perpendiculars that existed amongst the cast, there maybe exists just as many parallels, that even extended out into the supporting members.

Many people mention Episode 6 as being a low point of the show for it's somewhat vapid and unremarkable mystery. In a way I find it somewhat ironically humourous that the very vapid nature of the mystery is what has led to it's preservation amongst peoples memories in contrast to some of the more interesting memories which are forgotten in time. Plus, isn't it only natural that many of the vapid and everyday moments in our lives are the ones we remember the most sometimes? Episode 6 did have some interesting use of framing I felt such as the following shot here:

For me I focus on the conversation beforehand as I found it much more interesting and much more important than people seem to realize. The conversation about the deadly sins focuses directly on the character traits that existed and will be further explored in future episodes. The episode itself works as a very nice duel layer window which reflects on what has been presented and gives you a glimpse of what will be explored. The very context of this conversation is so neatly woven into the themes that permeate throughout the entire story, the idea of "expectations versus reality" and "hard work versus talent."

It's amazing how these simple lines of dialogue will be explored in the show. The sins of pride and sloth are explored in the very next arc with Irisu confronting Oreki about his abilities and how he perceives them himself. The idea of anger and whether or not one should allow themselves to succumb to it. Their exists a parallel in Satoshi's feelings of how he views Oreki. An anger that exists because his hard work was not meeting the expectations he puts upon himself.

Looking even how this is explored with the supporting cast is interesting. Chitanda is friends with Irisu and looks up to her and has developed her own expectations based on how she perceives Irisu's abilities at persuasion. Trying to mirror these actions she's stuck with the reality that this type of personality is maybe not what she envisioned and not how she wants to be after all. Mayaka is in the Manga club and looks up to work from former members. She puts her own expectations on herself to meet this level of talent. Seeing her seniors abilities she too realizes that she can't ever meet the reality of the expectation she imposes on herself but at the same time she can relate with her senior as even though she may be better than Mayaka there is someone she admires that she too cannot hope to match.

The visuals of the anime do such a great subtle job of delivering these messages. An example being this shot here:

I feel they can hold so many meanings where Chitanda in shown in shadow and Oreki in the light. Maybe it could symbolize the darkness of ignorance for Chitanda as the relationships of siblings were not as she expected and Oreki having one, is in the light of knowledge for knowing the reality. It could also be more of a display of her feelings rather than character in her disappointment that the reality did not meet her expectations. Going back to the festival arc and the theme of expectations vs reality and hard work versus talent,

The parallels there are, again, quite amazing.
The tears are actually Mayaka's but you could also interpret them as her upperclassman crying through the image.

Seeing the story from mostly from Oreki's perspective the whole way, the final episode really shows how much he has grown such as
more easily being willing to do things for others such as being in the parade, whereas he wouldn't have given it a second thought to refuse earlier.
It also shows maybe at how much of a standstill Chitanda's life is by comparison.

Adding to all these character traits and themes which seem so human, I find the subtle little movements the characters make, such as during conversation, to be quite eye pleasing. Adding to the insane amount of detailing KyoAni would put into their environments the subtle animations the characters portray is equally amazing. Many times in anime characters just sit there and blink or in some occasions background movements are made as part of a visual joke. For example, the characters in Hyouka will take a chocolate and maybe play with the wrapper afterwards while listening to another talk, or play a bit with their comparative notes they've compiled regarding a mystery. This happens in many episodes and it's these little but ever omnipresent subtle displays of body language which really brings forth the characters as being more than just simple, one dimensional cardboard cutouts.

Many people don't talk very much about the music in shows they're watching despite being a visual medium but it's amazing how much music can really add to the mood of a scene or conveying a characters emotions just as much as the visuals. In contrast, in amazing how much improper usage of music can detract from these two things. With that I found the music in Hyouka quite pleasing. It's true that many of the songs are reused but in that respect I feel like you can get to know them and they sort of become another set of characters you can become familiar with. I feel this interaction adds to certain scenes more than perhaps it would initially otherwise such as the scene where Oreki is going to investigate a mystery of his own will.

Since this action breaks the status quo this character has established thus far into the story the others are naturally surprised and ask if he's okay. The particular musical piece that plays is usually used to represent something more ominous in nature and becoming familiar with it and having it play with and off of the other characters reactions I felt just really added to the whole joke in that scene.


There's honestly probably so much more one could discuss about Hyouka and I'm not sure if I really did a proper or interesting job with my post and the flow of it but I'll leave it at that and say that I thought it was a great show and one my my favorites for not only the two seasons in which it aired but for the whole year.

-Thanks for reading.

Hyouka truly is an amazing show. Yasuhiro Takemoto is an amazing director!


Hidamari x365 8


You tell 'em, Miya-chan.

The Slice-of-life event of warriors: Field day

Interestingly enough, there were a few shots where random students were actually given faces and colored in. Progress! Oh yeah, and Natsume shows up, I guess.

Each event had its own gag and in the end
Yuno wins it(for the Art department) for her team
. Afterwards, Hiro buys snacks. I keep wondering how she has the spending money to buy bags of snacks for the gang so often. She needs to stop wasting her money!

Joking aside, they talk over the events and accomplishments of the the day.


The colorful silhouette shots that used Japanese characters to play out as the girls' mouths were too fun to pass up posting.

It finishes off with talking over food on issues regarding setting up for field day and whatnot.


A Retrospective of Hyouka Part 2
Cool to see more, Nafe! It is funny how I commenced to watch this series only two weeks ago, and now seeing a retrospective of it even if recently gone and memories not completely settled in I would say this already feels... nostalgic, rather than fresh... and you know why? I personally think it is because the character's shifts, changes, makes this series seem more packed; I mean, the evolution looks so pronounced on a person like Oreki on a direct observation but the pace presents this so escalonated but continously (the first slower episodes seem so far away now!) that it appears more evidently as part of a very condensed depiction of development, making time stretch and is perceived more consistent (you know, compared to selective memory that goes over certain events lightly).

You are presented to so much differences and nuances of the characters over time and you accustom to such thing in the process it feels like a dilation, and you have made part of that road as well, closer to a real sense of continuity over a period of time compared to other instances in shows where the expectation is based on the succesive events itself.

Reworking it a little... I don't know if what I wrote now is really understandable, not sure how to explain it well using this language...

That would have been fun to attend had it been closer in proximity to my location... I was lucky enough to attend a similar showcase in Pittsburgh years back, with art and cells
from Akira. It ended up being a little underwhelming since there were only a few pieces on display.

Also, I'm a sucker for art books so the one you linked is going on my Christmas list, thanks!
Looks like a nice 'coffee table' type of book, so I assume that the photos will be of good size and quality. I'm sure you will enjoy it!


sealed with a kiss
Cool to see more, Nafe! It is funny how I commenced to watch this series only two weeks ago, and now seeing a retrospective of it even if recently gone and memories not completely settled in I would say this already feels... nostalgic, rather than fresh... and you know why? I personally think it is because the character's shifts, changes, makes this series seem more packed; I mean, the alteration appears so pronounced on a person like Oreki on a direct observation but the pace presents this so much pronounced (the first slower episodes seem so far away now!) that it appears more evidently as part of a very condensed depiction of development, making time stretch as is perceived more consistently (you know, compared to selective memory that goes over certain events lightly).

I don't know if this I wrote is really understandable, not sure how to explain it well on this language...

Looks like a nice 'coffee table' type of book, so I assume that photos and all will be of good size and quality. I'm sure you will enjoy it!

Sorry mate, I really can't understand what you're trying to say there. :(


Maturity, bitches.
Clearly my mind is beyond repair because to me it looked like someone had decided to place the soap in a condom and wrapped it around the tap.


Sorry mate, I really can't understand what you're trying to say there. :(
Don't worry! I know it looks like messy thoughts patched badly together with sparse vocabulary... I simply couldn't articulate a good post even if my life depended on it! And it's frustrating...


Don't worry! I know it looks like messy thoughts patched badly together with sparse vocabulary... I simply couldn't articulate a good post even if my life depended on it! And it's frustrating...

Nonsense. You articulate good posts a' plenty, /XX/!


Subete no aware
Heh heh, what point are you at now?
Figured out how to add wives? Or just getting started?
Added Akari (of course), umm... talked to her, gave her a present, and did the
creepy touching her
thing. Is that it? lol What else do you need to do? How do you set up the clock? lol


Nonsense. You articulate good posts a' plenty, /XX/!
I look forward to /XX/ posts. Always educational.
Thanks for the support, guys... but I know my limitations.

I avoid posting elaborated impressions much of the time, but I definitely should stop posting things on the fly that always end up editing for one reason or another, and start composing my posts beforehand to not make so many mistakes or create confusing blocks of text.


sealed with a kiss
Thanks for the support, guys... but I know my limitations.

I avoid posting elaborated impressions much of the time, but I definitely should stop posting things on the fly that always end up editing for one reason or another, and start composing my posts beforehand to not make so many mistakes or create confusing blocks of text.

I didn't mean to discourage you, I always appreciate your insightful posts. :(
Muv Luv Alternative Total Eclipse 13

All the stuff with the Iron Curtain and USSR or whatever is really dull and boring. The scene was so long with them discussion options.

But so suspenseful the whole time with Yuuya, Stella, and Yui.
Am surprised he didnt actually get the core module, seems this episode nothing is going right for no one but Stella. The weapon was so powerful it ought to have been saved, not destroyed. And worst, if Yuuya dies :( ugh, I cant

Im guessing were not getting an episode the first week of October? Since it said ep 15 is delayed to October 14?
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