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Summer 2012 Anime |OT3| Where All the Waifus Are Made Up and the Points Don't Matter

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Has anyone been watching PoyoPoyo? I'm finding it to be very funny, despite literally being 3 minutes of commentary of a family looking after a round cat.

Also, I'm really enjoying Kokoro Connect, really interesting stuff.
I'm watching both of those.
Kokoro Connect's my favorite new show of the season.
Natsuyuki 09


The princess rescuing herself is always a fun plot twist.

But that was an even better twist at the end of the episode. Still dragging but at least it looks like it's slowly gonna get near the end of this arc and probably the show at this point.
Binbougami ga 9

Keita and Shino (tennis prince) really made the first skit fun (even with Tityko's awful personality there). Second skit was awful, once youve seen one female character cook bad food youve seen them all, so wonder why the source even had this "joke" in it. Worst the
moment where the new girl is coughing it up
lasted way too long that I got even more bored. I hope the next episodes really pick up. Get us more Momo and Keita too.


Binbougami-ga! 09

Does Kuroyuri have the same VA as Akane from Smile Precure or am I going crazy?

you're not crazy because i had the same impression

or maybe we're both crazy ?
It was Ryoko Shiraishi. Saw it on Wikipedia and I was going to look over the credits to double check, but watching the episode itself one more time and she's using damn near the exact same voice as she does for Himeko in Sket Dance.
(plus the credits do check out too)
Natsuyuki Rendezvous 9

This was a beautiful, but disappointingly underwhelming episode. While it was once somewhat understandable, the tedious, dragging nature of this arc has, unfortunately, become exceedingly tiring. If the developments in this episode had occurred in the previous one, I'd likely be much more forgiving, but, as it is, the story has hobbled on this particular point for far too long, leaving too little room for a satisfying conclusion.

Hazuki STILL has yet to return to his body, and the story is suffering as a result. The glimmer of hope that appeared for Hazuki's imminent return at the end of the last episode was quickly diminished, and, by the end, seemingly removed altogether. At first, the story seemed intent on forcing these characters to move on from their pasts, which created significant potential for a poignant, emotionally consistent tale to be told. Yet, over these last several episodes, the plot seems to be losing it's focus by tearing away previous character development and drawing out that eventuality so much so that it runs the risk of feeling emotionally hollow, insincere, and rushed when it finally arrives.

Although it was a great moment, Shimao's realization of his own flaws and cruel actions came far too late for him to derive any sympathy from me. He only arrived at this point after managing to fully revert Rokka's current emotional well-being back to it's previously broken state. Not to mention the selfish arrogance displayed in his nearly perpetual disregard of Hazuki and the emotional turmoil he's placed him under. Knowing all this, Hazuki is a considerably better character than Shimao, and one that I consistently feel much more sympathy for, especially following the supposed implications behind the last scene. As for Rokka, her emotions were dealt with rather powerfully here, and her actions toward Shimao after discovering the truth of his existence were extremely touching. The glimpses into her past with Shimao were more enjoyable in this episode due to their heightened significance to the present.

Any hopes for a solid and justifiably lengthy amount of development between Hazuki and Rokka seem somewhat futile at this point. I believe the story will conclude with Hazuki returning to his body and a happy ending for him and Rokka, but the scars Shimao has left her with could very easily sour her on a relationship with Hazuki; a relationship that seemed entirely inevitable a short while ago.

As for the positives, the pacing was uneven, but a bit improved from the last few episodes. Despite tiptoeing on the edge of being overwhelmingly morose at times, the tone was handled rather impressively throughout. Once again, the direction was excellent, deftly illuminating the complex emotions swirling about, particularly during the
reunion between Rokka and Shimao
. Although rather understated, the music accompanies these moments quite well.

Overall, Natsuyuki Rendezvous still thoroughly excels in many areas and remains one of the better shows of the season, but, lately, it's direction has become too needlessly muddled and unfocused. I'm hoping the last two episodes can reach the levels of consistent brilliance found in the first half of the show, so that my disappointment can be short-lived.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
They are trying to be dynamic with the scene and movement. I see what they're trying to do, but it just doesn't work here.

Agreed. It's a combination of bad movement and bad composition with Sakura's position with regards to the moving camera. It's just very awkward. ;_;


Gunslinger Girl 8


"The Pasta Prince." Cute.

I like pasta too.

Enter Angelica, yet another victim of Social Welfare Agency's coils. However, this is the closest to an origin story that has been shown yet. A young Social Welfare Agency where they only had a bit of gun combat conditioning to go around! Of course, this allows an introduction to one of the major side effects from the cybernetics up to this point:
memory loss
. The interesting aspect of this chapter was that
multiple people were able to experience the shock of finding out firsthand
. This all before it became as common as rainfall.

I can't say it's "easier" to take in these type of backstories. Stories of children having experiences from life
dulled out of conscious
in this manner is not a subject I'm experienced in, I suppose. I couldn't help, but notice that Giuse and Henrietta are getting even more pressure placed on them due to her emotional circumstances. I hope his relationship with Socia Welfare Agency plays out in some fashion by the time the curtains close.


One Piece 6


I think it was Cwarrior who addressed my backgrounds complaint early on. While I still don't get the inconsistency in application, it was lovely here and gave the scene a storybook quality.

Looking ahead, Buggy is just a five episode arc. I was afraid this shit would go one for twenty eps or something stupid. This is another episode where I wasn't feeling the score either.

Luffy handling Mohji like he did was pretty cool.
That dog's voice was adorable.
Sengoku Collection 22

Have to agree with Dakku pretty boring episode. The initial premise was interesting, WarGen but just the execution made me just zone out. I did like hearing my favorite background music piece and we did get
Masamune's sword

Tallied up, I guess I like seven of the episodes
1. Haiku girl and the Cafe
2. Motorbike Girl
3. Girl that turns into pig at night
4. Two parter with the girl and the other girl at the High school
5. Fasad and the girl in space
6. That random episode with the talking food crops, play, etc...
One Piece 6

Looking ahead, Buggy is just a five episode arc. I was afraid this shit would go one for twenty eps or something stupid. This is another episode where I wasn't feeling the score either.

Luffy handling Mohji like he did was pretty cool.
That dog's voice was adorable.

Yeah, Buggy is thankfully the shortest of the intro arcs. Once you're done with that, it's all uphill.


During the gif blitz at the end of OT2 I saw this picture here:

I actually saw the beginning of the show once but I can't recall the name of it now, I believe it's an OVA actually. Does anyone recall the name?

I think if there was ever going to be any controversy over the evoker symbolism, it would have long since passed. Prying eyes would have drawn it out, I'm sure. But when stuff like the Hot Coffee created such an uproar, and that was over a dummied out feature, it is quite surprising that it escaped unscathed.

That's possible. Although regarding hot coffee, despite it being removed from the game, it was from a very well known game that sold many copies coming from a well known franchise in general. Persona 3 is, I think, a pretty niche game coming from a franchise that, at the time, was probably even more niche. I believe it was Persona 3 which made the series a bit more popular in the west. It was MegaTen's Final Fantasy 7 so to speak.

The drawing from religions has long been a SMT staple. Sure, it's demons are an amalgamation of various deities, but it's hardly tactless.

That's true, some are just more sensitive about it than others. Reading different message boards and some aren't bother by it saying such comments as "It's just a video game.", whereas others say things such as "I don't care if it's a video game, I find the idea of fusing two demonic figures to make a more angelic figure, or vice versa, to be disrespectful or disturbing." Others who believe in one religion also didn't like the idea of fusing two other religion's God or Deity figures to make up a religious figure in their own religion.

I once knew someone personally who had no problem playing video games such as Quake or Unreal Tournament, playing RPG's or reading different fantasy novels such as Lord of the Rings but they wouldn't even touch a card from, never mind play, Magic: The Gathering. They stated they didn't like the different demons and such depicted in the artwork and the idea of using different spells or magic to summon them.

These exact same things came up in the books they were reading or games they were playing so I honestly found this quite surprising, plus a bit hypocritical but I never pressed the matter and so we just carried on occupying our time playing those other games or talking about the other stories.

Regardless of tact, it seems that when you have a work that deals with religion it's simply innate that it will receive mixed reactions.


Tragic victim of fan death
Was there no E7AO today?

Also, I can invite yall to the guild so pm me on the game if you need an invite. Shadow Kayos.
It was Ryoko Shiraishi. Saw it on Wikipedia and I was going to look over the credits to double check, but watching the episode itself one more time and she's using damn near the exact same voice as she does for Himeko in Sket Dance.
(plus the credits do check out too)

So you're saying that i'm not crazy ?

Good to know ...
Well sometimes i wonder ...if


Natsuyuki 9

It's rather interesting how Shimao has developed into a villain of sorts for the show. Through his own growth as a character he has effectively trampled over the other 2 mains in the show, albeit in a somewhat unintentional way. I suppose some might not be happy with Hazuki still being stuck, but in the end I find the current situation than simply bringing him back earlier.

I'm too lazy to post screens but this episode is very pretty, tons of color from nature and flowers. The story about the tree in particular was ace, and a nice departure from the normal art style.


Ergo Proxy?

Got me thinking about ABe, which in turn led to thinking about Despera :/

Yeah Ergo Proxy definitely fits. Good pick. Again, it shows that the concept hasn't been done justice to in anime, because all these shows have interesting ideas but turn out bad! :(

Battle Angel Alita. There's a lot more, but I can't check now since I'm at work. I think Shangri-la also counts.

We stopped listing general dystopian shows, and we're only looking for dystopian scifi police/detective style shows now preferably with a procedural sort of narrative. Think of Minority Report.

Skullman kinda?

Yeah that kiiiiiinda counts almost barely. No team, no organization, not even an actual detective or a cop. More like Batman Year One (the comic) I guess. It was good though.

I was saying she looks early twenties, you guys stated that she looks like a teenager. I said fine and accepted it but still think she looks older than an average teenager and the bio seems to support that.

Well, the bio specifically says she's a rookie. So who knows, she could be 19 or something. The main character is definitely an adult. So is the woman in the far back in the white coat. The rest.... I dunno. I guess the girl in pony tail could be in her 20s, and the two other guys could just have some birth defect which makes their faces look dumb. Yeah...
We stopped listing general dystopian shows, and we're only looking for dystopian scifi police/detective style shows now preferably with a procedural sort of narrative. Think of Minority Report.

Yes, Battle Angel mixes Minority Report with Blade Runner style cyberpunk.

Edit: I think Noein also kind of fits in the future scenes, but that isn't really the focus.


Persona 4 - 26

They could have at least tried with the animation :(
Now we've got static images with shaking camera and various light effects around them duking it out. It's a shame, really, because I liked the whole
Groundhog's Day

And shit, Margaret has all these cool Personas, including
Yoshitsune (Hassou Tobi, fuck yes)
, but Yu going against him with Rakshasa was not a good look.
Still waiting for the James Cameron movie. :(

You'll be waiting a long time. Cameron is Avatar man now.

Edit: You know, I'm pretty sure Shintaro Kago has done quite a few things with this kind of setting, mainly Super-Conductive Brains: Parataxis. Would be nice if some of his stuff got an anime.


Edit: You know, I'm pretty sure Shintaro Kago has done quite a few things with this kind of setting, mainly Super-Conductive Brains: Parataxis. Would be nice if some of his stuff got an anime.
Should be a series of OVAs for Brains. The village story in particular would make a nice thirty-minute episode.


well not really...yet
fucking duckroll I just was the other day debating rewatching Wolf's Rain. Your damn avatar made me look up some of the tunes on youtube and now I have to find time to fit that rewatch in my schedule :p
Persona 4 - 26

They could have at least tried with the animation :(
Now we've got static images with shaking camera and various light effects around them duking it out. It's a shame, really, because I liked the whole
Groundhog's Day

And shit, Margaret has all these cool Personas, including
Yoshitsune (Hassou Tobi, fuck yes)
, but Yu going against him with Rakshasa was not a good look.
I bet they purposefully made the animation shitty just to make us feel worse for continuing to consume it.
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