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Summer 2012 Anime |OT3| Where All the Waifus Are Made Up and the Points Don't Matter

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Aren't most anime from the past six years or so available on blu-ray?

Most, but Japan has some ridiculous stipulations preventing certain series from being released in the US on BR, like Sora No Otoshimono Forte.

What part of this do you specifically think is "ugly as all heck"?

That video appears to be full of Cute, fun, and intrigue. Im interested.

two more Magi CM screenies:



now the wait for the inevitable youtube upload begins



This looks so goddamned :Cajun


Space Brothers 22

is finally chosen as the last person to go to Houston to become an astronaut

WHY IS THIS SHOW SO GOOD? This show has so much heart and innocence to it. What a breath of fresh air it is. The music continues to be astounding.
Hunter x Hunter 45

lol their always funny friends in the hunterpedia.

Kurapika continues to be amazing
sword couldnt scratch Uva, but Kurapika's powerful punch managed to, awesome
. The best scene was the whole amusement park one, something about just the use of the music, the imagery, and just the plot made it really memorable to me
team up please! I wanna see them take down lots of these phantom troupe members


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
I don't the character designs look that bad. Certainly no worse than the designs for the Steins;Gate
anime, which weren't exactly good.

Just so that people can understand what I'm talking about, here's an example of a typical outside shot in Steins;Gate:


Everything is extremely washed out and desaturated, making everything look bland and artificial. The whiteness even extends to the edges of the frame, making it looks like there's some kind of fog enveloping the city -


Of course, there's some even more extreme shots of this particular "technique":


Internal shots look ugly too, but for different reasons. They're dark and colourless, rather than washed-out and colourless:



Finally, here's an example of 'quality' character design:


I can see where you're coming from with regards to the Steins;Gate artwork. I happen to like the look in general because it added to me feeling like something was very very wrong about what was going on, which kind of added to the mysterious events to me. I'm sure there are better ways they could have done that, and the game's artwork is much better in general, but I wasn't put off by the artwork in Steins;Gate. :)


When a director puts a filter like that onto a show it is normally to create a certain atmosphere and not because its cheaper. Its intentional, and therefore a subjective opinion whether it looks good or not, but it doesnt make it a bad decision.
I also agree with this. Especially with the shots that take place inside.
Also not sure what his complaint is about about poor Mayushii.

espencially, the characters look like the VN counterparts just without the strange photoshop effect.

And that's the point. The visual novel and anime adapation look unique, Robotics;Notes got a higher budget after the success of Steins;Gate but everything looks generic.


SAO - 9

This is what I expected this show to be when I started watching, I enjoyed this episode.
If it were up to me, we'd get a fight every episode, and some cool equipment/skill upgrades every other episode.
Hopefully the show will continue going the action route.


Maturity, bitches.
I like the cut of your jib - when you watch the best no need to watch the rest.
But he just said he hadn't been watching Space Brothers. :S

IMO every pretty girl ( a rare thing in Sao despite us seeing all of them gravitate around kirito ) with something unique got a fan club if they went past floor 1 ...
^^ that's what i strongly believe anyway
You'd think is 2022 that the online world would have gotten over the fact that women use the web.

two more Magi CM screenies:


Glad you told me where they were from otherwise I may have thought these were shots from next week's SAO.

Double axe. Is not double sword
Why does he even have axes in a game based around swords?


Eureka Seven 18-

Finally. We're finally getting to the good stuff. Too bad they wasted an entire episode on Ao's shitty wishwashy behaviour. This was definitely a case of the narrative driving character actions rather than the other way around. Ao had to be on the American carrier so that Elena and Fleur would rescue him thus causing the mess.

This has taken way too long and done in the most shitty way possible. It would have made more sense right after the Quartz mess than to waste another episode to drive the point home. I also hate how they waste time recapping shit they've already shown and explained, such as Eureka leaving. We fucking get it.


Kuroko's Basketball 1


I always had a special place for sport animes. When I was in high school, I simply adored Eyeshield 21. After much debate, I decided to give KB a try.

I'm surprised the main lead isn't the shining star (no pun intended). I wonder if the series will expand on him more than simply being a shadow. I certainly hope so. And then we have the other main lead, red hair dude, I cannot recall his name atm. Brute strength and talent are the names of the game for him.

Talking about talent, I noticed a major theme will be effort vs. talent. The ending of this episode said it best, Kuroko will be the shadow to red-hair dude's light; the yin to his yang.

With all that said, I'll make an effort to continue watching this show. With a 17-credit schedule for school, learning Japanese, and having other leadership obligations, it might be a tad too burdensome to squeeze this show in, especially when the fall season arrives.

You should definitely continue watching it, it's a great show.


I'm also starting to think that AO would be a lot better if they didn't have the whole mystery component with timetravel. If it was more straight-up, I think they could let some plot points breathe a bit more. I guess I keep going to is I wish this was the spiritual successor to E7 rather than trying to hamfist it into being an actual one.


Maturity, bitches.
Painting with Swords 9

Once again this show reaches into the gaping void of the puerile rectum that is anime writing. We are expected to believe that one man can do what an "entire" army cannot (especially when said army was told explicitly they were not enough). Oh yes, I forgot, he is Mr Gary Stu. My complete and utter surprise that he managed to beat the boss and be the hero of the day must have rendered my brain incapable of remembering things for a brief moment. Good to see that useless guild ended up being of some use in the most cliched way possible by making Stu angry. Surprised his hair didn't go blonde from all that teeth gritting. And what is up with people not using potions? If you see he's in danger just chuck one at his head so the bottle cracks and spills its magical rejuvenating juices all over him. Have they even played a standard RPG before let alone an online one?

Also wasting a year studying ingredient combos. Is she the sister of ulillillia? And then not even sharing that info on the wiki. How selfish can you get? We can all take solace in the fact all that knowledge will be useless in the real world.

Well at least the army got rid of their terribad leader so a happy ending after all.


The "army" is just what people call that guild. It's pretty shitty at this point in the story, so it's not really surprising that one higher level player can outmatch that entire unit of the "army". Asuna and Klein on their own at this point are probably stronger than all of those guys added together anyway. Nothing unrealistic about it in MMO terms.

(Actually Silica is the best, she just doesn't show up so the other characters have a chance to show off a little. She's modest and humble like that.)


sealed with a kiss
But he just said he hadn't been watching Space Brothers. :S

You'd think is 2022 that the online world would have gotten over the fact that women use the web.

Glad you told me where they were from otherwise I may have thought these were shots from next week's SAO.

Why does he even have axes in a game based around swords?

Why does Kirito
get a sword in a game based around guns?


I'm just amused that the ultimate answer to why Kirito is just so awesome at this game is "because shut up"

I mean, even most hack writers wouldn't be so brazen in writing a character like this.


Sword Art Online 9

Boss music was Boss. That scene when Kirito wakes up was weird, Asuna was like dead meat all along when Klein was talking to him. All the other waifus had a cameo too, all teams must be happy I guess. Looks like everyone in this Blood something guild is a member of team Asuna, lolol.
Sword Art Online 9

Boss music was Boss. That scene when Kirito wakes up was weird, Asuna was like dead meat all along when Klein was talking to him. All the other waifus had a cameo too, all teams must be happy I guess. Looks like everyone in this Blood something guild is a member of team Asuna, lolol.

She was just recharging her OTPnium reserves.

Disclaimer: I belong to no OTP faction(yet)

Episode had a lot of octane... I'm kinda glad that what I assume to be the main plot is now moving along.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
She had them ever since the time skip. We just couldn't see them due to her still wearing a goddamn jacket.

Well, that and Hinata is another case of constant doujins depicting a character a certain way eventually becoming the way she's depicted in canon. >>; They were big after the time skip, but they seem to have gotten bigger since. >>;


Accel World 21

Not since Mahoro has a maid on a motorcycle looked that badass.
Niko shows up
and starts teaching Taku how to face his fears and use the incarnate system.
Haru and one of Niko's followers dive in to the Akihabara battleground to investigate how Noumi is able to fight without being registered.
Rinne no Lagrange 2 ep 9

Typical school life stuff was nothing to write home about, but still in the same area as it has been for this show. However the highlight part for me was the going away party and just all of Kirius, Izo, and Array, I cried when
Izo got up there and said his last words and then the boss said his too. Wonder how he will be without Kirius and Array there anymore

Plot wise
Figured the girls would have to break the promise of staying out of their ovids. Cant believe Dizelmine decided to test on himself and following the whim of Moid and then just the attack of fallen ships. I hope he doesnt break up with Villaguilio after this and if Asteria can do something to save them all.

I guess they aim to take the show out good, and is that the third iteration of the ed theme (muginami singing?)


I'm just amused that the ultimate answer to why Kirito is just so awesome at this game is "because shut up"

I mean, even most hack writers wouldn't be so brazen in writing a character like this.

he just levels up a lot of screen. most likely explored a lot of the world and stumbled across great equipment and items.


The Hyouka ep21 title is the second last short story in Book 4. This confirms that the series is written as 22 episodes in total. They better air all 22 episodes... or else.


Looking back at Accel World episode credits, I'm surprised at how outsourced this show is. At the same time, I'm also surprised that basically all the actual Sunrise episodes are all the episodes "worth watching" as well. I guess all the worthwhile action animators and directors are working on the important action episodes at Sunrise, while they outsource -everything- else, literally.

Sunrise episodes - 1-2, 5, 8, 11-12, 15, 17, 19
Asahi Production episodes - 3-4, 6, 9, 10, 13-14, 18, 20-21
Artland episodes - 7, 16

I'd guess that most the talented Sunrise staff are spending more time working on Horizon than on Accel World...


The Hyouka ep21 title is the second last short story in Book 4. This confirms that the series is written as 22 episodes in total. They better air all 22 episodes... or else.

In which case, I will just wait it out and see how the dust settles...

I know there is a lot of chatter about how boring it all is, but it looks too pretty to ignore completely.


Kuroko 22

Good shit, can't wait for next week.
Too bad this show ends soon, hopefully we'll get a second season soon, the sales have been decent.

HxH - 45

Oh, the pain of watching great shounen shows weekly, FUCK!


Yuru Yuri♪♪ 1-9

I feel as though these episodes only improve on the formula, by sheer virtue of having already laid the groundwork in season 1, and going off from there.

I didn't like all of the characters in the first season, but they have done a decent job of rounding out the cast a little more here, even if some characters still feel extremely one note, and in some cases, completely unnecessary. That said, whenever the other characters were given more screentime, they often become the best moments. Even Yui doesn't seem completely devoid of personality at this point. Also, I think there is a certain irony in Akari being the forgotten protagonist, as she has somehow became one of the more entertaining characters, well, the train skit aside.


Image is not representative of the final product
So glad for more Arcana Famiglia, but I was hoping for another season :(

A new unaired anime episode and a new game were announced for the La storia della Arcana Famiglia franchise at Sunday's "Anime La storia della Arcana Famiglia's 1st Event 'La prima festa.'" The unaired extra episode is titled "Capriccio – stile Arcana Famiglia" and it will be on the Arcana Famiglia Special Disc "La prima festa" along with a summary video of Sunday's event. The Blu-ray Disc/DVD release will arrive on March 27, 3013.

The event offered no more details about the new game's release and contents other than its title: Arcana Famiglia 2.
Rinne no Lagrange 2 ep 9

Typical school life stuff was nothing to write home about, but still in the same area as it has been for this show. However the highlight part for me was the going away party and just all of Kirius, Izo, and Array, I cried when
Izo got up there and said his last words and then the boss said his too. Wonder how he will be without Kirius and Array there anymore

Plot wise
Figured the girls would have to break the promise of staying out of their ovids. Cant believe Dizelmine decided to test on himself and following the whim of Moid and then just the attack of fallen ships. I hope he doesnt break up with Villaguilio after this and if Asteria can do something to save them all.

I guess they aim to take the show out good, and is that the third iteration of the ed theme (muginami singing?)
I don't even know how to feel about this show anymore besides Madoka being one of my favorite female characters.
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