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Summer 2012 Anime |OT3| Where All the Waifus Are Made Up and the Points Don't Matter

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The big guy looks like someone from Umineko.



I don't have the ability to type Japanese at the moment so this won't be as clear as it could be.

Original Latin weekday naming > English/Norse weekday > Japanese weekday > Japanese astronomical name > Element represented in name > SM character

Luna (Moon) > Monday > Getsuyoubi > Tsuki > Tsuki (Moon) > Tsukino Usagi
Mars > Tuesday (Tiu) > Kayoubi > Kasei > Hi (Fire) > Hino Rei
Mercury > Wednesday (Woden/Odin) > Suiyoubi > Suisei > Mizu (Water) > Mizuno Ami
Jupiter > Thursday (Thor) > Mokuyoubi > Mokusei > Ki (Tree) > Kino Makoto
Venus > Friday (Frei) > Kinyoubi > Kinsei > Kin (Gold/Metal) > Aino Minako (Exception. Ai = Love)
Saturn > Saturday (lol) > Doyoubi > Dosei > Tsuchi (Earth/Soil -> Grave/Death) >
Tomoe Hotaru (Alternate reading in compound)

Earth > Chikyuu > Chiba Mamoru
Uranus > Ten'ousei (Heaven King Planet) > Ten'ou Haruka
Neptune > Kaiousei (Sea King Planet) > Kaiou Michiru
Pluto > Meiousei (Dark King Planet) > Meiou Setsuna (Death symbolism is taken in the fate or measured time sense here)

Woah, that's pretty interesting! I never made all those connections before. I got some such as the first line. I thought it was neat when first watching the show how Sailor Moon's family name had Tsuki in it which is Japanese for Moon and Luna is Latin for Moon. Later with Venus being about love and Minako saying she's an expert, with Ai being the Japanese word for love and Aino Minako.

I didn't think to look at the days of the week, the planets and how the first Kanji is the first Kanji in each of the girls names sans Minako. I really should have paid more attention to the outer senshi's family names too, as a fan of astronomy I feel really dumb I never made the connection. :(

I think seeing the connection with the weekdays is easier in Japanese because of the Kanji. I'm used to Tuesday being 火曜日or Wednesday being 水曜日and on calendars or schedules they are often shorthanded to just (火) or (水). Taking those and putting them with a different reading into the girls names in really neat.

Gah! All those times seeing 火川神社 or "Hikawa Shrine" as a play on words for Rei being related to fire too instead of using the real world spelling 氷川神社 where 氷(ice) is pronounced "Hi".

Thanks for taking the time to write this all up :)
I missed talking to each other for awhile there. :(
I think I'm going to have to save this for future reference.

That's crazy.

Also this haha, and people say Sailor Moon isn't a deep show!
All this talk is making me wonder what other connections might exist in the show!

Another fun naming scheme is in Maison Ikkoku, where all of the principal characters are named after their corresponding room number, although for some they don't live in it or the room doesn't physically exist.

1 ICHInose
2 Some manga only character
3 MItaka
5 GOdai
6 ROppongi
7 Forget, I think Kozue's family name goes here
8 YAgami
9 KUjo

I haven't seen the show but that's pretty cool too! A lot of people here in the thread have mentioned how they don't like many different Japanese language jokes or connections, such as maybe those done in Joshiraku but personally I love that stuff. It's true that sometimes the jokes might be kind of groaners or connections might take something simple and make it seem kind of complicated but I still think it's neat.

I'm not sure anyone would have solved it but seeing the answer to the epitaph in Umineko no naku koro ni, I thought it was really interesting how
the author mixed English words and pronunciations and how they relate to Japanese and the different readings of Kanji and such.
How someone can even think some of this stuff up sometimes is really impressive.


Tragic victim of fan death
This thread is treading a fine line of OT-ending insanity and just outright insanity. I cannot handle this. lol.


Long hair and short hair have their place, the only universal law is that ponytails >> everything.

Also Asuka was the only good character in Evangelion.


While I don't think Poppy Hill is a terrible film like duck does, it's exceptionally workmanlike. While the individual images look good, the story is pretty boring, and for Western tastes it goes a bit wack-a-doodle two-thirds of the way through. I can't imagine the word of mouth was massive on it.

(bear in mind, of course, that Hayao Miyazaki co-adapted the story. Deliberate sabotage!!!!!)

Whilst part of it was a result of going in with low expectations (and an impression that the film was a lot drier than it actually was, for some reason), I thought the first act of Poppy Hill was pretty great, in a "Goro might actually be a decent director if he sticks to comedy" kind of fashion. Fabulous set design, too.

Saying that, a bit wack-a-doodle is probably the right way to describe it. The problem is that the movies A-plot is so very, very light - it's a very trifling, lightweight and kind of uneventful and predictable affair. The romantic B-plot is... well, I guess that's the part which people claimed you'd have to be Japanese to understand. It takes some really contrived-feeling twists which smack of both forced drama and an attempt to actually add something of a degree of complexity to the affair, and that somewhat ends up feeling rather distractingly unnecessary.

I have to say, though, it's actually my favourite Ghibli movie for a while. I've still not got around to watching Ponyo, but I enjoyed it a smidgen more than Arrietty and a heck of a lot more than Howls Moving Castle at least.


I guess I didn't post about this on the thread yet, so I shall. Yasuomi Umetsu released his 12th doujin key animation book recently, and it mostly contains his key animation work on Blood-C The Last Dark. But that's not the interesting part. What I want to share is the message he wrote on the final page:

- He is currently directing two brand new original projects
- One of them is a TV series, the other is not specified
- He is responsible for the original concept for both anime, not adaptations
- He is only doing character designs for one of these projects
- For the other project, this will be the first time he is directing a work with another character designer handling the designs
- He doesn't know when they will be announced, since it would be up to the companies

Sounds like he's getting pretty busy these days. :)
which constitutes what? taste is subjective.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
You guys are just jealous you don't have the audacity of DTL to go against the status quo.

Keep fighting the power, oniichan.
But the only status quo around here is trolling and irony. Oh, carry on then.
Anno is the George Lucas of the anime industry.
Slander and lies.


Also, for what it's worth, I think what makes the situation at Ghibli more disgusting is that Goro Miyazaki is the only non-Miyazaki/Takahata director who has ever directed more than one film at Ghibli.

The fact that he is a terrible director, has zero actual training and experience in the industry, and does command the sort of box office power big Ghibli films should, just makes it all the clearer that the only reason he is working at the company is because of his father.

Practices like this is why when Miyazaki and Takahata die, Ghibli will die with them. What a terrible place.

I don't think it's a terrible film. In fact, I haven't even seen it. I just make fun of Goro Miyazaki because he's a terrible director and should be ashamed of his abuse of position instead of giving actual talented people a chance to direct more films at Ghibli and improve the studio. I've watched Earthsea. That's all I ever need to know about Goro Miyazaki.

You shouldn't blame Goro for the sins of his father.
Hunter X Hunter (1999) 1

A strong introduction episode. A young boy embarking on a journey for adventure is not an atypical setup for a battle shounen, but I liked how this focused on the impact that has on the person who raised the boy. The difficulty Mito had in letting Gon go invested the beginning of his quest with a bit of welcome gravity. I also liked how the motivation for Gon to leave was presented; it's very understandable why an encounter with a charismatic Hunter like Kite would make a strong impression on him, especially when combined with impressive-sounding tales of his absent father. Good character work all around.

The island setting was well fleshed out, with careful attention given to it in all aspects of the production. The art is detailed, the soundtrack has some great tracks with a tribal bent, and I particularly appreciated the atmospheric sound design of the jungle. The windchimes outside Mito's house took on a poignancy by the end, in how they represented her attachment to the men absent from her life.

I did have a couple criticisms. First, light and shadow was sometimes improperly applied. Take this shot, for example:


Didn't your mother teach you not to stare into the sun or you'll go blind?

This clumsy glare does nothing but get in the way of the art behind it. Second, there were two times when the camera tilted while zooming in on a still, in what I can only assume was an unintentionally disorienting manner. Lastly, though I am hardly fluent in Japanese and wouldn't entirely trust my ability to judge voice acting in that language, some of the line delivery did seem a bit too tossed off and abrupt for my ears. These are very minor issues, though.


Maturity, bitches.
Has anyone bought the K-On avatars off the Japanese PSN?
You have to pay for avatars on PSN? How tragic is that? And then to top it off they don't even offer Yui with a sheet of paper over her face as one.

Well I suppose it gives K-On GAF some nice full body avatars for this place.

As much as I like Asuka, you two can go ahead and fight over her.
Since Misato is my waifu
No where is my message did I convey that this Asuka lass was mai waifu.
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