neptunia 4
kinda boring goddess mode.
kinda boring goddess mode.
Rozen Maiden 5
Still top-notch. The only caveat I have with the series (and it's really minor!) is the way they deform faces for comedic moments. I just don't feel it meshes well with the low-key, contemplative nature of most of the show, and the humour itself doesn't reach me. Everything else is as good as it gets.
Simple visual idea, but elegant and extremely effective. I've been paying attention lately to the way different directors deal with re-using layouts, something that quite often is done out of convenience and due to lack of time/budget. If you already have the layout laid down you don't have to craft a different one for other cuts (where applicable), even if a different angle or focus might be better in ideal conditions. But you can also exploit that and integrate it into the flow of the story, like in the above case where it summarizes the interaction of the two characters throughout the flashback, succinctly and without effort. It's not just about being creative, I think Omata is quite resourceful like this, which is a good quality in a storyboarder.
So yeah, everyone should be watching this.
Yeah, the music in RWBY is fantastic, as is the fight choreography, but everything else is so, so jank.
And yet it was still indescribably superior to anything that came before or after it.
That little stretch of the movie where Shinjiis the only salvageable thing about 3.33.runs away with Rei, running up to (but not including) the piano duet
To be honest the only story I'm interested in is the ones alluded to in each of the character's "theme song" which relates back to its amazing soundtrack. But aside from that I'm only interested in the action choreography.
Wat?That little stretch of the movie where Shinjiis the only salvageable thing about 3.33.runs away with Rei, running up to (but not including) the piano duet
RWBY 1-3
I just found about this series two days ago, I haven't kept up with Rooster Teeth since Red vs Blue ended. Anyways checked out the first three episodes and I am pleasantly surprised.
Part of my initial attraction centers around on wishing Rooster Teeth the best success with this, after all they came a long way from the beginning episodes of Red vs Blue. Whoever thought that this group will produce a westernized anime and an enjoyable one at that?
Objectively the series speaks of an amateur level but a pretty damn good amateur level. The action choreography is addictive and soundtrack is godlike. However the show doesn't really shine with its plain animation during non-action scenes (reminds be of Ironman: Armored Adventures which aired on Nick) and its voice actors aren't professionals (though I do enjoy Ruby's VA).
Really heavy interest in this series and if you don't believe my praise on the soundtrack just watch the video below.
Based Ikuhara orz We are not worthySailor Moon Rough The Movie
Silver Spoon - Episode 4
YAY PIZZA! I loved the episode. Hopefully now non-manga viewers will have a better idea of why the manga is so well regarded, and what the show is "really" about. Hachiken + ambition + resources = fun for everyone.
I'll be leaving for a week long trip tomorrow, and I need some suggestions for a short series to watch during that time that I might like.
I already have Cat Planet Cuties on my list Hito, you don't have to mention it.
When does he stop pining for horse girl? Episode 5?
I'll be leaving for a week long trip tomorrow, and I need some suggestions for a short series to watch during that time that I might like.
I already have Cat Planet Cuties on my list Hito, you don't have to mention it.
Is that what he needs to tell himself to keep from committing sudoku?
Is that what he needs to tell himself to keep from committing sudoku?
Mega Man Sins 20
There is a very strong air of, I don't know, nihilism in the air. One of the episode's strongest themes (and indeed a recurrent one throughout the show's run) is that there is no reason to build/create/nurture or live because death is certain. That's a huge one they pound on in this episode, and if you're feelingthat all of this is unfair, don't worry, so is Mega Man.
This is mainly why I think the show is a forgotten masterpiece as it really nails the atmosphere and really raises some interesting questions about how people react in the face of certain death in a short time frame. What does a person do when the world goes to shit?
Haha, ok.I'll be leaving for a week long trip tomorrow, and I need some suggestions for a short series to watch during that time that I might like.
I already have Cat Planet Cuties on my list Hito, you don't have to mention it.
Definitely. The show is a really good study of how people react to the end of the world. The best part is that all that "GOTTA SURVIVE" and "INTER TRIBE MECHANICS" noise that bogs say, The Walking Dead, is gone 'cuz nobody is surviving this. The world itself is dead.
No, he. In farming, friendzone is like a fallow field that just needs to be ploughed harder.just about gets the girl
In which Ami saves the day with the power of coaching. I'd watch a spin-off series in which she becomes a basketball manager.
Definitely. The show is a really good study of how people react to the end of the world. The best part is that all that "GOTTA SURVIVE" and "INTER TRIBE MECHANICS" noise that bogs say, The Walking Dead, is gone 'cuz nobody is surviving this. The world itself is dead.
lol"Just about".
[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon Sailor Stars] 170
I'm really enjoying the unusual pairings (as well as Neptune's remark on Usagi and Rei's budding yuri).
He's made more progress in 82 chapters than Ed did in 300, so it's not too bad. He has time!
He's made more progress in 82 chapters than Ed did in 300, so it's not too bad. He has time!
Stop peering into the time stream before you regret it!YAAAAAY
To be fair, Ed actually had legitimate reasons to put bros before moes.As long as we pretend that awful movie doesn't exist.
Donyatsu 02
When force is the only option.
Hayate no Gotoku! 36
The Spear of Despair.
So, Klaus focused episodes are better than Nagi focused episodes. Even the butler is a better character than you!
Stop peering into the time stream before you regret it!
Theis the best part.piano
I think nearly everyone here hates the series. Myself, I forgot to go back to watch the second episode. Dope.
Needs more Aminako.But you justifed my Reisagi whoring
Dat "fast" pacing.He's made more progress in 82 chapters than Ed did in 300, so it's not too bad. He has time!
Hawt!Yamada and the Seven Witches PV
I guess I'll watch this with all the kissing they'll be doing.
Yeah, I am just expecting more Dead Fantasy out of it.I assumed that it would have that majority opinion on here. However Red vs Blue wasn't a masterpiece show either, it only delved into a serious plot during the last half/third of the show.
Like I said its an amateur project and I decided to view it as such not expecting too much from it.
Megas XLR 112
You know what's better than making Megas throw down with Voltron/Power Rangers? Making Megas throwdown with Mazinger and what is apparently an army of B-to-C-list Super Robot knockoffs!
The part where Megas literally stalks and hunts down the living giant robots inside the nebula is kind of unintenionally super creepy. I really enjoy that Kiva and Jaime never let Coop get away with blaming things on the bad guys, since technically things are almost always his fault, but on the other hand, it isn't that he intends to do horrible things. Coop's just really, really unlucky.
Also the button marked "5 minutes till end of episode" was glorious.