This is why you become post-post-haly!
Doesn't that cancel out?
Like -1 * -1?
This is why you become post-post-haly!
I heard that in Japan every citizen gets a free loli as compensation for letting Nintendo pollute the environment and for Fukushima.
Don't know how true that is.
Doesn't that cancel out?
Like -1 * -1?
If this were true, I would curse my non-Japanese citizenship until the end of time.
That said, Japan is short on children as it is, so where would they get all those lolis?
Unless i've forgotten basic math , the result is 1.
I heard that in Japan every citizen gets a free loli as compensation for letting Nintendo pollute the environment and for Fukushima.
Don't know how true that is.
WAIT WTF!? Kirino Mosaic is in high school!? Japan.
WAIT WTF!? Kirino Mosaic is in high school!? Japan.
I thought it was like primary school level!
I don't know why anyone would expect an all-girls slice-of-life show such as K-ON or Yuyushiki to give a realistic depiction of high school with all its warts.
Novid is back.
Why do you think that is so? Also, they have to import a lot from China, which is assisted by the one Child Policy.That said, Japan is short on children as it is, so where would they get all those lolis?
It gets better:WAIT WTF!? Kirino Mosaic is in high school!? Japan.
Sailor moon things
WAIT WTF!? Kirino Mosaic is in high school!? Japan.
for real?
Dokidoki precure - 27
Cure Ace is too powerfull .... let's nerf her !
This is trully the very first time i've seen such a nerfing 5eps only after an appearance for a character in the precure franchise. i'm speechless.
Not that i mind aguri being a regular character ( and that means having up and downs , tastes and desires ) but seriously the ACE part of her character totally disapeared with this episode ..the good part is that she now can be part of the regular cure cast like other cures since she is grounded with the rest of the cast but i honnestly don't like this turn of events.
Cure moonlight acted as a senpai , and even if she needed help to come back , it was part of a natural flow of event as we knew FROM the START that she wasn't almighty. But here ? Disapointed i am.
So yeah this episode told us that aguri is really who she claim to be , she love sweets , she has a freakingand now her attackstime limit of her transformation time ...WTFare being repelled by the monsters of the week
Yeah disapointing.
At least the NEW ending theme is alright , there was nothing bad in it even if it doesn't come close to being in my top 3.
It's mentioned in the first episode
There has been a major question in my head concerning the new Sailor Moon franchise.
I have a sinking feeing its not what people think it is.
I think Toei has too much invested in Pretty Cure. Reason why Knights of the Zodiac is pretty safe is audience.
This one however, is a bit scary.
One, the way there is no key art. For Kill La Kill we had one 6 and half months in advance and the rest just came out as more was available.
We had one small announcement and the show will be ready by mid December?
We have no idea of the committee working on the show.
We do know that Nico Nico is streaming the show, but on a premium level. The shows that have done this however, are nowhere close to the quality of say Attack on Titan on its good days.
We don't know who is back or who is writing the show - but Urobochi is out - hes working on Samurai Fruit Capoeira Rider or whatever the fuck it goes by. Most of the VA's retired.
Most shows would be ready in October - and the fact this show is going to air in Mid Dec is a red flag. It tells me this isn't what anyone is looking for or towards.
So what I see is this -
Its like DBZ Kai. Which means the series is up for grabs in the US.
Its a Flash Series like Punchmas. Messy as fuck but its par for the course for Toei Doga.
Its a short form series like Tennku. Massive disappointment but then parts of the businesses are stronger than others.
Its a preview for a movie - understable but still blue balls.
Its a short form live action series like PSSM - crazy but possible.
Its one of those "Comic Machima" things: That's the way it looks like to me.
All I see is Toei trying to protect their more "Conservative" (read it as 2Ch Otaku)investment in Pretty Cure - where its about to reach long toothness with the bullshit even the fucking kids cant it stand any the fuck more.
We don't know who is back or who is writing the show - but Urobochi is out [
You say that like I'm watching it
Its like DBZ Kai. Which means the series is up for grabs in the US.
Its a Flash Series like Punchmas. Messy as fuck but its par for the course for Toei Doga.
Its a short form series like Tennku. Massive disappointment but then parts of the businesses are stronger than others.
Its a preview for a movie - understable but still blue balls.
Its a short form live action series like PSSM - crazy but possible.
Its one of those "Comic Machima" things: That's the way it looks like to me.
Full Metal Panic! Fumoffu - 6
I'm totally on Team Ponytail here. Ponytails rock.
Terrific voice acting this episode, again.
Takeuchi made it dark enough to begin with. Many of the concepts seen in Madoka were taken from Sailor Moon.I would totally watch an Urobuchi-written Sailor Moon.
Well why aren't you in the first place?
I would totally watch an Urobuchi-written Sailor Moon.
Yes, this is the face of a 30 year old alright.
jgminto pls. You are missing out on some good shows!Cuz I don't wanna!
I'm only watching Watamote and Free!
jgminto pls. You are missing out on some good shows!
Most shows would be ready in October - and the fact this show is going to air in Mid Dec is a red flag. It tells me this isn't what anyone is looking for or towards.
All I see is Toei trying to protect their more "Conservative" (read it as 2Ch Otaku)investment in Pretty Cure - where its about to reach long toothness with the bullshit even the fucking kids cant it stand any the fuck more.
Cuz I don't wanna!
I'm only watching Watamote and Free!
Love Lab and Kiniro Mosiac. You have one show about depression moe, you need upbeat shows to off set it!
At the press conference it was apparently confirmed that the anime will follow the original storyline but will not be a straight remake, whatever that means (presumably there will be plot elements updated for twenty years later, and possibly some changes incorporated from PGSM?). I think that pretty much counts out a DBZ Kai style update, or indeed many of the other suggestions you've got (for instance, it is specifically announced as a new anime at every point - there is no danger of it being a live action show).
Takeuchi made it dark enough to begin with. Many of the concepts seen in Madoka were taken from Sailor Moon.
A Sailor Moon without Mamoru's conspicuously 90s sound system or Ami printing off Kenny Loggins lyrics on a dot matrix printer is no Sailor Moon at all.
Its a show left behind by the times. The new project will have to be extremely careful not to fuck it up. It can use more currently relevant scenarios and situations but the core characters need to remain thesame. They need to react and respond as in the original show.
A Sailor Moon without Mamoru's conspicuously 90s sound system or Ami printing off Kenny Loggins lyrics on a dot matrix printer is no Sailor Moon at all.
Ami's visor will be replaced by Google Glass and Sailor Pluto will no longer exist.
Ami's visor will be replaced by Google Glass and Sailor Pluto will no longer exist.
To be fair, Moon isn't a planet.
Ami's visor will be replaced by Google Glass and Sailor Pluto will no longer exist.