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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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Genshiken Nidaime
Episode 4

Nice Boat! Loved the awesome cosplay cameos.
Angela looks different in a good way (madp eyelashes.) I hated the way she looked previously.
Sue's just adorable!
Genshiken Nidaime 05


hatoxmadarame 4ever


Ishidate is a very good animator and a mostly good storyboarder. He's the go-to action/FX guy in Kyoani too, so it seems fitting that he's directing the action show.

e: Oh, and he loves fancy (and sometimes not so fancy) post-processing, the Nagato vs Asakura fight in that video was from an episode he directed (his debut as SB/ED, actually), and the CM for KnK was also pretty charged with it. Not a lot of his episodes are bloated with that shit though, he probably can't always get away with it.

He could, or could not, bring down the overall visual quality of KnK depending on how he goes about that. I'd hope he knows to restrain himself, but one can never be sure...

Stuff like color design and post-processing are probably what I'm worried about the most with KnK. I personally thought that the CM for KnK was kinda ugly, and the key visual doesn't really make me any more hopeful. Hopefully he'll keep the flash and saturation down.
The writing and direction was soooooooo good. It's filled with hilarious tragecomedy tropes like the main character asking for information which will DEFINITELY get him in trouble later on. Soooo much foreshadowing. Back then Higurashi was the best comedy anime since Azumanga.

I actually do remember having an "oh come on!" reaction with how Keichi acted. Anyone could see that the whole "perfect crime" BS was going to turn out poorly. That and the first one in the second season that was kind of filler are the only ones I didn't like.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Watamote 5

Not as wajah as the last episode, but still good. Dem Pocky Wolverine claws. :lol Also
when Tomoko decided she wanted to be a cabaret girl, I thought "FUCK, NOVID WAS RIGHT". :lol Thankfully she reconsidered, heh.


Ishidate is a very good animator and a mostly good storyboarder. He's the go-to action/FX guy in Kyoani too, so it seems fitting that he's directing the action show.

e: Oh, and he loves fancy (and sometimes not so fancy) post-processing, the Nagato vs Asakura fight in that video was from an episode he directed (his debut as SB/ED, actually), and the CM for KnK was also pretty charged with it. Not a lot of his episodes are bloated with that shit though, he probably can't always get away with it.

He could, or could not, bring down the overall visual quality of KnK depending on how he goes about that. I'd hope he knows to restrain himself, but one can never be sure...

Yea, he's obviously a very capable animator but that doesn't always translate into a good director.
Hayate no Gotoku! 39


All in all that was a pretty exciting final episode.

I liked the style of animation they used for all dat action they going on. Very fluid and pretty fresh to see. It was a funny episode and a great way to end the season. Onto to season four!


Well, on the flip side Setsuna's ace bonus makes him a god against Gundams and solar powered robots. Those mass produced innovators are super easy to kill using just a beam saber.

Barring the 00 Gundams, though, Setsuna will have the chance to fight how many Gundams in this game? Like, Epyon? Still, I guess advantage over the hordes of mp innovators is worth building him up. I'd been planning on it anyway, since the 00 is kinda cool. I WON'T use Lockon 2 because he doesn't fucking exist.

Yeah, the 00 version of Gauron rides a Gundam so Setsuna + Innovator + Soul + Trans Am Sword Riser = 30k damage easy.

I keep forgetting that Fauxron was included in the list of people who just wouldn't stay fucking dead in that show.

Still with the Crunchyroll hate.

There are less obvious to hate on sites, I guess.


Hayate no Gotoku! 39


All in all that was a pretty exciting final episode.

I liked the style of animation they used for all dat action they going on. Very fluid and pretty fresh to see. It was a funny episode and a great way to end the season. Onto to season four!

I'm pretty sure this was the episode where SynergySP brought in a bunch of Gainax staff to work on the episode. It really showed.

Edit: Oh, it was Imaishi? I see. I didn't know who anyone was when I watched HnG, so all I knew was that "Gainax worked on this episode of HnG", lol.


The Light of El Cantare
Hayate no Gotoku! 39

All in all that was a pretty exciting final episode.

I liked the style of animation they used for all dat action they going on. Very fluid and pretty fresh to see. It was a funny episode and a great way to end the season. Onto to season four!

Not simply a Gurren-Lagann parody, Imaishi actually did the key animation for the parody scenes in this episode.


Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!/Watamote Episode 5: This show grows ever more tedious by the episode and it really is just a giant foot stepping on Tokomo for ever and ever. Also, a good take away from this is never get life lessons from anime, it never ends well.
I'm pretty sure this was the episode where SynergySP brought in a bunch of Gainax staff to work on the episode. It really showed.

Edit: Oh, it was Imaishi? I see. I didn't know who anyone was when I watched HnG, so all I knew was that "Gainax worked on this episode of HnG", lol.

Not simply a Gurren-Lagann parody, Imaishi actually did the key animation for the parody scenes in this episode.

Oh that's pretty cool. Definitely worthy of a final episode for this series.


You have not yet experienced Novid's inexplicable hatred of Cuncryroll I see, I envy that.

I think its more that, as someone whose hatred is often described as inexplicable by others here, I'm more capable of just shrugging it off. We all have things we hate for no good reason and are willing to rant to strangers about. Some are perhaps just more willing than others.


I think its more that, as someone whose hatred is often described as inexplicable by others here, I'm more capable of just shrugging it off. We all have things we hate for no good reason and are willing to rant to strangers about. Some are perhaps just more willing than others.
Most people don't equate things like crunchyroll with the end of the civilised world as we know it either.


Most people don't equate things like crunchyroll with the end of the civilised world as we know it either.

Fair enough, haha.

Mega Man Sins 23

St. Matthew 4:8-9 said:
Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

DAMN. Where do I start? So X as it happens is the douchiest savior y'ever did see. So douchey, in fact, that after Zero finishes pummeling Omega and shepherding Leviathan, he goes straight up to X, tells her he'd kill her again, more or less spits on her offering to rule together, as father and son and tells her that he's out of here. The episode ends with Sigma and Mega Man X joining forces.

Thematically, there were some pretty poignant points in this episode. First among these was Casshern's "Life only has a meaning because their is death." He tells Luna that he himself is distraught that he cannot appreciate life because he does not have to struggle, to suffer, to fear, or to feel the sting of death. Luna has been beating the drum of "death is repulsive" for several episodes, and so Casshern, the only other being who will live forever, telling her to her face that he disagrees, and that the deaths of all he has met on his journey hold more meaning than his own existence as the people he met had all struggled and lived and died for reasons, counter to his own rather aimless wandering is rather powerfully made.

The next big thing is that death is beautiful. You would, of course, initially be wary of anything espousing such a philosophy, but in this context, it works.
The scenes of Dio and Leda dying together are at once very romantic, showing that neither cared more about their personal ambitions than they did the other, and very beautiful, as the two lie close together in one last embrace before succumbing to the ruin.
It's a visual complement to the point that Casshern has made, in addition to the many times we've seen it across the rest of the series.

All of this, of course, ties perfectly in to what else we've seen. The petty, villainous, and cruel robots throughout the series have been opposed to efforts to truly live life, because death is imminent. The building of the bell, and the painting of the city were things thought meaningless because of death. Casshern states that it is the opposite, that death itself gives context to those things, because everyone who did them knew their death was coming, and endeavored to make the most of the time they yet had.

Meanwhile, we have a nice tie in to Matthew 4 up above, in which we see that Luna is perhaps more of a false Christ than an actual Christ symbol, as she tries to bait Casshern with the promise of a Kingdom, providing he build it with her. In this sense, Luna's promises of false hope throughout the show tie in nicely to Matthew 24, where we see:

St. Matthew 24:23-24 said:
23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.

24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the asecret chambers; believe it not.

Which parallels nicely the wanderings of the people in the desert, looking for Luna, only to find her and find something entirely different from the hope that had held them together their entire journey. The much foretold Luna is in fact horrid, cruel, spiteful, and the "healing" she grants twists people. This is opposed to the ever-more-Christ-like Casshern, who has been the man of sorrows described by Isaiah in all save it be his pretty face.

Moving on from verse and back to the show itself, another large point made is that the
original Luna bore the death of the world inside herself, and that killing her reversed that flow, filling Luna with the world's life, but also sapping it of it. And that when Luna granted you death, your death, like the one in this episode, was a beautiful release from the toils and labors of life, as opposed to now, where the life she grants you is a twisted one in which you are not who you were.
At which point I have to say I don't know that I've ever seen a show go so far out of its way to make the point that death is better than life (granted with the stipulation that a life made meaningful by death is indeed a good one), and it speaks voluminously to the kind of show Casshern Sins is that this message is not only a positive one, but the natural conclusion of the hero's journey.
Oh btw, Kirbyguy I'm gonna watch Casshern Sins 24 like, now, so yeah, finish the show at your discresh.

Already finished it earlier today since I only had like 2 left anyway. Seems like the right idea with the pressure of analysis.

That and I had plans today that didn't come to fruition.
They grow on trees and have about the same effect on the inside of your mouth that a Choke Cherry does.

Well I saw that they grew on trees but didn't think it was important enough to consider, that and I really don't want to know how things work inside a mouth.

Choke Cherry? Sounds like a ball gag filled with fruity flavor.


I do know about Squash though.

Squash is like that guy you don't want to know but comes up to you at the Garden Party anyway and is like "HEY BRA REMEMBER ME? WERE YOU GROWIN' RADISHES HERE? NOT ANYMORE I HAD SEEDS HERE LIKE SIX YEARS AGO SO NOW SQUASH IS GROWIN' HERE BRA."


Mega Man Sins 24


12 minutes in: God DAMMIT WHY.

Well. That's. That's heavy.

Where to begin?
So damn sad that Ohji and Lyuze died. I mean holy shit I knew it was a depressing show to begin with, but holy shit you killed the kindly old man and the lover in the last episode and you made it beautiful and sharp damn damn damn. And I mean it was beautiful. Ringo talking to Ohji after he had died had me in tears and I'd rather not admit to my emotional state as Casshern cradled the dying Lyuze in his arms. DAMN.

I mean people tell you that Anno was depressed when Eva was made but I don't know many shows that end with the majority of the cast dying and the message being that this is a good thing. It makes sense, that death is necessary for people to understand joy and sorrow, and to give value to lives, but holy fuck did they ever manage to punctuate this point in the biggest way they could.

Moving right along, the show ends with Casshern "dying" for your sins, basically. Or his sins. Or the world's. Whatever. Casshern is Jesus, that's the point. Anyway, Briking Boss makes a huge deal about hoping he's atoned for his sins in this episod,e except he hasn't, and he doesn't seem particularly penitent, either, blaming the world's shit state on Luna and Casshern, even though Casshern would never have gone to murder Luna if not, you know, for him. So the whole thing is his fault and he doesn't acknowledge this but hopes he's atoned for it any way? Fat chance.

Meanwhile, Casshern, furious as fuck decides he's going to scare the shit out of Luna. And Luna, who, so disgusted by death as she is, is quite terrified when Casshern shows up, kicks her entire army's face in, and basically leans in and goes "BOO." The point is that he's made her feel fear of death but given her back her life so she can continue healing people and, rather than whining about it as she once had, can appreciate the healing that she's giving. Casshern does not authorize her to give out eternal life, though, and he himself is going to basically decide who lives and dies.

Ringo grows up to be a lady, and she and Friender chill forever.

Seriously, though, what was that black rock Ohji gave Casshern 4 episodes ago?
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