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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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So...Sankarea. I've recently heard of this show, and I'm sorta' in the mood for what it has to offer. What I think it has anyway >_>. I've been burned before, so I don't mind getting spoiled to save me some time:

Any indication that it's going to end with her learning all of her life lessons, only to finally rot away with a tearful goodbye? No way they're going to eke out a happy ending where she turns human again (her zombie self representing a purgatory frozen in time)?

Or is it just cute corpse antics and staring at sparklers? Know next to nothing about this!


I think we are getting more GJ Club anime. This was posted on their site with the hashtag #gj_anime.



The amount of people who have read the manga and are pretending to speculate in the Attack on Titan thread is depressing.
I ditched that thread when people refused to stop talking about the manga after countless warnings.

Well I can't speak for the third because no Oshii but the second movie is superior to the first.
Agreed. If only for "that" city montage and it's accompanying music. Actually, that may have happened in the first too. I have a bad memory.


Let's Play! Suite Precure: 46

What is it with Precure and sympathetic villians and minions? Smile, Suite, and Heartcatch all had them. Anyway, Noise gets a new form, and ends up silencing Major Land. Its up to the Precure to save the world!

Taking a short break to rest up an upset stomach, then its time to finish this thing off.


I'll tell you
that it was a black rock shooter.

DAMMIT I THOUGHT YOU KNEW. I was holding out that that black rock was a magical make everything better button until even after the credits. Not only does it seem like it was nothing, no where I looked last night even comments on the dumb thing.

Show's ending is so darn heavy.
Love, Elections, and Chocolate 2

So many waifus, so little time.

also, this show is kinda boring.

I'd honestly forgotten it existed.

I've heard the VN is better, but not like considerably so. The anime apparently mixes and matches different parts from different routes, which explains why it felt like such a mess.

I watched it mainly because Beer Teacher is the best.


Dog & Scissor 6

Kinda realizing this is becoming more and more the MC reflecting on his life beneath the harem shit. That's probably the light bit of substance that has been holding my attention.

:lol @ his picture. pyon pyon~


Let's Finish This! Suite Precure: 47

So NOW the Precure get the ability to fly. Could've used that earlier. Also, somehow the Fairy Tones became the Crescendo Tone and powered the Precure up into a new form. And because sympathetic villians, they "save" Noise before defeating him. But Hummy is missing?


Rozen Maiden 1

Wow, what the hell is going on?

IIRC people posted in here the first episode is problematic due to getting the viewer up to speed with things so it's terribly compressed. It rights itself from 2 onward.

Not that I've watched it but I'll parrot anyhow.


Her spirit lives on in our hearts.

Why did they fold her butt.


This avatar is so fitting.

Now give me a lamia pillow. Centaurs are lame.

Its just a foldout poster probably.
I loooove Lamias!

Indeed it is.

I only try to spread truthfax.


How long before we see a Monster Musume anime I wonder.

Too long. Ive heard great things about this one and how potentially :cajun it is.

I've a soft spot for the merch commecials I'd see on dvds and shit and how everything under the sun would be shilled. Glass Fleet had some funny dvd commercials where it's all "Buy this modestly priced regular box set if you like the show only. Orrrrrr get the super deluxe set for twice the price since it includes a harmonica!!"

That said, some of the Jojo merch tie-in commercials were pretty neat.

Japan is truly the masters of merchandising. I tend to buy into a lot of the shit so obviously it works to some degree.


Finale! Suite Precure: 48

And so I've reached the end of my 3rd Precure series. I'll have a full writeup sometime latter, but as for this episode....

So Hummy saves everyone, pretty much. Sings the Melody of Happiness, everything's back to normal, and life continues as it should. Oh yeah, the bird is revived, but white this time, meaning it's "good", of course.


attack on titan is quite popular around here.

it's the 'game of thrones of anime' or something.

Having never seen Game of Thrones I have no idea if this is good or bad.

Started to watch Watashi Ga Motenai, but stopped just to remark how fucking awesome the opening song and video is.

It is and I dont even particularly like that sort of music.

Woah, D-Frag is getting an anime.



a Game creation club? sounds cool!

would have been fun to see that

hope you are happy, now I have to watch this when it comes out.

AnimeGAF's largest consumer of moe
(Today, 10:11 AM)

are you Cajun's lost brother?

I'm pretty sure he had that one before mine got changed. My first one was "Only watches Utena dubbed". But then people discovered that I worship Cute.


Servant x Service 5

Anime of the season or anime of the season?

Hasebe's awesome keeps expanding. It's so massive at this point he can't even keep it all contained within himself any more, so it underwent mitosis to form a whole second Hasebe. Sasuga desu.

Also, I looked up the answer to the spot-the-difference quiz from this episode on the website, and they blatantly left out one of the differences in the broadcast version of the image >.> Here's the image from the website, in which the fifth difference is clearly visible (
the sweatdrops on Lucy's face



Watamote 05

Congrats. Finally found some things I can somewhat relate with lol.
First off, the ordering thing. While not anxious, I do spend an inordinate amount of time studying menus and trying to figure out how not to look like a dumbass ordering things. and then I usually fuck up anyway :D

Then while in said restaurant I pause for a bit wondering if its ok to partake of certain food/drink stand stuff or if its doing something wrong. you got me there Watamote!
Such a great show.

Secondly, how Tomoko is always feeling like an outsider alien in the world. Yeah I feel like that a lot. As an aspie, cant really relate to a lot of things that are popular or going on. Just do my own shit. But I manage well enough.

Also, jobs are definitely a GREAT way to break out of your shell, because it forces you to talk to people and socialize. It definitely helped me. But now I screech like a pterodactyl when Im hyper at work randomly, so it can go too far in the other direction.
They call me alien and all sorts of things at work because of my odd behavior. Im respected though so its all in fun and everyone has silly nicknames and stuff.
Servant x Service 5

Also, I looked up the answer to the spot-the-difference quiz from this episode on the website, and they blatantly left out one of the differences in the broadcast version of the image >.> Here's the image from the website, in which the fifth difference is clearly visible (
the sweatdrops on Lucy's face

Those sneaky bastards. I spent quite a few minutes just looking for the last difference.


Servant x Service 5

Anime of the season or anime of the season?

Hasebe's awesome keeps expanding. It's so massive at this point he can't even keep it all contained within himself any more, so it underwent mitosis to form a whole second Hasebe. Sasuga desu.

Also, I looked up the answer to the spot-the-difference quiz from this episode on the website, and they blatantly left out one of the differences in the broadcast version of the image >.> Here's the image from the website, in which the fifth difference is clearly visible (
the sweatdrops on Lucy's face

This show is pretty awesome actually. Lucy remains the best. I think her lead is insurmountable. Maybe I just really like her ahoge.


Symphogear G 5

Well, that sure looked like it hurt. Ouch.

The enemy girls continue to be ridiculously sympathetic to the point that I can't really even consider them villains at all. Srsly guys, just get to the befriending already. Professor Sugita, on the other hand... I'm sorry, I can't take your "just trying to save humanity" speech seriously when you say it with the biggest evil grin in the history of villainy on your face. Especially not when you've spent the episode demonstrating how much of a massive villainous ass you are. Jeez.


Having never seen Game of Thrones I have no idea if this is good or bad.

I liked Game of Thrones as a book series and I enjoy watching the show, but I've realized that there isn't a good way to talk about just the show without feeling tempted to spoil things, so I tend not to post in the GoT show thread.

That said, I can't recommend either to you because neither is finished and getting someone into a book series with no end is just cruel.
What's D-Frag about? ANN suggests it's a harem show where the girls are all amateur games programmers - is that right?

Yes, but it's wackier than the typical harem. It helps that pretty much all of the characters are delusional idiots and the one straight man is to some extent as well.
What's D-Frag about? ANN suggests it's a harem show where the girls are all amateur games programmers - is that right?

I hope it gets somewhat successful and inspires that other series with game club gamers in a harem type situation getting animated. I wouldnt mind seeing Boku to Kanojo no Game Sensou receive one, closest to ever seeing an animu Nathan Drake...


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Jw. When did the AnimeGAF irc turn into hentaigaf?

I don't know man, you first entered the IRC channel in May 2012. I don't think its taken that long to realize the place is quite lewd at times. It's been like that for as long as I can remember personally.

I remember there was a brief period of time where there was consideration to split the channel into a PG channel and an adults only channel but that got shelved fairly quickly.
Finale! Suite Precure: 48

And so I've reached the end of my 3rd Precure series. I'll have a full writeup sometime latter, but as for this episode....

So Hummy saves everyone, pretty much. Sings the Melody of Happiness, everything's back to normal, and life continues as it should. Oh yeah, the bird is revived, but white this time, meaning it's "good", of course.

The 2nd half of suite precure was nothing but disapointment for me.
Especially the way they handled the ending.
FOr this reaason i haven't watched the suite movie yet
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