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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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Majestic Prince - Episode 17-18

Action packed two-parter with major developments on both sides of the conflict. Some superb action scenes, especially in episode 18. It looks like things are going to get really interesting from here on out. I can't wait to see how everything ties up as the series concludes. I'm hoping for a surprising climax to the series.

So glad I stuck with this show. Haven't watch Ep 18 yet but all impressions so far seem positive (action-wise).

Imho, each of the major mecha show (Gargantia, Valvrave, MJP) delivered in their own way.



That was the ref, yeah.

Turn A Gundam 13

So in case you didn't know that Gundam AGE was a piece of shit awful show and that it completely and utterly ruins any good ideas it uses, Turn A Gundam's 13th episode proves that to you with a case example.

AGE does the cold sleep stuff several times, and they mean nothing to you. Here, though, Turn A manages to explore the actual pain that cold sleep causes a person while also developing, rather than harming, one of its key cast members. Like AGE, this scene lacks a certain oomph because the events tarnished by cold sleep are detached from the plot. Or rather, we don't know or care about Wil Game, and this is the first we've heard of
his relationship with Diana Soriel
, so something lacks in our capacity to feel for them, just as
in AGE, nobody gives a fuck about Xehanort because his friendship with Assmu is based entirely on a single montage, so their becoming distant due to cold sleep hijinks and other things really has no weight.

Also, and I know this sounds weird considering they're identical, but I think Kihel Heim looks better than Diana Soreil.


Love Lab 6


I was kinda worried about how well the boys would mesh with the cast (just as I was with the rest of the girls before they were introduced) but they definitely came into their own. I'm definitely looking forward to the rest of them getting introduced too!

i can almost taste the tears of the yuribums though


WILD ONE's friend that was soon forgotten once she joined the student council

i'd put suzu up higher as she's p. moe but yeah


Love Lab 6


I was kinda worried about how well the boys would mesh with the cast (just as I was with the rest of the girls before they were introduced) but they definitely came into their own. I'm definitely looking forward to the rest of them getting introduced too!

i can almost taste the tears of the yuribums though

i'd put suzu up higher as she's p. moe but yeah

This show was originally about girls learning how to date or love tips or whatever. It was never about yuri


Dai-Guard 6

So we get some back story for Ibuki, and it turns out that the reason her dad sucks is because
he's not her dad, but some dude that Ibuki's mom wed after the first Heterodyne murdered her father.
Anyway, some character development for Ibuki follows, and then the throw-down with the Heterodyne. Meanwhile, Shirota is planning on making a military grade Dai-Guard, and the board of directors is pitching a fit that Dai-Guard fought a Heterodyne in an area that was not indebted to them.


Majestic Prince - 18

The budgetfest continues with the battles. Cot damn. Lots of developments like
Teoria being contacted and Gada being offed simply for overhearing something he shouldn't have. In addition to Klein, that's 2 generals gone in one episode

I'm almost getting a
Char/Sayla relationship between Jiart and Teoria
and am interested to see how it plays out.

The teamwork on display by the MJP was great. Asagi
finally stood up a bit but we still haven't seen his potential.
. Also some nice development for Suruga mid-battle.

I'm looking forward to endgame.


I didn't see you complaining in Gurren Lagann. :p

Probably because stupid in Gurren Lagann equates to fun. Stupid in Glass Fleet equates to sitting around watching Cleo be a bitch and the universe bending over for him. Also Gurren Lagann did it with a ship someone drew. Glass Fleet did it with blurry, ugly spaceslugs.


Space is merely a concept in Glass Fleet, forever changing to whatever suits the writer the whims of the universe. IT IS FREE LIKE THE WIND.

I guess. One minute you can breathe in it, the next it is a vacuum.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Corvosol needs to watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes so that he's able to appreciate the glory of 3D space warfare in comparison.


Corvosol needs to watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes so that he's able to appreciate the glory of 3D space warfare in comparison.

The last thing I need to do is watch more 3D/CG shows. I'm already dreading having to watch MJP this week, but since the action was supposed to be good again, there I'll be. Might as well watch it anyway so I can guess at the plot when it forces itself into an SRW game, too.

Man the next SRW game could be positively abysmal for me. Gundam AGE, MJP, E7AO. Blehh.


I meant 3D in the sense of spatial movement, not CGI.

Corvo needs to appreciate the awesome of LoGH in the absence of shit shows (or at least, after watching his share of bad shows and giving them a break). Given how many shows he watches at once and how long LoGH is, I don't think this is possible.


I meant 3D in the sense of spatial movement, not CGI.

Ah, well, there's that then. Glass Fleet doesn't bother with the basics of how space works, so I don't see why it would be bothered with 3D space. Sometimes I just pretend it is Bahamut Lagoon at night.

Kira in top 5 as usual, all is right with the world.

It's like a fairytale come true!

Majestic Prince 18

The first ten minutes of this are not that bad. We have a nice fight going on, plenty of actual fighting and not just stupid laser spam and dodge (which makes for fun video games but not really entertaining anime mecha battles in my book). In particular I appreciate Blue, as it has them swords on it and provides a few good shots. Although seeing Red and Blue just stab Klein repeatedly dredged up negative memories of SAO's final "battle". Anyway, the fight isn't that bad, the purple field is a rather good use of color (and honestly, barring the sickening gray sheen that coats all CG in this show, MJP has been fairly good at being colorful thus far) and well, the fight works.

Then we resume the plot about noseless people and how desperately humanity is trying to protect the sacred last pair of Beyonce's Jeans from space aliens. Which sounds fun on paper but isn't really in any other way.

So: Yay fights, boo everything else.

Also fuck this awful ED.


Fall has pretty much every major studio of note putting out their best foot. If Trigger is going to war, so is BONES, KyoAni, and Shaft.

Gainax pls
I think that GAiNAX will have to regain first the production companies' confidence:

http://boards.4chan.org/a/res/86928649 said:

Well, at least (in words of Mr. Yamaga) they had secured great part of the budget for some of their upcoming projects, specially for Blue URU... or why do you think they even opened a brick-and-mortar GENERAL PRODUCTS merchandising store? Auto-financing is their fate!

Looking forward to Hyouka: The After Years.
I'd kind of prefer Mr. Yonezama commitment to a short continuity (if he ever ends up continuing the work, that is)...

People currently believed to be associated to Space Dandy in one way or another:

- Shinichiro Watanabe (confirmed)
- Thomas Romain (confirmed)
- Dai Sato (rumor)
- Sayo Yamamoto (rumor)
- Bahi JD (confirmed)
- Yutaka Nakamura (confirmed)
- Masaaki Yuasa (confirmed)
- Kenichi Yoshida (rumor)
- Yoko Kanno (rumor)

Did I miss anyone?
Kunio Okawara? Not confirmed, but:

Twitter / mydogcopelove: 今晩は。ボンズで打ち合わせ?雑談のほうが多かったかも。昔話が ...

Come on! We are in the 'anime' thread, we must make it 'anime' related:

:: CATSUKA PLAYER :: Kirin – Greenlabel – TVCM 1

:: CATSUKA PLAYER :: Kirin – Greenlabel – TVCM 2

:: CATSUKA PLAYER :: Kirin – Greenlabel – TVCM 3

And I follow up with a totally unrelated to the topic sketch of Gipsy Danger by Mamoru Yokota:

Twitter / yokotamamoru: ずどーん!あんぎゃー ...

XiaNaphryz, NOW is when the real flow of fan-art is going to begin! :)
What do you guys think of Gintama? I'm kind of in the mood for another long-ish running show to dip into in-between shorter shows and weeklies. 201 eps is a big investment if it sucks though.

I was using Hunter X Hunter for that, but I ended up going harder on it to drag myself out of the pit of despair SAO put me in, and I'm caught up with it now.


Corvo needs to appreciate the awesome of LoGH in the absence of shit shows (or at least, after watching his share of bad shows and giving them a break). Given how many shows he watches at once and how long LoGH is, I don't think this is possible.

School starts for me in a month or so, so my schedule is gonna be pretty clipped. I expect I'll just be working my way through the Macross, Getter, and Mazinger series when that time comes. I might pick up Kill la Kill when it starts as a weekly, too.


What do you guys think of Gintama? I'm kind of in the mood for another long-ish running show to dip into in-between shorter shows and weeklies. 201 eps is a big investment if it sucks though.

I was using Hunter X Hunter for that, but I ended up going harder on it to drag myself out of the pit of despair SAO put me in, and I'm caught up with it now.
It starts off slow but it is by far and away the best long running shounen series out there. Just do it!


Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
[Love Lab] 06
This show continues its weird tradition of dropping the sakuga for even-numbered episodes, but the art is so vibrant you can forgive it for that. Great use of reaction faces all around, and the comedy picks up quite a bunch once you drop the peripheral cast.
SDBurton Requiescat In Pace


What do you guys think of Gintama? I'm kind of in the mood for another long-ish running show to dip into in-between shorter shows and weeklies. 201 eps is a big investment if it sucks though.

I was using Hunter X Hunter for that, but I ended up going harder on it to drag myself out of the pit of despair SAO put me in, and I'm caught up with it now.

I'm 100 eps in and I love it.


[Love Lab] 06

This show continues its weird tradition of dropping the sakuga for even-numbered episodes, but the art is so vibrant you can forgive it for that. Great use of reaction faces all around, and the comedy picks up quite a bunch once you drop the peripheral cast.

SDBurton Requiescat In Pace

It was inevitable.


I'm sure everyone here will be overjoyed to learn that there is a Sword Art Online special program broadcasting some time towards the end of this year. There's supposed to be an announcement at the end. Season 2 here we come?!


Maturity, bitches.
WILD ONE really does look like an older version of Mitsuba.

Of course their personalities are completely different.


I'm sure everyone here will be overjoyed to learn that there is a Sword Art Online special program broadcasting some time towards the end of this year. There's supposed to be an announcement at the end. Season 2 here we come?!

Inevitable and yet so very unwelcomed.


I was hours ago absorbed just on KILL la KILL threads from 4Chan's /a/, and now that I'm here I was wondering about Internet browsing styles... do you guys tend to "be" reading or posting on a place (forums, IRC, BBS, whatever...) to later "be" in another like in a schedule, or just go around jumping from browser tab to browser tab in-distinctively, following various lines of conversations simultaneously?

Am I the only one who does the former? (._. )
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