lolololol I thought I was being sneaky and was hoping he was going to slip up and confirm Sato was working on Dandy.I hear there's a special press conference tomorrow too, other than the second Q&A.
lolololol I thought I was being sneaky and was hoping he was going to slip up and confirm Sato was working on Dandy.I hear there's a special press conference tomorrow too, other than the second Q&A.
Wizard Barristers
Concept/Director: Yasuomi Umetsu
Animation Production: ARMS
Give it a chance, man. The LWA one by hamanasu from his hamanasu chaya (はまなす茶屋circle, that some might remember from a certain 'dōjin' about the Demon Sisters, even appears to have cameos of Madoka, Cure Heart & the Sorceress from Dragon's Crown!
Not recommended for cnet128, though... ;-)
I don't think I was supposed to know about Dandy as one of the Japanese staffer's asked how did I know.
I don't think I was supposed to know about Dandy as one of the Japanese staffer's asked how did I know.
gotta be the worst kept anime secret.
Whoaaaaa.Sato and Keiko confirmed. Ito character design. Director is Natsume. Watanabe is General director. Romain is spaceship design. Okamura is doing theme song.
Fuck. January 2014.
The dandiest guy in the galaxy:
The dandiest guy in the galaxy:
My god this fast pacing, is this the same show? It feels like they just skipped through what would be 10s of episodes at their normal pace. Are they trying to wrap this up soon?
The dream is dead.January? What the hell Watanabe? Didn't you hear you were supposed to feature in the sakuga Fall?
Why isn't there a thread about this yet?
Why isn't there a thread about this yet?
Aired first PV.
So dandy.