I suppose this is the part where I'm expected to talk about the boys but I will not because honestly who cares. It's all about the Wild One.![]()
:SDBurton still going strong
I was thinking it was more of a series director and episode director difference.I suspect "General Director" and "Director" is the equivalent of "Director" and "Assistant Director".
I thought that was an interesting translation for tsundere. Too bad the nuance of the nihongo doesn't carry through.
I thought that was an interesting translation for tsundere. Too bad the nuance of the nihongo doesn't carry through.
Now I'm curious, what exactly does an Assistant Director do anyway?
Or it could be Chief Director (maybe a supervisor role) and Director, which would be a less hopeful way of seeing it... I'd like to see more information.
Attack on waifus.
Is there anything worth watching this season if I'm not interested in cute things and is not Blood Lad, Genshiken, Silver Spoon or Watamote(would rather just read the manga for these)?
Another good episode. It's lower budget than the previous one, but all the important scenes are well-animated and we haven't re-entered time crunch hell yet. So far this arc has done a good job of recapturing the sensation of terror and inevitable doom that was so noticeably absent in the latter half of the Trost arc.
You clearly haven't witnessed a British summer, we go crazy for the sun!All two days of it.
Jousting is still horrible and the blue skirt, blond girl is still the superior girl.
Gargantia was good. so there.
The staff for this show is for the most part the same as Bebop. Same animation studio as Bebop, same key writers, Watanabe. Except Kawamoto has been swapped out for Ito (who btw did a ton of KA on CB), though im sure hell provide animation too. Just missing confirmation of Kanno.
And a very important confirmation too. I honestly would not have enjoyed Bebop as much if it wasn't for the music. Same goes for Aquarion and Ghost in the Shell. Her work is amazing.
She has a concert tomorrow.
"And now I'm going to play you something from my next project, with Mr Watanabe, Space Dandy."
Sentai and Funimation just announced a ton of the Bandai/Sunrise titles they're getting:
How far behind is the show in relation to the manga?
Behind? Well, the manga's 48th chapter was just released. The show is right about at the middle point of that right now, and will most likely finish at around the 34th chapter.
Not happy about Monogatari episode 6 being a recap episode.
A recap of the previous five? what?
shaft thought there wasn't enough tsubasa material.A recap of the previous five? what?
Well it is wordswordswordswordswords. So many words that they might forget in 5 weeks!
I wonder if this will spark the weekly debate about shaft's creative vision.
prism illya 5
so good.
Gatchaman [C]rowds 5:
I feel bad because when I saw this:
The first thing that came to mind was this:
Finally a confirmed date for Funimation's Wolf Children BD release: November 12.
Americas Youth is going to end up like Japanese Youth im fucking sure of it.
That what happens when you have a patriarchal sociality that damns the youth and forgets its own histories. Men and Women practically hate each other in various degrees but breed in order to keep up appearance of a world view that were owned by criminals. The sexuality is to the hilt, we created whole fucking industries for it and yet when it comes the actual act it 3 to 15 mins? The Youth now sees that human sexuality is a Joke. The only reason why we have brothas and bros, and gang life, and bro life and even fucking hipster life is because these men have accepted this malignant form of patriarchy in order to get as many girls as possible. Those that haven't - have gone into this moe/loli/dfc stuff.
Moe/Loli has always been the symptom. Never the cause.
The only way out of it is gender. Transgender Gaf has been a great model of what human beings can become.
And there we go -- after the image leak, official confirmation that Funimation now has the licenses for Cowboy Bebop and Outlaw Star, along with My-HiME, all the various Mai-Otome series, and Escaflowne (including the movie).
Bebop on Blu-ray is dated for 2014.
WataMote 2
Why'd they censor the puke?
I have returned.
I did not watch anything the whole week...
Unless Dinosaur Train counts...
Mushibugyo 18
Kuro was just adorable throughout the episode. Jinbei really needs to grow some brain cells for once and realize that she has a thing for him.
Rest of the crew have joined up with them. Worth it just for seeing Hibachi letting down her guard and showing off her Tsundere blush.
And Yukimura is certainly proving to be a good villain. Hopefully the fight scenes between his forces and #Team Flower are just as good as the battle against the Hunters.
Can't unsee Utena.
I'm sorry but I couldn't help myself from screencapping this moment in the Space Dandy thread.
Is it too soon to start picking Kill la Kill waifus?
welcome back! How did you survive out there?
It's Japan so the later ofc. I mean, the Indian character being some kinda Mystic was racist as fuck so why the hell would they stop there?[Space Brothers] 69
I don't know if this show just became a little racist or VERY racist.
Hype meter through the roof now.CWarrior just anti-hyped Space Dandy, that means it will be good.
This this isn't Dandy at all.
Yoko is 13.
Uchouten Kazoku and Rozen Maiden.
SMASH is always in winter. Less (but not no) skin-bearing cosplayers, but almost no funk.
Being Akarin is suffering.
It's a recap of Nekomonogatari Kuro.A recap of the previous five? what?
how was digimon xross wars?
completely forgot that was a thing lol. It was like the first season that had like 3 seasons right?
Except they don't care about keeping their identities that secret, lol.Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Act 1
Well the CG is clearly awful, I mean holy shit Luna!
In any case, there's some differences I can see here. I don't recall who the thief was in the anime, but Tuxedo RAMASAMA be a jewel thief? For the Silver Crystal! Which means he's aware of who he is at least. Considering this is also live action, that means more opportunities for underskirts, so I guess it'll be pure pantsu this time around (fat chance there will be any). Anyway, they changed their hair color in their cilivian forms, it's kinda like, why do that? Could've have them rock it out throughout the whole thing. At the same time, it does make their Senshi disguise more convincing overall.
You know, I wonder... did Femmeworth stop posting here because of some insensitive thing we said as well?
Fuck SOS.
By playing with my baby cousins.
Except they don't care about keeping their identities that secret, lol.
Space Dandy - im not sure. Im sorry but just because you have the mega animators of the day doesn't mean worth it.
Space Dandy - im not sure. Im sorry but just because you have the mega animators of the day doesn't mean worth it.
Send help, slashing my wrists again:
Toonami doesn't deserve the awesome if this is the faith you're going to exhibit.
Send help, slashing my wrists again:
Rabu Rabu 06
I suppose this is the part where I'm expected to talk about the boys but I will not because honestly who cares. It's all about the Wild One.Maki continues on her path of being disillusioned by men and going down the pure path. JUST YOU WAIT.So she actually expectedly had a lot of conquests. She was just too dumb to realise.
Wrong. So wrong.
Toonami doesn't deserve the awesome if this is the faith you're going to exhibit.
Love Lab needs to rid the show of icky men. ;_;
Send help, slashing my wrists again: