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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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Maji de Otaku na English! Ribbon-chan Season 2 03


The power of positive fthinking!


The Light of El Cantare


The first question in this pair is mainly meant for DTL, though anyone is free to answer. The second question is meant for anyone.

- If you had to form a five-person boy band out of any anime characters, who would you choose?

- Similarly, if you had to form a five-person girl group out of any anime characters, who would you choose?

In either case, you can only pick a maximum of two characters from the same series/franchise.
Ah yes, that Street Fighter II movie... I think that one led me to watching a bunch of Street Fighter related animes afterwards because it was good.


Its what you get when you read this comic from left to right instead of right to left.

Oh wow. What comic is that?

Dick's Pizza looks awesome.

Seems like they have terrible pizza but its definitely a place I'd visit.

Same here. With pizza I could take or leave it but the place looks pretty interesting.

Looking at a bit of Needless's page, apparently it's like Rosario+Vampire where they crank up the fanservice by butt loads.

Not sure if want.

But it does have a really awesome soundtrack
Railgun - 4

This Gray Fullbuster wannabe could show a little more enthusiasm since he's essentially in god mode when facing Misaka. I came into this show for Misaka and Shirai. Go back to Index already!

That aside, this was a pretty uneventful episode. Nothing too funny or anything, but at least now I know where one of those headbang gifs come from.

The first question in this pair is mainly meant for DTL, though anyone is free to answer. The second question is meant for anyone.

- If you had to form a five-person boy band out of any anime characters, who would you choose?.

Jean Kirstein (Attack on Titan)
Mahiro Fuwa (BLast of Tempest)
Syo Kurusu (UtaPri)
Yata Misaki (K)
Rin Matsuoka (Free!)


Been busy all day, Hope I didn't miss much. Nothing? Good, good.

I'll be back tomorrow morning to actually catch up on the news from today. And I think I might actually start Fresh Precure tomorrow. I'm feeling up to it.

Actually you missed several pretty awesome announcements and stuff but its pretty easy to find the last ten pages or so.
Been busy all day, Hope I didn't miss much. Nothing? Good, good.

I'll be back tomorrow morning to actually catch up on the news from today. And I think I might actually start Fresh Precure tomorrow. I'm feeling up to it.

Quite a bit you've missed honestly. Like Space Dandy.

Fresh is the longest of the Precures, so you might want to do at least 2 a day.
Pokemon B/W Adventures in Unova 28


This would have been an episode made lots of times better if I heard it with Mamoru Miyano hamming it up.


Oh, boy. And the award for my favorite forum post for the week goes to a guy on the ANN forums in the Space Dandy discussion.

After Big O ended in Japan, a decline in quality anime occurred. After Geass ended due to the cliffhanger, however, the quality of most anime went down the toilet. R2 was utter crap, bar visuals, art and mech action. There are some good modern anime like F/Z and Gundam UC, but anime like Lucky Star, SAO, Titan and moeblob garbage ruined anime.


Stay classy, internet.
Those conventions seem to attract a bunch of jackasses, what with event cancellations and whatnot.

Also watching PGSM makes me think where's our live action Precure?


Wanna know something depressing? There was a panel for Nintendo held right before Watanabe's panel. Room was mostly packed. Watanabe's panel only filled up half the room.



Doki Doki! Precure 28

So Aguri is like Mana in elementary school, except more tsundere. She's KugiRie, that's kind of a given. I do hope that Eru becomes a recurring cast member. More of those make the world feel lived in. I love inter-cast interactions, but more on the human side gives them more of a stake. Heartcatch was really good a this. Festival episodes are a staple, and since I already went to the festival in Kinmosa earlier this morning, it's nice to compare what happened. For example, Aguri doesn't try to kill anybody by lighting a firework.

She's starting to lose her mysteriousness and become more of a regular character, though that flashback to Regina reminded me that it's been a while since she was put into stasis by her dad. Mana hasn't forgotten her second wife.

Next week's episode is one I've been waiting for forever.
Charle, Raquel and Lance become human like Davi.
And pixiv goes wild.


Kinmozide 6

The inevitable result of the world government pumping in poisonous hallucinogens into the worlds water supplies under the name of "preventative health". When will the evils of these reptiles ever cease?

For reals though, more of these kinda shows need less dumb beach episodes and more mountain hiking.
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Act 2

In Toei budget CG land, we're greeted with Ami, a person with a much more... solemn look on her face. Usagi's still pretty excited about being a Senshi, but I guess that was more of the anime filler's fault.

Nice to see Sailor V's more... prominent in this universe at least, since she didn't do much of value beyond the first episode.

I like how Usagi just casually reveals her identity to Ami about being a Senshi. It's like the numerous Precure seasons where the main lead goes "HEY BITCHES! IM A CURE AND I WANT YOU TO BE ONE!" (this is Nozomi's fault for starting it). But anyway, Ami looked rather upset in regards to thinking Usagi wants to be with her for the sake of being a Senshi, but became convinced to join her after all that song and dance... Monster of the Act was rather.... something. With a CG dog to boot.

EDIT: Finally, a Doki Doki impression. I was wondering if this week's episode was so lame that everyone would rather talk about the next episode instead.

Speaking of which, whichever fansubbing group called Raquel "Rachel" looks mighty stupid now.


EDIT: Finally, a Doki Doki impression. I was wondering if this week's episode was so lame that everyone would rather talk about the next episode instead.
A combination of factors caused my review to be later than usual. Both on the video's end and with personal things I had to do.


You suddenly have me wondering if there are any other good examples of MANLY insert songs in anime. Right now my not-so-comprehensive list is as follows:

  • Row Row Fight the Power/Libera Me from Hell


OPs/EDs used as insert songs don't count!

I don't remember off the top of my head; did Overdrive with lyrics ever get used in Jojo?

Also, depends on what the appropriate threshold for "manly" is, but I think "I Think I Can" and "Crazy Sunshine" are both pretty awesome.


I guess some jackass poured detergent into a fountain at otakon, causing a huge mess:


There was a convention near here that was shut down because the con-goers spray painted on the hotel walls :(

Those conventions seem to attract a bunch of jackasses, what with event cancellations and whatnot.

Also watching PGSM makes me think where's our live action Precure?

Live action Precure would be trippy as balls.

There was the OreImo Q&A...

well that would do it..
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