I don't remember off the top of my head; did Overdrive with lyrics ever get used in Jojo?.
Don't think so. Think the artist was pissed at how the music was actually used on top of it.
I don't remember off the top of my head; did Overdrive with lyrics ever get used in Jojo?.
This can't be a BONES show. I refuse to believe it. It really looks nothing at all like their work. There's just nothing about it which makes it remotely look like a BONES show. They've done kid shows before too, and they certainly don't look like this.
A combination of factors caused my review to be later than usual. Both on the video's end and with personal things I had to do.
She looks about 6 years too soon to be a waifu.
They're all in high school, guys.
Don't you mean community college?
I hope the questions were along the lines of "What the fuck were you thinking?"
I don't remember off the top of my head; did Overdrive with lyrics ever get used in Jojo?
Genei wo Kakeru Taiyou 6:
Almost as ugly as Tenkai Knights.
I guess that this was a pretty contrived way to bring not-Homura around to not-Madoka's philosophy on the not-witches, but I stopped expecting even the tiniest bit of ambition or unorthodoxy out of this show a long time ago so it worked for what it was. Can we pleaseeeeeee have some plot advancement next week?
Don't think so. Think the artist was pissed at how the music was actually used on top of it.
Don't think so. Think the artist was pissed at how the music was actually used on top of it.
"Got the Speed,
I drive this Wagon."
As much as I loved Battle Tendency, it's hard to blame him for being upset if they fail to fully use something that good.
Y'all just love to pick on Toonami-GAF, don't you?
Y'all just love to pick on Toonami-GAF, don't you?
Kiniro Mosaic 6
This show continues to push all the right buttons. There's something hilarious about Shino's blonde girl fetish that never seems to get old and there are plenty of moments where my heart is demolished by cute. Yoko is also still best because fuwafuwa.
Y'all just love to pick on Toonami-GAF, don't you?
Oh right, tonight's episode of SAO on Toonami is.the one that the ledge jumping gif is from, so finally everyone will get context (such as it is) for that
So that's where that GIF is from.
So that's where that gif is from.
oHai, that GIF.
Sorry, I've seen that GIF too many times to take that seriously.
hey look, its that gif
Oh so that's the context of that gif.
It's even more funny.
Even in context it's still insanely stupid, and really doesn't make much sense.
I find it hard to believe Toonami-GAF only watches US releases exclusively.
It seems like a good chunk of them don't watch anime outside of Toonami.
It seems like a good chunk of them don't watch anime outside of Toonami.
Truthfully, I've never met one before. I don't even see the point.It seems like a good chunk of them don't watch anime outside of Toonami.
This I really cannot comprehend. Unless its just easier to watch there.
I'd wager that a number of them don't even consider themselves as watching anime.
This I really cannot comprehend. Unless its just easier to watch there.
Well most of them are clearly on a computer, I doubt once a week and late at night is easier than going onto CR or some other miscellaneous streaming site.
What the fuck am I looking at? Am I supposed to take this shit seriously?
oh seriously gonna skip the actual fight scene
fuck my life sword art online
Santa Claus boss fight.. that you skipped
You aren't even going to show the fight? C'mon son
Why don't they show the fights. Wtf. This is bullshit.
I'm sure that fight was a waste of time anyway.
Skip the boss fight
this show
I love how we don't even see the fight.
this pacing is all sorts of whack...what?
So they skipped both fights? The fuck?
This is the "skip every important moment" anime.
You have a freakin' giant zombie Santa in a MMO and you don't show the fight with it.
Time skips were annoying before, but this is just plain stupid.
You died months ago! You recorded this THAT far in advance? What the fuck?!
No! NO!
The SAO drinking game take a drink after every time skip.
A revival item as a present on Christmas? Yeah... You're being really fucking clever SAO.
How is the player base full of nothing but beautiful people?
Who sends a Christmas message 6 months ahead of time?
This is terrible. This is a travesty upon quality. It's not even offensive yet. It's just bad. Trying to give us feels by blunt force.
fuck this shit
She hums terribly. Glad she died.
this is hilaribad. WOAT.
Sword Art Online sucks pretty hard.
So fucking dumb, swear to god guy.
Oh so that's why this episode is called red noise reindeer. Because Japan picked that Christmas song completely out of context.
They had to be aware of how ridiculous this was when making it. This has been hilarious so far
Sure I'd feel a little bad if I saw someone I met die, even if it was only for a short moment, but this is waaaay overdoing it.
Holy crap.
And the sleep in the same bed thing? what
and the skipped fights? and the pacing
what the hell
Well most of them are clearly on a computer, I doubt once a week and late at night is easier than going onto CR or some other miscellaneous streaming site.
I think they like it guys.
Again, why? Why now?
the inferno cop van thing was better animated than thissymphogear g - 06
the inferno cop van thing was better animated than this
It seems like a good chunk of them don't watch anime outside of Toonami.
I think we're seeing what little reach the anime community has into the general nerd and action TV show crowd. This is most of there people's first exposure to SAO. Most of them never heard of it before Toonami and if they had, they just knew it as that anime about MMOs.
SAO is going to break the illusion that Toonami shows are somehow certified free of uncool weeb germs so deliciously.
the inferno cop van thing was better animated than this