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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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You never go full anime.


Dear lord.


First two movies are straight retellings. Movie 3 this year will be an all new story.

So can I assume movies 1+2 are worth my time if I enjoyed the original series? That is to say even though it's a retelling there is enough new content and/or presentation to justify watching them? Or is it just episodes 1-6 and 7-12 chopped up into X minutes each?


Look, all the animators are extremely tired from last week and they just need to take a breather, okay? Cut them some slack because everyone enjoys pointless exposition.

I thought that entire travesty of Trost was supposed to be spent rectifying this and getting things ready? This whole show is a debacle.

Megas XLR 206

So Coop bails out the S-Force again, much to Zordon's dismay. He saves them from evil gay space Batman, who managed to capture them because exposure to Jersey culture left them basically a bunch of louts. Jaime tries and desperately fails to get with Duchess, and it occurs to me after Megas smashes a goddamn multiversal wormhole to pieces like it is made from glass that in the hands of literally anyone else, Megas would be an unstoppable powerhouse capable of destroying or conquering everything.

Like, I mean, on the one hand, Coop has messed up the thing a ton of times, but on the other, he's made so many mods to it it is likely more powerful than when Kiva or the Glorft had it. Beyond that, though, this fucking mech has conquered an empire of giant robots, made giant flaming phoenixes come out of it at the push of a button, and now punched a hole in a hole in the fabric of space and time. If Jaime or Kiva piloted this thing, things would be much, much more frightening.


So...how does Astral Ocean "ruin" E7?

It fucks with the ending of the show, barely has any relationship with anything in the original due to being set 10,000 years prior, adds a bunch of ridiculous factions to the universe that didn't exist in any way in the original, and has Renton
trying to wipe out the Coralians at the end of the show for stupid reasons

Fortunately, the writing is so bloated with time travel and alternate universe bullshit that it manages to write itself out of existence at the end, so I don't think it really ruins the original.


I have spent the past year, week in, week out, tearing it down limb to fucking limb, my hatred for Eureka Seven is boundless and legendary.


I don't like it as much most people here, but there's plenty of stuff that worth to hate before E7


So...how does Astral Ocean "ruin" E7?

A more in-depth response follows:

Astral Ocean completely disregards E7 in ways that are almost impossible to comprehend. Let's begin with the most obvious, shall we? First, the Scub Corals are evil. So basically Renton and Eureka's entire quest was misguided, and Dewey Novak was actually the good guy in E7, because the Coralians are a species in capable of living with mankind. At all. Second, Eureka cannot give birth to a living child because Trapar density petrifies the infant. Now consider, this happened once, and Eureka still gives birth a second time even though birthing a rock should have torn her uterus to shreds. Moving past that, though, Eureka is the product of approximately 10 thousand years of Coralian study of humanity. And she is NOT their first product, either. Lady Sakuya and the old man aboard the Gekko are BOTH Coralians, so there have been, so to speak, several "prototypes" and Eureka is the "production" model. She's the hand crafted love-letter of the Coralian to mankind, engineered to replicate them in every way, and somehow, in ten thousand years of study, the Coralian, who have absorbed the consciousness of such geniuses as Adroc Thurston, and have gone to great lengths to make a Coralian that can have a baby with a human for the sake of finding a means of coexisting with mankind in a nonviolent way, and have spent significant time during multiple acperiences shepherding Renton and Eureka to fall in love somehow fucked up in the last minute and didn't take into account that Trapar, which the Coralian itself produces, would somehow petrify a body birthed by a Coralian, even though the Coralian itself birthed Eureka without this problem.

In other words that entire thing, the whole reason Eureka is traveling through time in AO, makes no fucking sense given the context of the show.

Next up: They try and make Renton into Holland. Renton, to anyone who saw E7, wasn't very cool looking and didn't become cool until the show was ending. Holland, meanwhile, is built up as a super badass who as we get to know him, is in fact a total jerkass who is anything but cool. In AO they give Renton white hair, dress him in black, GIVE HIM HOLLAND'S FUCKING VA, and then put him in the fucking Spec V from Pocket Full of Rainbows, which they then use, at the show's ending, to recreate that same fucking fight from the end, with Renton as Holland rather than, well, Renton.

Also: Secrets are introduced as having always been a part of the Earth, even though they never once came up in E7 and it takes a retcon in the last four minutes of the show to explain that away in the most rushed of ways.

TRUTH. They introduced a FUCKING WIZARD. Into a show that had been just fine without generic anime magic. And they take his character from an interesting purple lady in a nightgown to a generic white haired pretty boy Kaworu Nagisa rip off in pink and black. Then, after sharing the SAME FUCKING COLOR SCHEME AND POWER SET AS THE SECRETS they try and pretend that it is still a surprise that he is one. And after he murders millions of people they try and tell you he is really a nice guy. And then he gets off scott fucking free for all his bullshit because the show's ending is a jumbled trainwreck of such immense preposterousness that even the wall-bangingly bizarre endings of Evangelion, The Big O, and Code Geass cannot compare.

Speaking of the ending, characters switch allegiance with such alarming frequency in the second half of the show that no one can possibly be asked to remember who exactly is working for who. And this is not helped by the fact that the hero has a cannon which literally retcons events as the writers feel necessary. A literal ret-cannon, if you will.

And there's the CONSTANT ripping off of Evangelion.

And the fact that characters and things are built up and then their entire plots are swept under a fucking rug like it never mattered in absurdly obvious ways. Naru's goddamn horns, Elena People's ENTIRE BACK STORY, Truth's goal, Naru's goal, EVERYTHING, really.

Passing beyond here really it is just a bunch of things about why the show is horrible in general and gripes about where it didn't live up to E7 at all, but the general idea is that the plot is hilariously contrived and when the explanations do come, they contradict major plot points in E7 without any resolutions at all.

Astral Ocean is a terrible show, and like Rah Xephon and Gundam 00's second season, I could not wish that piece of shit on anyone. Ever.


So can I assume movies 1+2 are worth my time if I enjoyed the original series? That is to say even though it's a retelling there is enough new content and/or presentation to justify watching them? Or is it just episodes 1-6 and 7-12 chopped up into X minutes each?

Pretty much. Theres very little in the way of additional content from what I hear. Its just a prettied up version of the series.

From 115



Ah OK. Its Toyota 2000 GT :D
She has great taste!


Setec Astronomer
I have spent the past year, week in, week out, tearing it down limb to fucking limb, my hatred for Eureka Seven is boundless and legendary.
Watch Now and Then, Here and There.

Or don't, lest you go out and kick some poor puppies/kittens.


Astral Ocean is a terrible show, and like Rah Xephon and Gundam 00's second season, I could not wish that piece of shit on anyone. Ever.

One of these doesn't belong.

That said, I think that rant persuaded me to watch AO more than it dissuaded.

I have spent the past year, week in, week out, tearing it down limb to fucking limb, my hatred for Eureka Seven is boundless and legendary.

prefaced like this, I might not want to know the whole story, but hit me.

Euraka Seven was by no means horrible anime.


Toonami just finished up the second re-airing of Eureka Seven tonight, there are worse shows out there, no doubt. Eureka Seven was not the worst show on the block, but does god that program is a horrible mess of bad characters, pretentious nonsense and tedious pacing.


The Light of El Cantare
Toonami just finished up the second re-airing of Eureka Seven tonight, there are worse shows out there, no doubt. Eureka Seven was not the worst show on the block, but does god that program is a horrible mess of bad characters, pretentious nonsense and tedious pacing.

If you must hate E7, please at least tell me that you hated Deadman Wonderland even more.


Toonami just finished up the second re-airing of Eureka Seven tonight, there are worse shows out there, no doubt. Eureka Seven was not the worst show on the block, but does god that program is a horrible mess of bad characters, pretentious nonsense and tedious pacing.

Look like you need to check the movie.


I thought that entire travesty of Trost was supposed to be spent rectifying this and getting things ready? This whole show is a debacle.

Production problems don't work like that. Once the show is in production you can't really insert anymore time into the production schedule so if you're cutting corners and trying to save money/time it's because you didn't plan out your production well enough before the whole thing got started. It's too late to fix the problem once you're already making it! The whole Trost arc just ensured that no-one actually died making the show.


One of these doesn't belong.

That said, I think that rant persuaded me to watch AO more than it dissuaded.

Well okay, but as they told me, so shall I tell you: don't say you weren't warned. And all them things definitely belong.

The way how hate isn't dissuading people from shit needs to be a fucking documentary.

We're all moths to each other's flames.

E7:AO is like wish fulfillment for some BONES staff that want to adapt Original Muv-Luv VN but can't do it.

Whoever wished E7AO into existence is a bad person.

Production problems don't work like that. Once the show is in production you can't really insert anymore time into the production schedule so if you're cutting corners and trying to save money/time it's because you didn't plan out your production well enough before the whole thing got started. It's too late to fix the problem once you're already making it! The whole Trost arc just ensured that no-one actually died making the show.

All of this sounds reasonable but the bottom line is that the show is still a horrible mess of people doing nothing for episodes on end in the most needless of ways.


As long its became beast in SRW I forgive people that make terrible mech show. E7 movie can't even provide that, so the thing can die for good.


I don't even know where I am anymore. I must be going senile.

This is me speaking from having read the manga, but DW was definitely a personal story first, and middle, and last. It didn't try for race relations or all that other jazzy fluff--which is what I meant by 'grand'. I say that good, cause a personal tale is my favorite kind of tale. I say that bad, because I like when that fluff is attempted (and done well). It doesn't always work, but that's that. I applaud even the effort.

Well okay, but as they told me, so shall I tell you: don't say you weren't warned. And all them things definitely belong.

I will never. ever. allign with the Rahxephon hate. It's one of BONES best, haters.


Toonami just finished up the second re-airing of Eureka Seven tonight, there are worse shows out there, no doubt. Eureka Seven was not the worst show on the block, but does god that program is a horrible mess of bad characters, pretentious nonsense and tedious pacing.

If you think Eureka Seven is pretentious nonsense, I shudder to think what would happen when you actually see pretentious nonsense.

The other complaints I can sort of understand even if I disagree with them. Particularly in terms of characters, E7 has plenty of jerks among the good guys, but they develop enough that I don't think of them as bad characters from a writing standpoint.


I will never. ever. allign with the Rahxephon hate. It's one of BONES best, haters.

Who said you had to? I'm still going to think it is an awful piece of shit show.


So Will Game is a total and complete fool. I mean we all knew that anyway, but the dude just
barrels into a battle and straight to his death.
Meanwhile we're treated to the most amazing Zaku slapstick/beatdown comedy/warfare routine of all time as two Zaku units
beat the ever loving shit out of Will's pseudo GM.
Lt. Poe is a complete fuck up, but hey, so was Johnny Bravo/Jerid Messa. Guin Rhineford is trying to Gaius Balthar his way back to the top, but in the meantime he's just sort of a lump on a couch.

The highlight of the episode, though, was
seeing Diana Soriel/Kihel Heim absolutely break down at the death of the descendant of the man she loved. After learning she never had to actually part from him. After finding a picture of them together in the home where they had lived.
Most disturbing of all, though, was that
Kihel Heim/Diana Soreil sent this man to his death.
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