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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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All of this sounds reasonable but the bottom line is that the show is still a horrible mess of people doing nothing for episodes on end in the most needless of ways.

Oh certainly but they're basically stuck until the show is actually over.


If you think Eureka Seven is pretentious nonsense, I shudder to think what would happen when you actually see pretentious nonsense.

The other complaints I can sort of understand even if I disagree with them. Particularly in terms of characters, E7 has plenty of jerks among the good guys, but they develop enough that I don't think of them as bad characters from a writing standpoint.

I don't know if I'd call it "pretentious" but the plot and scifi element in E7 hovering around nonsense area. Even now I still don't know what the hell with Scub Coral thing or stuff like Gekko's goal and motive but the thing about the series they're only spending 3-4 eps on that and most of the show plot are character driven.

That's what make the movie and AO unbearable, they ride the element that the OG series only have for few to the max, the nonsensical sci-fi stuff and all that. At least in the OG series we can just equate it to "Eureka and Renton in bad spot etc" but in other two its just unexplainable babble.


Genshiken Second - 3/4/5

I feel like this is slowly losing steam, which isn't surprising seeing as the manga did around this time too. All the talk of serious Madrame and BL just gets so old. Hato and the newer cast isn't anywhere near as interesting as the previous series' cast, and the voice change actually got to me today.


There are a few people on AnimeGAF who enjoyed RahXephon, last I checked.

RahXephon is okay. It's been a while since I saw it but even though I had problems with the characterization and some of the plot-mess that descended towards the end of the show that's not enough to call it a terrible show. I must admit that I'm more enamored with the designs, animation, music etc than the series itself.

It's got a pretty good OP too:



This is me speaking from having read the manga, but DW was definitely a personal story first, and middle, and last. It didn't try for race relations or all that other jazzy fluff--which is what I meant by 'grand'. I say that good, cause a personal tale is my favorite kind of tale. I say that bad, because I like when that fluff is attempted (and done well). It doesn't always work, but that's that. I applaud even the effort.

The manga shits all over the anime. I might accept it if the anime was decent on its own terms but nope.


RahXephon is okay. It's been a while since I saw it but even though I had problems with the characterization and some of the plot-mess that descended towards the end of the show that's not enough to call it a terrible show. I must admit that I'm more enamored with the designs, animation, music etc than the series itself.

I found the show improved upon re-watches. That's not necessarily a merit to a show but it does help (and the fact that I even wanted to speaks bounds).

Certain shows don't improve on re-viewing e.g.
Ergo Proxy. I gave this show a second chance. Never again.

Don't forget to throw Xam'd: Wait did we do this show already? Lost Memories in with all the E7 hate.

Xam'd started off well. Real disappointment.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Genshiken Second - 3/4/5

I feel like this is slowly losing steam, which isn't surprising seeing as the manga did around this time too. All the talk of serious Madrame and BL just gets so old. Hato and the newer cast isn't anywhere near as interesting as the previous series' cast, and the voice change actually got to me today.
Yeah, it feels super dry. There is something intangible about the anime that poorly interprets the source material. With the cast so big it feels really weird sometimes. Like, I just shrug my shoulders and have to ask why a certain person is still hanging on the fringes or being brought up. It doesn't help that most of the newer cast pretty much just get outright ignored and will never be fleshed out.
Yeeees Gambler Club has a Regina doujin at C84... and images of Cure Ace/Aguri. I will be sorely disappointed if I never get to see the rest.


Poet Centuriate
One thing that Xam'd, AO, and Rainbow have all taught me is how hard it was doing the original correctly.

Or that is was a fluke because this should've been BONES by the time AO came out:


I think it does but something about my browser and vimeo doesn't gel.


Both OPs were great although the 2nd was better.

I didn't enjoy (musically) the second OP nearly as much because it honestly felt like a rehashed version of Days.

edit: Man, even the ED's for AO were great. God dammit BONES!

Which I believe is probably the best Wikipedia page for any anime.

Yup. The influences section alone is worth a read (and why a subsequent re-watch of the anime can be so great)


Yeah, it feels super dry. There is something intangible about the anime that poorly interprets the source material. With the cast so big it feels really weird sometimes. Like, I just shrug my shoulders and have to ask why a certain person is still hanging on the fringes or being brought up. It doesn't help that most of the newer cast pretty much just get outright ignored and will never be fleshed out.

I dunno. I adored last weeks episode.


Watch Now and Then, Here and There.

Or don't, lest you go out and kick some poor puppies/kittens.

But NTHT is actually pretty good..

The way how hate isn't dissuading people from shit needs to be a fucking documentary.

I think theres a term for it. Theres a term for everything.

Is this the part where I lie about loving Max Heart again, which pissed some people off back in May even though I put the real deal in email quotes?

We all know you loved Max Heart so much you watched it in two days.

You have my axe.

One of my friends is a HUGE Rahxephon fan. He thinks it is very underrated.

Another show with a great OP! Man, BONES sure knows how to make some swell OP's:





I thought that was an interesting translation for tsundere. Too bad the nuance of the nihongo doesn't carry through.
It is the closest thing the English language has for capturing the richness of the Japanese language in this case.

The "general director" and "director" thing really doesn't matter. Credits are ultimately just titles people give themselves as labels, and can mean different things from production to production.

For example, if you look at Yamato 2199, Yutaka Izubuchi is the "supervising director", and Akihiro Enomoto is the "chief director". What do these labels mean? Almost nothing. Izubuchi writes and storyboards a bunch of episodes, he is the series director, he makes all the major decisions. Akihiro Enomoto is frequent unit director on the series, but mostly he appears to simply help delegate Izubuchi's creative vision.

There are other examples in other studios and productions where the "supervising director" does very little other than putting his name on the project and being involved in top level meetings. So clearly these labels don't mean the same thing across the board. There is no "standard" so to speak.
Which is why we are trying to determine what those arbitrary labels mean in relation to something we do know so that we ca try and understand exactly what each of them will be responsible for!

Love Lab needs to rid the show of icky men. ;_;
Soon! You can't have them be disillusioned by men if they don't meet any!

Like I said, hipster.

Also, I wonder if they paid for that art.
Well at the very least they spent a bunch of money on printing it.

Looking at a bit of Needless's page, apparently it's like Rosario+Vampire where they crank up the fanservice by butt loads.

Not sure if want.
Just trust me on this and watch Needless.


Fair enough, I suppose.

I'll go on record as saying that Shounen Heart is my favorite E7 OP ever although Taiyō no Mannaka e holds a place in my heart for the little touches and because it was related to one of the best scenes in the entire series.

Again, Escape from AO is up there as well.


Nichibros 02

Oh my god, the stolen underwear sketch. Absolutely amazing.

Nothing in this show hasn't been full-on amazing yet. What a show.

Everyone in the cast is full-on rad, too. The main cast. Their siblings. The cool guy and his sister. Even the principle whose first instinct is to lie. Amazing.

Also, an amazingly weird ED

Very Gintama, but with a higher hit rate

/edit I just noticed you never see the eyes of any of the siblings. Hilarious.


To how we all wanted to "Escape" from the show? The music and animation is AO were never the problem to me.

Well, Elena Peoples was in it and I was totally in love with her character (and so is AWESOMEBEAR) so that kept me watching. but I dont remember much about the show actually lol.


Nichibros 03

Wow, this show has a huge cast. Also, a surprising amount of high-school level violence for a supposedly normal high school anime lol

Nichibros 04 (whoops, skipped ahead)

Holy fight/band sakuga? In this show? What is happening

(okay it's not really sakuga but it's pretty good)

/edit lololololol high school girls are funky.
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